Here are some people who don’t want a waddling duck and his ghastly pushy wife as a twin-pack prime minister

Published: March 4, 2013 at 10:42am

Dingli Street meeting 3 March 2013

18 Comments Comment

  1. maria says:

    Very proud to say that I was there

  2. Prue Freeder says:

    Well done, all those Slimizi who came out in droves; you did the tenth district proud.

    Daphne, your comments really sum it up. As you have said many times before, if you boil it down to brass tacks it’s about the personalities involved.

    Let’s leave the Prime Minister’s track record out of the equation for a moment (although this, in any other country, would mean a landslide PN win).

    Dr Gonzi deserves our vote simply because he is the better man.

    He projects confidence and trust, is not afraid to take tough decisions, and if some of those decision may not have been to our liking, the bigger picture always wins out.

    Most importantly, he has gravitas, that elusive quality that any leader must have; a quality that Muscat lacks oh-so-completely.

    People, think long and hard about what you are about to do.

  3. just me says:

    And there are many many more who could not make it because of lack of parking space in Sliema.

    I wish the PN makes a billboard out of this table. It is the best possible advert for the PN. It shows Malta placing SECOND in this index of Quality of life. We have placed 2nd from almost 200 countries.

    Joseph Muscat says he wants to make Malta the best in Europe. But dear Joseph, we are already there. WE ARE ALREADY 1ST IN EUROPE.

    I will be voting PN to make sure we will remain at the top of this list.

  4. AG says:

    Let’s hope there are enough people.

  5. Hopeful says:

    Malta taghna lkoll? A girl walking in St Julian’s after the PN meeting sporting a PN scarf on her shoulders was harassed by a gang of Laburisti in a car threatening her to remove her scarf otherwise they would run her over.

    Lovely change.

    • Sonia says:


    • Danni_A says:

      A leader is as good as those who follow him… i cannot imagine malta being overrun by these thugs… God help us!

  6. Cportelli says:

    I’m planning to spend a week underground starting from Sunday – shameful enough for what my country is going to do to itself.

  7. Bella Kumpanija says:

    X’meeting dak. Ma kienx hemm fejn toqghod labra.

    Biex inzilna max-Xatt wara l-park, minn wara tal-folla kellna nimxu xi 20 minuta minn toroq secondarji tal-qrib ghax ma stajniex nimxu go Dingli Street. Hemm hu l-poplu.

    Niltaqghu Ghawdex.

    • TinaB says:

      U tajjeb nghidu ukoll li hafna ohrajn li jivvotaw PN ma jattendux meetings kuntrarju ghal laburisti – jekk jista jkun dawk anke il-qtates u il-klieb ikarkru maghhom.

      Kuragg. Jekk dawk kollha ta’ rieda tajba iridu ikunu maturi u jivvotaw fl-interess ta’ Malta hemm cans li il-pajjiz jibqa miexi il-quddiem fid-direzzjoni it-tajba.

      Tinsewx haga wahda – hemm il-futur taghkom, ta’ uliedkhom u ta’ ulied uliedkhom fin-nofs. Iccahduhulhomx.

  8. ken il malti says:

    Now that is what I call a concert !

  9. Bubu says:


  10. pablo says:

    Fast forward to Labour Camelot in 2015:-

    Still no 25% reduction in bills;
    Still no conrad power plant;
    Still no economic growth, GDP in the red;
    Still no savings of 77 million to go into your pockets;
    Still no 110 million other savings;
    Muscat announces that LPG fuel is actually not free and might as well adopt PN’s energy plan under a different wrapper;
    Muscat denies ever having promised to resign;
    Unemployment now at 9% and climbing;
    Youth unemployment at 20% and climbing;
    Deficit rises above 3% and EU warns Muscat;
    Muscat keeps on smiling;
    National cut backs needed in health and stipends;
    Muscat apologetic but blames EU old way of doing things, and now threatens to leave EU unless EU gives him a bail out;

    ……and I was oh so cool switching to Labour.

  11. Il-Cop says:

    Yes, and proud to have been there.

    Let’s go for it.

  12. Peter Frendo says:

    That photo doesn’t tell the whole story. Most of Dingli Circus doesn’t show as well as both side streets leading into it, which were packed. But crowds at mass meetings can’t really tell the story.

  13. Natalie says:

    I’m proud to say that I was there.

  14. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Proud to have been there, proud to be a Slimiza and so happy to have seen other Slimizi supporting the party that has done Malta proud.

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