Here’s the man who will be revising Malta’s body of laws and advising on changes to the Constitution

Published: March 27, 2013 at 5:36pm

And please don’t anybody try to tell me that Muscat’s appointment of this sick and incompetent individual was anything other than a display of classic Mintoffian contempt for systems, and of the exertion and consolidation of power precisely through such displays of contempt and disregard for decency and the spirit of democracy.

Classc, absolutely classic Mintoff.

32 Comments Comment

    • etil says:

      130,000 people who voted PN expect the PN to wake up from its coma and start protesting vociferously about certain government appolintments. We have done our part now it is up to our party to move ahead without delay otherwise it will be too late.

  1. judy says:

    I know it’s no laughing matter but allow me to this once: ahahaha – bet it was mummy calling him to shush him up. CLOWN.

  2. Fermina Daza says:

    I was walking behind this sorry excuse for a man in Valletta this morning. He was talking to his companion for all to hear. Among other things he said: “Gonzi mignun.” Kont se nwahhallu wahda kif tmiss il-Ligi.

    • Manhunt says:

      Was his companion, by any chance, The Sunday Times columnist and occasional lawyer Michela Spiteri? He walked into Cafe Cordina with her this morning for a cup of coffee – no scenes, though now that he’s ‘important’ she’ll be chasing his tail a little more often.

  3. Allo Allo says:

    What’s this about Ray Bugeja for leadership of PN? I hope its his personal ambition and nothing which the party or sections within the party will promote.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The more candidates, the better. A two-man race always sets up an Us vs Them situation.

      Provided, however, that the losers won’t go off sulking and fomenting dissent. This being Malta, where egos are bigger than the roles they seek to fill, I fear for the worst.

      • Allo Allo says:

        If its just a case of the more the merrier, Ta’ L-Akjla might as well join in the bid.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        That’s not what I meant. Don’t be deliberately obtuse. Three or four candidates, all respected members of the party, is both reasonable a reasonable number and desirable, to avoid creating – an imagined – split.

      • Allo Allo says:

        @ Baxter. Agreed, but Ray Bugeja has no history of note in the PN. We don’t need our own little Berlusconi. In the recent past we’ve been critical of the party for not pre-screening its candidates for parliamentary elections, the consequences of which are now historical facts.

        The pre-screening / track record in politics of a partly leader is even more critical.

        I can’t believe the welcome he’s received by some on the internet (most of whom are probably not PN supporters). If I were buying a car, arriving at a shortlist would take much deeper analysis than the few words we’ve seen about Bugeja in The Times.

        At this stage I have no personal preference for the names bandied about from within the party. Bugeja’s self-nomination however seems like an opportunistic move which will turn the process into a circus.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Agreed. I think an election between Simon Busuttil, Mario de Marco, Chris Said and Francis Zammit Dimech should be fine, as long as we end up with, say a 70-20-5-5-% split between the votes.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This makes it all the more necessary to have Simon Busuttil as PN leader. Nothing like a firm stand vs animosity in full view to clear the air. Some change at last.

    And, as always, NO SURRENDER.

    • AE says:

      It still is not certain that Simon will contest the post. We will be lucky if he does. At a personal level he certainly doesn’t need the aggro. However, he has already shown by contesting the deputy leadership at such a dire moment, that his own personal interest is secondary, so we are in with a chance.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Sadly it turns out he’s not too good at the aggressive stuff, he tends to put on his robotic droning voice and expressionless face, not very good.

      Mario Demarco is promising but tends to lose his cool too easily.

      Beppe maybe? Tends to go for the lowest common denominator during his discourses so the smart-ish voters may be offended.

      Quite honestly I wish Gonzi stayed on. Can’t fault him much at all.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        He knows how to stand firm though. The aggro will come in time. Remember that Simon Busuttil’s just spent nine years working in the most clinical, courteous, professional and bland institution in the world. If you’re ever seen the European Parliament in session, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

        Three minutes by Nigel Farage, Jean-Marie Le Pen or our own Joseph Muscat are the the highlight of the year for MEPs.

        Then he came to Malta was was faced with wall-to-wall stupidity and hamallagni.

        He can face Muscat down though. That’s all that matters. They never had a one-on-one debate during the campaign.

        The droning voice can’t be worse than Lawrence Gonzi’s. Busuttil just needs to find that fire inside him and speak from the heart. He’s got it in the right place.

        As long as he doesn’t drink the Kool-Aid. Mario de Marco already has, apparently.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Just like Stalingrad, Baxxter? No surrender. Repulse and watch them disappear up their own assholes. Won’t take five years.

      The new ‘invincibles’, through their own leader’s arrogance, are now vulnerable.

  5. Wilson says:

    Watch out Franco, better be quick before North Korea befriends our new prime minister and our constitution gets tickled to death.

  6. M. says:

    The man must be completely off his rocker; Muscat all the more so for assigning him to such a post. I despair for ths country and concerned about my children’s future in it.

    It took the Nationalist Party years to get Malta to where it s now, and it will take Labour a few months – or weeks – to take us back to the time of Mintoff or worse

    • Calculator says:

      I think the way ministries have been reorganised and the gratuitous and irresponsible handing out of important posts to inexperienced Labourites has already taken us much closer to the Mintoff era than most of us dare to contemplate.

  7. Joe says:

    Haggling at aTunisian market place is more civilized.

  8. Gahan says:

    …sociologist Mark-Anthony Falzon used sarcasm to drive his point home.

    “Franco Debono is the finest legal mind and possibly the cleverest person in Malta today. He has a proven track record of consistency and loyalty, with one of his strengths being his ability to work as part of a team,” Prof. Falzon said.

    He stuck to the derisive tone, adding Dr Debono “comes with very little biographical baggage, which means there are no unsettled accounts or conflicts of interest. It’s a very wise appointment, I’m sure members of the Commission are excited at the prospect of working with a person of such high calibre.”

  9. Min Weber says:

    Very very silly campaign. It will backfire.

    This is not a madman. This is an ANGRY coarse man.

  10. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    It is clear to me that Muscat has absolutely no intention of changing the Constitution. This is his get out clause. It will allow him to shift the blame onto the Nationalists.

    And the worst thing is that 55% of the population will believe him when he says that he wants to pass laws and the PN are stopping him from doing this. Because they are gullible and ignorant.

  11. Pisces says:

    This appointment will backfire in no time. This guy is nothing but trouble and will not think twice to rock the boat and bite Joseph’s hand.
    It will serve Joseph right for giving him this job, and colluding with him to make Gonzi’s life hell. (and ours)

  12. Yasmine Nuvoli says:

    Chapeau to Simon Busuttil for not clubbing that odious female journalist with her own microphone . Ordinarjeta’ seba’ pesti masquerading as your standard reporter , very probably now happily ensconced within some Ministry or other no doubt!

    [Daphne – Yes, Yasmine, you guessed right. Ramona Attard, ‘the odious female journalist’, is now Chief of Staff to the Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds, 27-year-old Ian Borg, within Louis Grech’s Ministry for Europe.]

  13. Sarah says:

    As they say, ‘Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse’.

  14. Gahan says:

    I think Franco is a gentleman with refined tastes. He frequents the best restaurants and Valletta cafes at any time of day. Ask Simon Busuttil and Brangolina.

    Look at Angolina Jolie’s facial expression to see how much excited she was having Franco ruining her well planned intimate night out with Brad without the kids.

    Why do people call him a peasant?

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