I can’t bear to wait for the first parliamentary dilemma

Published: March 27, 2013 at 12:54pm

Mur arah iqalleb u jghaffeg fl-Erskine May. This is a man who reads with great difficulty and can barely get his thoughts into coherent order.

From Louis Galea followed by Michael Frendo under PM Gonzi to Anglu Farrugia under PM Muscat – a change of direction indeed. Dritt ghal gol-iskip.

Anglu Farrugia Erksin Mey

73 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    I can’t wait to hear the first shouting of “order, order”

    • Min Jaf says:

      Orter – Orter.

    • ray meilak says:

      P Shaw, Nationalists MPs that go out of order will be arrested and interrogated by Anglu Farrugia.

    • M... says:

      Odour, odour – ghax tinten sew il-bicca.

    • ciccio says:

      Mr. Skipper.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Skeeper tal-pallament.

        Fhiex wasalna ciccio. FI zmienek kellna nies ta’ klassi bhal Giorgio Borg Olivier, u issa qabda plebs.

      • ciccio says:

        Sew qed tghid, Baxxter, fhiex wasalna.

        Issa ibqa cert li jakkuzaw lilna li ahna qed inwaqqghu ir-reputazzjoni u l-gieh tal-pallament, u cioe ‘l-oghla istituzzjoni tal-pajjiz.’

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Nitnejjek. Jien nobghod lili nnifsi ghax jien Malti. Tista’ tifhem x’misthija nhoss meta naghmel parti minn pajjiz li m’ghandux idea ta’ standards?

        Down with Malta. Jaqq. Pajjiz tat-tielet dinja abitat u mmexxi mill-hamalli.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      So is it a done thing? Do we have any reaction from the NP or the President? Does JM get away with it? I would like to hear what the President has to say. Just so that we have that take. Is he not secure enough in his role to have an own voice?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Please. The President is a former (current?) Labour frontman. What do you expect to hear out of him? He’s probably thrilled that Labour is finally and securely in power.

      • Maria Xriha says:

        Thrilled he may be, but that doesn’t excuse him from duties. Quite the contrary.

    • Wilson says:

      So Franco would equate to Malcolm Jack? Or is someone else going to iron the ethics? Joseph possibly?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Fah King Hell.

      We were part of this a mere fifty years ago. Now we may as well be on another planet. That suit! That tie! That voice! Those switched-on eyes! He quotes Jonathan Swift!

      We need a eugenics programme, fast. I don’t mind if they gas me first. It’s for a good cause.

  2. john says:

    Renzo Piano is designing a special Speaker’s howdah in parliament for the mahout.

    • ciccio says:

      The new Speaker might think that the Piano Parliament – being such a high building – is the Empire Station.

  3. ray meilak says:

    How did he become a lawyer? I’ve seen him many times debating on TV, and it doesn’t take any intellect to notice that he rambleson without any conclusion to the argument. He seems as if he’s forgotten the question put to him.

    I’d wish to see him defending a client in a criminal case; appointing him as your defence lawyer would be the same thing as signing your own death warrant.

    • David says:

      He has, as far as I know, defended accused persons in various trials.

    • Fido says:

      Please don’t forget that the strategy of the defence lawyer is to instill in the jury or presiding judge a doubt re the guilt of the accused.

      Probably the incoherent approach in his arguements, make Anglu most effective as a defence lawyer because he succeeds to mix them up so much that a decision of guilt is hard to take. “Ħawwadni ħa nifhem!”

  4. Another John says:

    B’ Dr. Farrugia bhali Speaker zgur li ser tinzamm id-dixxiplina u il buon ordni fil-parlament.

  5. Tim Ripard says:

    Please, Daphne: ‘Nghidha’.

    [Daphne – Not mine, Tim. I can’t change it.]

  6. Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

    “Skond is-Seksi Mery, jiena, on de rekort, b’mod feroci naghti dan ir-ruling, on de rekort. Trid tigi iffurmata tuks fors, on de rekort, bejn iz-zewg nahat tal-kamra biex, on de rekort, f’isrm il-poplu Malti u f’isrm il-gvern, titwettaq ir-rieda tal-maggoranza, on de rekort. Cara din. Daqs il-kristall. B’hekk dina jiena inpoggija on de rekort.”

  7. j m a says:

    Clearly, there are rather a lot of psychotic individuals in Maltese public life. It isn’t even amusing anymore.

  8. Edmond Dantes says:

    On other unrelated news, anybody seen this piece of elegant art? http://www.maltapark.com/item.aspx?ItemID=2341705

  9. Catsrbest says:

    In the last three weeks we have really changed – into a laughing-stock.

  10. frank says:

    Slow pace for slow brains.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Snob. We’re all snobs here.

  12. David says:

    After nearly 50 years of independence, should our Speakers still simply regurgigate a foreign author?

    [Daphne – Why not go the whole hog, David, and dispense with the concomitantly foreign Westminster model of parliament? After all, it’s very old, very foreign and we have demonstrated that we barely understand the spirit that underpins it. Now let’s have a good look around us and see what else we can dispense with that’s foreign.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Out with the internet! It was invented by a snotty Englishman with a knighthood!

      And trousers too! Those Gauls!

      Burn all underpants! Us proud North Africans used to go around dropping our loads with a quick flick of our dishdasha before those pepe’ Normans came along with their mutandae!

      Out with our babies! Those English, Italian and German names must be erased forever! Viva Malta! Viva Xandru u Peppi u Ganni u Rita u Dolor u Marinton!

      Daphne? Dan x’isem hu! David? Dan Lhudi! Barra!

      Xi dwejjaq ta’ pajjiz.

      • Bubu says:

        Actually, I believe basically all the names you mentioned are Italian in origin.

      • Jozef says:

        Toni Abela paid tribute to the Maltese taking back ‘pajjiezna’ (sic) from Gonsalvo Monroy, as happened to Lawrence Gonzi and other sinjuri hakkiema.

        Charles Abela Mizzi, il-Bajzu and Giorgina then proceeded with muzika, poezija and ‘xoghol visiv’ (Mintoff bla sound).

        Gensna obviously.

        Finally, every red worthy of note, including membri tal-kumitati sezzjonali tal-ezekuttiv (tal-kazini, tat-tombla u tal-bocci), had to find their way up the monument tal-helsien to lay the qronfol ta’ kull kulur, make that lewn.

        I will never understand why il-perit had to take the ‘struggle to the top’ literally, people risking their ankles, everyone waddling like penguins. Beats the purpose. Abstract synthesis just won’t do.

        I mean, where did he get the model for that thing, Airfix?

        Joseph’s political diorama’s no different.

        Meantime the real treasure lies hidden below the latrine.

      • rc says:

        That snotty Englishman with a knighthood invented no such thing. He invented the Web, which runs ON the Internet.

      • ciccio says:

        Mitna ta’ xejn, mitna ghal-barrani, minn fejn sa fejn?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        rc, you are right, and I was wrong.

        However, the internet was still invented by foreigners. Those durn ‘Mericans at DARPA, or those Continentals at wherever it was. So down with them! Irridu werltwajtwepp Malti!

    • john says:

      Quite right David. What does Erskine May think he is. After all, our ancestors were already long a literate civilised people in the Roman empire when Julius Caesar found his tribal forebears running around wild with their penises painted blue.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Bring on the Scots. We we wear skirts with big balls underneath. Och Aye.

      • john says:

        The Romans were too shit scared to take on the Scots with balls as huge as Ben Nevis and wotsits as big as a caber. So they put up a wall instead.

    • Fido says:

      @ David

      Why not drop Erskine May totally? One might find a replacement on the shelves of PAVI or Lidl.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      How ironic. It’s not all of us that are independent… just the 44% … The rest are still very dependent it would seem.

  13. Sowerberry says:


    Here goes another round of Arriva bashing from the Times, which had started rubbishing Arriva months before it started operating in July 2011.

    Wonder if it has always had a hidden agenda ?

    • Calculator says:

      ‘Give us your views by submitting a comment below.’

      It’s bad enough when people comment on articles on their own. Putting this in that article may have opened Pandora’s box.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Us foreigners are easy targets.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      How inconvenient for the average thick-as-shit, dyed-in-the-wool Maltese moron that the ‘Arriva’ problem has nothing to do with Arriva.

      Transport Malta could have replaced the old buses and drivers with new efficient and courteous ones.

      Isn’t that what we all expected?

      So are we to believe that Arriva turned up and changed the system wholesale on their own overnight?

      Yes, yes let’s blame Arriva.

      The fact that they were the unfortunates who implemented the ‘plan’, that the gaggle of utter wankers at TM in a moment of rare lucidity dreamed up, is to be pushed gently to one side by The Times.

      They say Malta has no stand up comedians.

      That’s cos they’re all sit down comedians in their TM day jobs.

      So the Maltese fuck it up and then blame the foreigners.

      Any ‘foreigner’ reading this may have an inkling of that feeling.

      So why stay here?

      Life in Malta IS a bed of roses and the pricks ain’t gonna spoil it for me.

      For fuck’s sake, TM fucked up under a PN government.

      Imagine how much more fucked up it will be now.

      I for one have never used a bus and never will.

      So if you anyone wants to blame ‘Arriva’ then carry on being an ignorant cunt.

      You only add to my enjoyment.

    • ciccio says:

      You know what?

      I am writing this on 28 March and there are only 54 comments – some of them even positive ones (seems like the Positive Movement syndrome is catching on) – and only 8 Facebook recommends, and 4 “shares” under that article.

      It is clear that all that criticism of Arriva before the elections was organised by the Elves on the Fourth Floor.
      And knowingly on unknowingly, The Times gave them a helping hand.

  14. Weird no ? says:

    I will wait for the first “hares lejja”, “ismani x’qed nghidlek” “aqtaghha ghax nisbranak il barra qlistra”

  15. L.Gatt says:

    I had exactly the same thought ! Something tells me he’s going to be his own Erskine May and make up the rules (or rulings!) as he goes along – u mhux xorta.

  16. Renzo says:

    Let’s hope he does not forget the budget date again……

  17. Bendu says:

    My opinion is that Joseph Muscat wants Anglu Farrugia to be Speaker of the House in order to humiliate him more than he did. Anglu Farrugia is not fit for the job and eventually this will be exposed in parliament when he is faced with tricky situations that are bound to embarrass him. He should not accept the job.

    [Daphne – It is one of the hallmarks of stupidity, Bendu, that by their very nature stupid people have really no idea how stupid and incompetent they are. It is the intelligent who are plagued, handicapped and hindered by self-awareness and self-doubt.]

    • La Redoute says:

      Joseph Muscat is in a similar position himself. He thinks he’s prime ministerial material.

    • PhilipCamilleri says:

      They say a story about Aristotle.
      Once some people told him how intellegent they thought he is.
      He replied that he was the most ignorant of all.
      They insisted that he was the most intellegent of all.
      He replied; ‘Yes, I admit that I am more intellegent than the lot of you, because I am ignorant and I know it, but you are ignorant and you don’t know it. Therefore I know better than the lot of you’.

  18. Strakku says:

    I don’t know if I should laugh or cry but he is going to be hilariously entertaining. Can’t wait for his first gaffe.

  19. botom says:

    The appointment of Anglu Farrugia as speaker is sheer arrogance by Muscat. With a majority of 9 seats he should have appointed an MP from the government side.

    This essentially means that Muscat is increasing his majority in parliament to ten.

    It says a lot about Muscat’s quest for meritocracy. He wanted to appease Anglu Farrugia so he appointed him as speaker.

    If Joseph Muscat thought that Anglu was not up to it to be Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, I just cannot understand how he decided that he now is fit to be speaker of the house.

  20. M... says:

    Perhaps the appointment of Anglu Farrugia was a case of keeping one’s friends close and one’s enemies even closer.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      After all the spilling of the guts when he was sacked ………..

      Are there any honest politicians in Malta?

  21. rowena smith says:

    I can’t wait for him to actually forget the budget date (again) ,,

  22. paleblue my foot! says:

    And can you imagine him hosting dignitaries with his imbecilic frown, hopeless speaking and empty brain? What a laughing stock.

  23. Angelo says:

    Semplici Dphne hux, qajjem lil xi Profs Reflu and make him write in simplistic large font one liner decision. Put a smirk on your face and spl it out. Umbad ihallas il poplu. Ahleb Ang

  24. PhilipCamilleri says:

    The Speaker of The House.
    He can best be described as one of those orators who, before they get up, do not know what they are going to say; when they are speaking, do not know what they are saying; and, when they have sat down, do not know what they have said

  25. P Shaw says:

    Oliver Friggieri please note – a sequel to “Fil -Parlament ma jikbrux fjuri” will soon become advisable and a guaranteed best seller.

  26. P Shaw says:

    One crucial question that reporters should ask the prospective honorable Mr. Speaker is whether he will grow back his moustache, now that the image consultants are no longer needed.

    Will we have an institutional speaker with a moustache or without a moustache? It is an issue of national importance and experts like Kenneth and Astrid should put forward their valued opinion.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Of course without the hairy lip he has a winsome, boyish visage which tempers the somewhat gruff temperament lurking within.

      But grow it again and he could easily be mistaken for a certain type of gay, to be found in seaports the world over.

  27. old-timer says:

    Anglu does not care!! as long as he gets his cheque at the end of the month. On tricky questions, he will phone up some Constitutional lawyer – such as Ian Refalo who will have to oblige.

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