I wonder how much Louis paid for that rent boy
March 15, 2013 at 12:24am
Note to Labour elves and other assorted internet freaks and gossipy women: go on, say that I only write like this because I am protected by the government.
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Is it only me who has noticed that Joseph Muscat has adopted a new Prim Ministerial smile?
He’s looking more and more ‘artificial’ like Silvio Berlusconi.
And Joseph is only 39
By Silvio’s age he will look like Mae West just before her death.
or more like Rosemary West…
I can only imagine… the Mae West of the 21st Century.
His smile never was particularly genuine anyway.
He has practised it for weeks. You’re just seeing more of it.
Couldn’t see it before he dropped his mask on 10 March.
Well hello, sailor…
Louis Grech should also decide whether he’s going to be clean-shaven or bearded. That white stubble is making him look like a homeless person.
Hi Daphne, can you please give me your email address
[Daphne – dcg@proximuspr.com]
Can we please have a break from Konrad’s propaganda and analyse the risks related to this amount of capital?
Basically what EON is saying implies the ‘investor’ bailing out as soon as things go wobbly. As if a provider will commit to the gas deficit hitting hard in a couple of years’ time.
Mizzi can go on until blue in the face, but if he thinks multinationals are in it for the long term in one of the most volatile of markets, he’s being utterly irresponsible.
This applies to our dear Leo, who’ll fall for the one turnkey solution to renewables.
Muscat has to clarify whether he intends to make full use of the interconnector or not, before FDI starts looking elsewhere.
This isn’t under the dome any longer Joseph, it’s the real world, where no one owes you anything.
For a moment, I thought this picture was taken in Thailand.
“Keeping up appearances” comes to mind, we’ll see for how long the media will keep its eyes closed.
Forget the review – stick to the old one for now. We want to read the “declaration of assets” of all those who sit in cabinet meetings.
And if Dr Muscat wants us to believe that his government is whiter than white, we should have this statement from his CoS Keith Schembri. Directorships are important but shareholding is where the money is.
By the way, isn’t there a conflict of interest with Karmenu Vella as minister for tourism when we all know that he’s a major shareholder in Orange Travel? Cruise liner agents should start getting worried.
Miskin Norman Hamilton kemm ha jitlef flus with the chairman of Orange Travel/Cruises now Minister for Tourism.
Schembri has business interests in Libya.
Karmenu Vella is interested in business in Libya.
Paul Bonello had interests in Libya, John Dalli had interests in Libya, Joe Sammut had interests in Libya.
A cruise by Karmenu Vella, currently chairman of Orange Travel Group:
Conflicts of interest?
Muscat’s just commissioned a ‘revision’ of the code of ethics to make it relevant to ‘today’s realities.’
This was yesterday, buried somewhere in Keith’s rag.
Oh, I nearly forgot that we have a Minister for Climate Change and a PS for the reduction on bureaucracy.
How would I get an appointment to speak to PS Michael Farrugia?
Just call at his one stop shop at his Castille office?
You guys just can’t face it can you? The electorate gave a clear and resounding message, which message loudly said “f*** off” to the clique of Gonzi deadbeats, lackeys and hangers-on. The deadbeat losers seem to have read and accepted the message because they are all fading out like vermin suffering from dropsy – and jolly good riddance too. The theatrical comments and blogs polluting these pages reflect a severe gastric condition, that of dropping “s**t” and savouring wallowing in it. Grow up and get real.
Nobody asks you or forces you to look for this blog, to read it and react. Free speech is still alive. You should be grateful for that.
Are all Labour supporters so humourless?
Mr. Fenech,
You are obviously enamoured of mediocrity. The issue here is not sour grapes for the loss of an election, but the mediocre replacement we have been lumped with.
Enjoy your sad life.
One … two … three … one thousand … ten thousand …. twenty thousand …. thirty thousand … thirty five thousand … and counting! Keep it up chaps. JM and the PL are eternally indebted to your contributions. Your crass stupidity helped to put him and them there.
[Daphne – As every prime minister before this one has understood (and no doubt Muscat does too), getting the votes is a whole lot easier than keeping them. Ask Alfred Sant (you loved him, didn’t you) who managed to bleed the lot plus some over in just 22 months.]
Daphne, I think your problem is that you bracket and you categorise and sweep with a wide brush. In the EU referendum I voted FOR EU membership and in the subsequent General Election I voted to ensure this membership – against Alfred Sant’s policies. God forbid that I should love any politician. Politicians are not there to be loved; they are there to serve and deliver. If they don’t, then out they go. Of all people, you are one that should be in the forefront of championing this reality. Love and politics do not mix and if JM fails to deliver the electorate will extract their own retribution. That is as it should be.
[Daphne – I never said anything about how you voted in the EU referendum and the subsequent general election, Albert. I really am not interested in that. What fascinates me, though, now that you tell me this is what you did, is how you can vote, just 10 years later, for the man who tried to deny you that opportunity back then. Kieku jien gambetta kont naghtih, kif fil-fatt ghamilt. The defining characteristic of a Laburist: no self respect.]
An hour is a long time in politics – let alone ten years. There is MORE self-respect in recognising past mistakes and rectifying them than doggedly continuing to cling to them. The Gonzi clique knew their whole foundation had collapsed. Instead of rectifying that they continued trying to justify and glorify it. The consequences speak for themselves.
Where did you get ten years?
Sant lost a swing of 20,000 in less than 22 months.
120 facing layoffs in four days and counting.
Another 4000 jobseekers in three months’ time and counting.
At least two major investors on hold and counting.
I expect him to start lamenting how we’re not letting him work by the end of this year.
But you have to admit that Joseph looks ridiculous with that pasty make-up and Clara Bow lip-stick.
And what is up with that salacious stare?
It looks like he spotted some delectable man-beef from across the room.
I doubt it. He’s looking in Manwel Mallia’s direction.
Mr Fenech…. my dear, dear Albert….why don’t you take a look and see what your people are saying openly and without reservation on Facebook for everybody to see.
The new cabinet is going to cost the economy an extra €33 million over the next 5 years which renders the harsh criticism by your government of the €500 increase by the PN as hypocritical at best.
In the meantime… we’re going to have to fork out those €33 million.
‘We’ – that means you, too.
And it can’t come out of the Eur1.2 billion from the EU, because that’s an allocation for approved projects.
Time will tell whether governmental efficiency will improve. If not, the remedy lies in the next General Election. However, and above all, what is 33 million euros when outgoing Prime Minister classified 49 million euros as being “a drop in the ocean”? By comparison 33 million euros is not even worth blogging about!
Sweet, It’s Gonzi’s fault if Joseph can’t do it.
We are grown up and got real a long time ago as we have seen the shit dished out by these idiots long before the election result.
We weren’t gullible idiots like the other 55% of Malta’s electorate. The reality is that we saw it but you need to experience it on your skin.
Zoom in, look past the Prime Minister’s lipstick and foundation, and see Louis Grech trying to make out what’s going on on top of Muscat’s head.
He seems more interested in that than what’s going on inside it.
Whilst I stand to be corrected it seems that the first casualty of this new Gvernasaurus Rex is Jeremey of Gianluca Bezzina’s song. I can’t find who is responsible for ICT.
Who is watching the allotment if No 1 and his deputy are both overseas?
Sheriff KASCO ?
Keith Schembri has plenty to keep him busy.
What happened to Bondi + last night?
There was a football match, which regularly knocks Bondi+ off its regular schedule.
Dr.Muscat now is begging for cooperation through the Nationalist elite network in Brussels. He desperately needs funds to put the Konrad’s dream into action.
The irony of the Muscat hard drive is a fact. He is aware of his hateful battles against the Nationalist efforts in getting financial aid for the Maltese nation. Muscat is at the wheel now and he is afraid from the same poison he gave to Maltese people.
Joseph Muscat desperately needs RCC.
It was always the dilemma discussed at Mile End.