“I want to hang out with David Cameron”

Published: March 15, 2013 at 6:19pm

Somewhere in the first couple of minutes of this curiously compelling ‘watching paint dry’ video, you’ll see a completely starstruck Joseph Muscat, unaware of the camera, trying to hang out with David Cameron and Cameron walking off after a few polite words.

A word of advice to my prime minister: you’re far better off standing next to Schulz or Hollande. Standing next to Cameron highlights your physical deficiencies, for which you are not entirely to blame, and your lack of ease in your skin, for which you are.

29 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    I’ll give him 10 for trying, but they all ignored him, miskin.

  2. Edward says:

    Johnny no-mates

  3. Lilla says:

    What’s with the constant stupid grin?

    He looks like a kid finally invited to the cool party and still can’t believe his luck.

  4. Jozef says:

    8:10. Barroso can’t stand him.

    Poor Joseph, no one asked him to autograph the book.

    Top brass my dear, no time for journalists.

  5. MX says:

    Have you noticed how he strategically positioned himself near the entrance?

  6. Joe Formosa says:

    Not saying anything in favour or against, but analysis on Joseph Muscat and his performance must be carried out after the 1st few months in office. At present judgement can not be passed. With regards to snubs by Cameron and phisical appearances etc, not too long ago a short french president snubbed Mr Cameron, who apparently tried to shake the frenchman’s hand…

    • canon says:

      There is no need to wait. We know what Joseph Muscat is capable to do when he was still in the opposition. Look at his army of ministers and parliamentary secretaries. The Finance Minister must be fuming already.

  7. Gladio says:

    Poor Joseph, he was not allowed to take his platform in for the meeting.

  8. donald says:

    Qisu huta barra mil-lilma – ara lil min tellaw biex jirrapprezentana.

    Ahjar Alla jaghtini s-sabar ghal dawn il-hames snin li gejjin.

  9. Dorothy says:

    Il-qargha l-isbah.

  10. Plagarised says:

    At about 3:10 minutes in you can clearly see Muscat with his hands in his pockets, perhaps he should have a look at this article http://www.askmen.com/grooming/project/top-10-ways-to-show-confidence-with-body-language_1.html

  11. Gahan says:

    Rajtu w nghid! Cameron miexi u Joseph taghna jdur qisu zugraga fin-nofs.

    Parir lil Joseph minghandi: “ Joe hi, ir-rispett trid tahdem ghalih. Tawk is-siggu hdejn Cameron ghax kien hemm Dr Gonzi hemm ghal xi disgha snin.

    Meta tara lil xi hadd irid jitlaq ‘l hemm tippruvax izommu bid-diskors ghax taqa’ ghac-cajt.

    Gibt xi haga izjed minn Gonzi, Joe? Hemm jiteressani.”

  12. David says:

    Ma nafx ghala imma ghal mument gieni quddiem ghajnejja il- `dog jockey` (Kurt) ma gemb David Cameron.

  13. Artemis says:

    Cameron is in a different league. Sorry, but it’s the truth.

  14. Someone says:

    Eurozone and IMF agree 10bn-euro Cyprus bailout deal


    Had Gonzi followed Muscat’s ‘brilliant’ advice that we should follow the Cyprus model, this could have been us in that headline.

    The tragic reality is that the switchers and the short-sighted ignorant masses have ensured that it will be us in the news soon. Its just a matter of time…

  15. La Redoute says:

    Cameron’s campaigning to lift the Syria arms embargo. In this, his only support comes from Hollande.

    What is Muscat’s position on arming Syria’s rebels?

    His electoral manifest (sic) promised to:

    1. solve the problems in the Middle East;
    2. reduce the number of immigrants (this week’s first arrivals were Syrian)
    3. get the EU to pull its weight in Malta’s favour.

    Muscat sat next to Cameron during the summit. On dot.eu he told Keith Demicoli that he asked Cameron about the button on his desktop. “‘That’s the panic button,’qalli Cameron. hahahahaha”

    Cameron must have pressed it at that point.

  16. Claude Sciberras says:

    Come on Daffers stop picking on him, at least he was there on time…

  17. Gahan says:

    I tried to see the video …Bad request(?)

  18. sasha says:

    Marlene Bonnici looked worried and lost, while Joseph couldn’t get past pleasantries, unlike the others who were talking business. Schulz and Hollande are ready to f…. him over, sooner than he thinks.

  19. sasha says:

    Merkel patted Joseph on the shoulder like a child. She really has great expectations of him.

  20. Yanika says:

    Anywhere where I can watch this video? I don’t have the required programme to watch it, and don’t feel like downloading. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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