If you could buy your prime minister at Lidl, this is what he would be like

Published: March 6, 2013 at 10:47pm

24 Comments Comment

  1. Open your eyes! says:

    I can’t believe that I would have to see this wannabe going up the stairs of Castille.

    Voters open your eyes in these last hours that are left.

    We can’t let him govern in the very important years to come… For the presidency of Malta in 2017 and the upcoming events leading to Valletta European Capital of 2018.

    Are you ready to let this man run the country in these crucial years, the very person who wanted us out of the EU?

  2. Grezz says:

    Lidl? More like Tal-Lira (although I like that place).

  3. Grezz says:

    I find Muscat’s very small hands quite disturbing and ill-matched with the macho image he tries to project.

    Come to think of it, maybe that is one of the reasons he – subconsciously – appeals to some men, because they could easily be a woman’s hands.

  4. Wilson says:

    After a good hundred days of campaigning one would have expected the Labour Party to have come up with a campaign which is ‘wirtit’.

    They have had five years of the luxury of Opposition in which to do it, but it has boiled down that they still cannot come close to the PN.

    Are we sure they represent a good half of this island?

    Would it not mean that half this island cannot think?

    Would it not be thanks to Joseph’s idol (the strangely revered late Mintoff) that half of this island cannot think on its two feet?

  5. Oscar says:

    Below is Raphael Vassallo’s assessment of the debate tonight. I think he must have been pissed whilst watching.

    “In the end there was little doubt whose was the most confident performance of the evening – indeed it would have astounding had Muscat not emerged the more self-assured of the two, given the prognostics for Saturday. All things told, however, I for one would be mightily surprised if anything that was said tonight actually impacted voter intentions in any way.”

  6. Gahan says:


    After watching the video above, this video popped up together with the nine which could be selected from the screen.


  7. ciccio says:

    He deserves a special place on the “Jew b’xejn jew xejn” shelf.

  8. Ivan says:

    Lidl actually have quality control….more like l-Monti tal-Birgu

  9. ken il malti says:

    I would defiantly buy a Giorgio Borg Olivier at full price and then I would search the store high and low for a Nerik Mizzi.

    I would like to purchase a Joseph Howard on a whim if I had some spare change, although technically he belonged to the MPU.

    Gerald Strickland would do if the store was fresh out of GBO or Nerik or even smokin’ Joe Cousis Howard but I would have to hide my Masonic apron and ring.

  10. George says:

    Dr.Muscat (aka Jeckyll) & Mr.Hyde?

  11. mark says:

    Hey D, how does it feel to have had NO influence at all? ;-)

  12. tinnat says:

    My experience of Lidl outside Malta is that it sells high-quality products produced to the best German standard, going through the most thorough controls of the entire German food industry.

    Joseph Muscat wouldn’t even have a place on the shelf by the door. Perhaps you were thinking of il-Monti, more specifically those stalls selling cheap underwear which goes grey the first time it is subjected to a wash.

  13. Antoine Vella says:

    The video provided several quotes which could have been used in PN billboards, the best one probably being ‘the Nationalist Party is our enemy’.

    I can’t understand why they were ignored by whoever ran the electoral campaign and designed the billboards.

  14. Pro says:

    Ara vera giddieb ta! L-ewwel: “ha tispicca l-politika tal-blu u tal-ahmar”, ftit wara: “l-ghadu taghna huwa l-partit nazzjonalista”. Ghandek xi cans tiehdu l-vot tieghi Joe.

  15. Herman says:

    At Lidl you buy products of good quality at a low price.

    Muscat is bad quality and we will be paying a high price if he were to become prime minister.

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