UPDATED WITH VIDEO: His first EU summit and Joseph Muscat turns up late (and it goes down in the records)

Published: March 14, 2013 at 8:59pm

Min jaf tort ta’ min kien, hux, Michelle? Maybe a member of his delegation had a little accident with their adult diapers.

Joseph's Late arrival

photo 1

43 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    One out of one.

  2. ken il malti says:

    He has to keep them waiting.

    That is what men of great importance generally do.

  3. Toyger says:

    Utterly humiliating…and this on his first official meeting, ahseb u ara la tikbirlu naqra iktar rasu.

  4. Manuel says:

    Ara veru ghal mal-kaccaturi tajjeb dan. Ardit, pastaz, baxx u jippretendiha qisu xi idolu. I bet he walked in late and with his hands in his pockets.

    The same guy who didn’t turn up to a State dinner in honour of Dr. Fenech Adami and ssent Charlie Mangion instead.

    Veru la jaf jimxi u lanqas igib ruhu. Malta got the PM it deserves insomma.

    • freefalling says:

      He did have one hand in his pocket as he was swaggering down the corridor simulating John Wayne

      And by the way what was all that hugging about?

      • Sufa says:

        I noticed that too. He shakes hands with women and hugs and kisses men. Something just isn’t quite right.

      • fear & hope says:

        Can anyone confirm the following: Men walking or standing with hands in trouser pockets suffer from a latent castration complex?

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    vivamalta.org is down. Interesting.

  6. maryanne says:

    Kif tista’ ma tidhaqx jew kif tista’ ma tibkix.

    Choose either or both.

  7. Paul Bonnici says:

    You mean eksident.

  8. AE says:

    Iva mela ghandu time management vera tajjeb ta…..Mhux vera li dejjem tard. Dejjem tort haddiehor.

  9. gahan ghaxaq says:

    Maybe the midget had his pants stuck up his arse.

  10. Neil Dent says:

    “What de HACKK!?!”

  11. Thank You says:

    Prosit, Daphne. Keep us informed.

    I’m actually enjoying it so far.

  12. Damian says:

    Daphne what windows version is this? Looks ancient. Always thought you were more of a Mac blogger.

    [Daphne – It’s not my computer, not my photo. But in any case, I don’t use Mac. I prefer PC.]

  13. Harry Purdie says:

    Ignorant, insulting, embarrassing little shit..

  14. Bill Gates says:

    Why are you still using windows xp?

    [Daphne – I’m not. That isn’t my photo.]

  15. caflisa says:

    No it wasn’t Me Shall, it was the Coconut – he got vertically-challenged and needed Joseph’s comforting words.

    Or maybe Joseph stopped somewhere for a burger, or perhaps the button on his jacket popped, almost knocking out his driver.

    Incidentally, have you seen JPO’s orange trousers? He wore them for the big parade on Monday: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130314/local/-I-was-invited-to-Castille-by-Toni-Abela-.461405

  16. Peppa says:

    Kemm hu drama queen. Veru jaqq u jaqq iktar min ivvotalu.

  17. DAISY says:

    Isa hej tlaqna.L-Ewwel darba li jidher f’ summit Ewropew u jwaqqana kollha ghac-cajt ghax jasal tard.

    Veru Joseph Muscat trid tkun. Issa tort ta’ min kien, forsi tad-driver ghax Joseph tah ir-rowdmep li ma twassal ghal imkien u tfixkel.

  18. Sufa says:

    Once a chav, always a chav.

    At least, he hasn’t got Arriva to blame. Talking of which, how come no brou-ha-ha was made by the Labour apologists about Arriva advertising in Spain and elsewhere overseas for drivers for Malta a day or two ago (under Joseph Muscat’s government)?

  19. taxxu says:

    I think that his delegation had problems with their ‘karta anzjan’ at security.

  20. TROY says:

    What an embarrassment.

  21. Lilla says:

    He really should lose some weight, he struggles to get out of the bloody car, pushing with his elbows.

    No grace at all.

  22. Grezz says:

    Judging by 0.11′, it looks like he hasn’t had time to do a Berlusconi on his scalp.

  23. Lol says:

    Veru tal-misthija!bBiex irridu immexxu Malta. Nixtieq naf kif qatt jistghu jitghallmu n-nies tieghu jekk lanqas hu stess ma jrid.

    Gravi fuq il-gravi. Nahseb ha nibda nisthi nghid li jien Maltija jekk jibqa sejjer jekk.

    Iwaqqana ghac-cajt il-hin kollu.

  24. Angus Black says:

    Huta barra mill-ilma, jimxi qisu bazwi.

  25. ciccio says:

    So he arrived late for his first EU Summit in Brussels.

    Reminds me when he accepted Malta’s joining the EU with hindsight. He was late there as well.

  26. P Shaw says:

    Scheiße! Scheiße! the prime minister of malta.

  27. david says:

    The way he just got out of the vehicle without even waiting for Ms Bonnici and just goes alone isn’t it quite telling?

  28. bookworm says:

    X’misthija. Sewwa ghidt jien li se jibda jhammrilna wiccna.

  29. Alf says:

    Why not paint your face green like your heart! You are really sad people !!!!!

  30. Steve says:

    Oh come on, his make-up artist was not there to cake him up so he had to do it himself.

  31. Gamma says:

    He arrives late on purpose, because he can’t keep a conversion going till it’s time for the discussion to start. Like this he avoids being judge on his ignorance and inarticulacy.

  32. Hannah says:

    Remember when the king of Spain was here, he arrived twenty minutes late. When Muscat shook hands with the king he asked him “did you sleep well”?

  33. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Better get used to it — who knows how much more he is to embarrass us when he starts to use Malta’s veto to put spokes in the wheel…

  34. tal-misthija says:

    Nahseb li avolja mar bil-private jet issa hemm bzonn li jixtri wiehed

    Jekk jew hekk mhux min fuq il-kaxxa ta Malta issa ghandu l-maggoranza u jghamel li jrid.

  35. Il-Cop says:

    A friend of mine from the US of A, a native American, contacted me and said that they are waiting in anticipation for a visit to America by the Maltese PM.

    I said, really? Oh yes, he said, and the council of elders will be making a formal request to meet him.

    In fact they have already chosen a name which they will bestow on Joseph at the meeting. The chief elder has already sent a delegation to the city to chose a plaque with the name inscribed and get it kostid.

    I asked if he knew the name to which he answered. Of course, it’s ‘WALKING EAGLE’.

    Walking eagle, he’s more of a paddling duck not an eagle, I answered. Any idea why or what it means?

    Oh yes, he said.

    He explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of shit that it can no longer fly.

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