St George Preca’s shoelace has a rival

Published: March 13, 2013 at 4:16pm

Did you know? Joseph Muscat is now healing the ill. Come on, it was bound to happen.

On Facebook:

Charles Mizzi
Awguri u grazzi mill-qalb Joseph. Int kont il-fejqan tiegħi. Nhar il-ġimgħa, is-sibt u l-ħadd filgħodu kont xi ftit muġugħ. ma kontx naf x’għandi u ma tkellimt ma ħadd. Minn x’hin tħabbar ir-riżultat sa issa (Thank God) ma ħassejt xejn iktar. Grazzi lill-Joseph, Grazzi lil Malta Kolla tal- fiduċja fik!”

31 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I urge my fellow Maltese rationalists to exile themselves outside Malta’s shores.

    My friends, we have lost. There’s nothing more to it.

    They can have Malta. We can no longer reconquer it.

    I also urge you, if you can, to apply for a foreign passport. Through naturalisation, marriage, military service, bribery if you must. Then you can burn that mark of shame and forget it forever.

    • bystander says:

      Been there, done that (Dr Evil (clikka) laugh …… mwa ha ha mwa ha ha).

    • ken il malti says:

      That is why I can never get too cozy with the nation of my birth.

      The bunglers are always around the corner.

    • Stefan Vella says:

      I finally relocated permanently to Brussels in January. I cannot describe the feeling of utter relief when I boarded the direct flight on Monday.

    • Zachary Stewart says:

      If you are representative of Malta’s “rationalists,” I shudder at the thought of ever encountering any of its irrationalists.

      [Daphne – You live among them, Zachary. Please don’t be disingenuous. It’s not as though your Maltese boyfriend comes from a spectacularly well-educated background. And the hissy-fit crowd you mix with is super-fey and ridiculous. Rational is not a word I would use to describe the way they speak or think. I don’t mean to bitch, but honestly. You seem like a nice man and a rational person, but you can’t have failed to notice that there’s something seriously wrong with the Maltese crowd you hang around with. They don’t actually understand things, do they? They just repeat what they read on Facebook.]

    • Censu says:

      All on a boat to Libya. Book early to avoid dissappointment. Cya all.

    • john pace says:

      I am sure Malta does not deserve people like you. If you want to leave, Leave as soon as possible. Malta will be cleaner.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Don’t think I’m not considering it, Baxxter, old chap.

    • Adam James says:

      Done it already. As soon as I saw what’s on the horizon three years ago, my wife and I packed our bags and left for the farthest civilised land we could lay our eyes on, Australia. There was no way I would have ever raised my children in such an insular and ignorant environment.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Good. Good for you. Excellent.

        Let them keep that tiny rock. They can have it. We cannot outbreed them, but we can at least put an ocean or a continent between us and them.

        I want to organise a brain drain that’ll bleed the island dry. Let them run the place with an army of inbred imbeciles if they can.

  2. Wilson says:

    It must be the ‘hallelujah’ at the end of the Malta taghna ilkoll tune that did it.

  3. maryanne says:

    Grazzi, Charles Mizzi. Wara li dhaqt wahda sewwa, kelli ugigh ta’ ras u ghaddietli.

    Lanqas hemm bzonn medicini b’xejn, qed tara kemm se niffrankaw.

  4. licious says:

    This is insane.

  5. Mario says:

    Jisthajjlux Padre Pio. Mulej ahfrilhom ghax ma jafux x’ghamlu.

  6. maria says:

    The Mintoff syndrome all over again.

  7. lo squalo says:

    Kemm se nidhku dawn il-hames snin li gejjin.

    [Daphne – That’s an irresponsible sentiment. There is nothing to laugh about. We can only afford to laugh when there are no risks attached. Otherwise it’s the kind of black humour of the gallows. The Labour Party is now in government, where it can do a lot of damage rather than providing laughs from the Opposition benches (which it didn’t really do anyway).]

    • David Buttigieg says:

      True Daphne, but maybe it’s about time all those ‘youths’ shouting “taghna lkoll” find out what real hardship is about. They have no idea what it’s like because they have never had to live in a situation of rampant unemployment.

      The tragedy is that we, who already passed through it, must go through it again, whilst these brats can escape the disaster they brought upon us by going to the Europe Muscat tried so hard to keep them out of.

    • Angus Black says:

      Just wait until Joseph & Co hit you in the pocketbook, then laugh if you can.

  8. Izzie says:

    This is getting worse and worse. I came from abroad to vote. I was not hopeful but I thought the Maltese had some good sense, that so-called common sense which is not so common.

    Now God save us. I’ve come to the conclusion that only 43% of our nation can think and has some brains.

    It is the first time, in 25 years, that I was glad to leave Malta. My heart sinks as my beautiful Malta plummets once more in the mire.

  9. M. says:

    And next Tuesday is the feast of St Joseph the Worker. I’m sure that many die-hards Josephites will take that as some kind of omen.

  10. maws says:

    health warning : do not read this blog when using a treadmill – I laughed so much reading this post , I nearly fell off.

  11. maws says:

    The scientific reason for the ‘miracle’ above is endorphin release secondary to euphoria/happiness.

  12. Nicky says:

    Baxxter, if only I could.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I understand. If you have a job and a family in Malta, it may be difficult to leave. But if you have children, think of them. Send them abroad as soon as you can. It’s more expensive than a fully-funded course at the University of Malta or MCAST, but in the long run, they’ll thank you for it.

      I mean it. I thought I could do my bit to change Malta, but I can’t. None of us can. You come up against a wall of solid atavistic hamallagni, superstitious practices, bigotry and backwardness that just keeps breeding like a virus.

      We had a brief window of hope between 2003 and 2007ish but it’s over now.

  13. Zunzana says:

    Issa l-prim ministru taghna sar faith healer ukoll.

  14. Giraffa says:

    Kif ser jifqa l-kaxxa ta’ Malta. 14 Ministers and 8 PSEs, each with a fully fledged office, car and driver, perks and surrounded by hundreds of hanger-ons, will cost double what Gonzi’s cabinet cost, even if they had the increase in their allowance. L-aqwa li kullhadd ferhan.

  15. Backwards Country says:


  16. Nat Borg says:

    Of course he did, don’t you know that mental & psychological pain translate into physical pain?

  17. canon says:

    L-ewwel miraklu ta’Joseph Muscat. Jonqos it-tieni.

  18. Aries says:

    Pathetic, unbelievably amazing. Blinded ignorant mentality, Thanking JM for having healed ! What’s next……..I take my hat off to you JM you used your mantra well, brainwashed your followers beyond repair.

  19. old-timer says:

    We have not yet heard from the starving lot – those who cannot make ends meet, those who cannot pay their grocery bills, those who cannot afford a pizza – come on, let us have your comments now that your problems have now been solved with the appointment of a Prosperity Cabinet. come on let us have a feel of your happiness.

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