Heppi womun’s dej ta okej orrajt kif ahna okej ghax wahdi gejt illum ta minghajr Joseph imma bl-expansif hentbek li taghni

Published: March 8, 2013 at 5:48pm

Michelle Muscat women's day

16 Comments Comment

  1. Joanne V says:

    Xi kruha ta’ dwiefer.

  2. village says:

    Mhux sinjal tajjeb Calvagna. Ipprepara sew ghall-interview jekk jitla l-Labour.

  3. MxC says:

    Her smile in that pic looks so fake and strained.

    • Min Jaf says:

      It looks fake and strained because it is fake and strained, like everything else with Joey and Michelle.

      • Selit says:

        Her look is similar to the look a toddler gives after having just pooed in his nappies.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hepi wimmin’s dej, Defni. May it always rain Gucci handbags upon you.

  5. bystander says:

    FWIW, this was the moment I decided I would do my bit to stop the little balding c*cksucker getting his hands on the keys to the kingdom.

    Cowardly little sh*t.

  6. L.Gatt says:

    Xi trid tghid biha “stennew min kollox” ? Gejjien tal- PN Drydocks ghalihom? I really have no more epithets for her and her stupid carrot cake husband.

  7. Macduff says:

    Vicky Pollard for missus prime minister.

  8. Neil Dent says:

    “Kif inti? Ghadek qed tissielet huwwx?”

    As in – don’t worry, when my Ginger Genie’s in power, I’ll make sure he grants you three wishes.

    She should have opened with a bloody apology from Jowzef, before the good doctor was forced to blurt out, “Wahdek gejt?”

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    This afternoon I heard someone say: “Today is Happy Woman’s Day” and this is exactly what the first picture is saying.

  10. Dear Ms. Caruana Galizia, That is our picture and our creation, That work is protected by copyright. Please remove it from your site or add a reference or we will be forced to take further action.

    [Daphne – It’s an internet meme, designed to be passed on. As for ‘further action’, go right ahead. GHAX MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL, JA IPOKRITI.]

  11. lucy pinder says:


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