Jason Micallef says that people don’t give a damn about “what happens in Europe” and he’s right there with them
March 4, 2013 at 12:22am
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Judging by the latest polls people don’t even give a damn what will happen in Malta in the next five years.
What was Sant thinking using that expression?
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I do not like what I am hearing, what I am seeing and what I am reading, here in the facebook shots shown in this clip.
Where and how were these people raised to have such copious quantities of bile rising within them.
How can anyone not see that this is the spirit behind Joseph & Co’s absolutely false statement – another lie in itself – “maghqudin ghal-bidla?”
Where is the unity? Where is the positivity? All I continue to see are lies. The hate and vindictiveness are not even masked any longer.
This is what they are saying, again, in this clip now. It sounds just like Gaddafi’s rooftop speech:
“Ghajn ghal ghajn, sinna ghal sinna…ghax ghada jasal!!! U meta jasal ghada nasal jien!!!!!Jien mhux xi Mother Theresa! Min jitfaghli ponn hara nitfghalu bawzer dranagg!!!” (Albert Gauci Cunningham)
I do not know this individual, have never met him, nor do I wish to. However he cannot deny being the public face we have been forced to look at, and with that ought to come certain responsibilities, one of which ought to be to keep your language and innate baseness in check.
We always knew this was the real face of Labour. The gay intolerance excuse is so outdated and invalid. Masks are falling as the election nears and confidence soars. There is already an ominous rumble of vengeful gloatings.
These people are so consumed by hate, envy, greed and insecurity, that their base instinct will take over at every difficult moment, with every decision they make.
How can anyone believe that Labour/ MLP is able to rise above these destructive emotions to act in the highest, noblest and best interests of all Maltese, and of Malta?
These people are not – at all – representative of the spirit of Malta, but of the spirit of a baseness that should not be present in any human being, anywhere, in the world.
Yet it is back here, undeserving of the seat it seeks to fill, no merit to its presence, just as corrupt before even commencing: knocking at the electorate’s door dangling a poisoned apple as a carrot and openly declaring threats to exact several pounds of flesh.
Who knows what other latent gangrenous prejudices lie festering within them.
I am so totally not curious. I could very easily live not knowing.
As long as they are not in government.
Tabatha White – I agree with you. The true sentiments running through the PL’s supporters are those of hate and vindictiveness, and it contrasts ever so wildly with what their Leader preaches and the image he tries to portray.
How can sane people play blind and deaf to all of this?
I’m afraid that people have it so good and have grown so comfortable that they are prepared to take a leap into the unknown to exciting new heights. That is what I call stupidity, because you only do that after you calculate your risks of landing safely.
And it is quite clear where a new PL government will land us.
The cons of democracy.
Jason ahjar jerga jmur ibiegh il-fjuri ghax jaqta figura ahjar. Fejn jaf il-poplu x’jinteressah. Ghandu jkun jaf li jien jinterressani u jekk huma qedin jghidu li Malta Taghna Lkoll daqshekk iehor ma jistax jiggeneralizza fil-kummenti tieghu. Kont qed nahsibha jekk immurx mal-moviment li ma ghadux jissemma ghax sal Partit Laburista imma ma niflahx nisma aktar cucati u hmerijiet minn nies bhal Jason, Joey, Toni u ta madwarhom.
Nisthi nighid li jien Malti bhal Jason.