Government by Super One (including, of course, the Prime Minister himself)

Published: March 21, 2013 at 11:21am

Government by Super One

Super One has been denuded of its propagandists and other human tools. They have been given jobs in government ministries. Oh, what a surprise.

They’re all so fit for purpose. And yes, I mean that.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Jeremy says:

    Every Ministry will have its own Communications Officer/Co-ordinator?

    [Daphne – Yes, they always do.]

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Oh it’s a jolly holiday with Joseph ……..

  3. Edmond Dantes says:

    A government by a “journalist” for “journalists”. It seems clearer than ever that they’re going for the government-by-smoke-screens approach…

  4. Paddling Duck says:

    Meritorcacy indeed…

    Anyway it seems that in Malta, the best place to work in is Super one. Whether you wanna be a journalist, communications officer, chief of staff, MEP or even Prime Minister.

  5. Maria Xriha says:

    Lest perceived image slip a fraction.

  6. Angus Black says:

    It was reported that hundreds sought to have an audience with Louise Coleiro-Preca, so much so that extra security had to be called to control the mob.

    Will Marie Louise Coleiro Preca have to create a ‘waiting list’ so that the faithful will one day have the privilege of a private audience with her?

  7. michelle pirotta says:

    So responsibility for EU funds will be in the hands of 27-yr old Ian Borg and Ramona of Super One fame.

  8. Mustaċċun says:

    Meanwhile Charlon Gouder has been appointed to Jose Herrera’s secretariat.

  9. Catsrbest says:

    JosephPL shall soon be having a real test. Baxter is to make 95 employees redundant by end of this year. He will now have the possibility to show his true mettle; what he really stands for.

  10. Macchiavelli says:

    PBS next:

    Why should we expect anything different?

    Malta mhux taghna lkoll, u hemm post ghal kullhadd la nemmen fil-meritokrazija.

  11. P Shaw says:

    This will be a government of spite and spin.

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