Jason Micallef, your Communications Minister on Monday, and his plans to turn TVM into Xandir Malta

Published: March 8, 2013 at 1:01pm

Jason and Xandir

Jason Micallef

17 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    I remember this guy at Xandir Malta very well. Would he like to convince us that it wasn’t like a Labour Party club in those days? I would say even worse.

    • village says:

      What about Bongu Malta Socjalista and Run Rabbit Run and Titantic all featuring on Xandir Malta during election time. And Norman Hamilton busy endorsing the show.

      • OMG says:

        Do not remind me of those sad, sad days. The youngsters out there who have no idea what these people may get up to should be advised. Or they are in for a big shock once the Malta Taghna Lkoll comes into effect next Monday.

  2. ken il malti says:

    I would not worry. The PN will win this election.

  3. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Ghadek ma qtajtx qalbek Jason. Ahjar tmur tbiegh il-fjuri bhal ma kont taghmel fi zmienek.

  4. one of us says:

    Have they forgotten Varist and ‘Run rabbit run’ because I haven’t. A nightmare that haunts me to this day.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @ one of us …and Bongu Malta Socjalista with the Labour Party emblem ! No Jason we haven’t forgotten and never will.

    • OMG says:

      And another horrible memory is that of hundreds (yes hundreds) of poor rabbits literally hanged and dangling from their cars/trucks, a scene that I, as a small child, remember seeing in the eighties.

      This and other such terrible images still haunt me to this very day.

  5. David says:

    Thares lejh ukoll iqabdek………!

  6. tinnat says:

    He screwed up Super 1, now time to screw up another station.

  7. Gahan says:

    Mill-kummenti tinduna kemm jemmnu li m’hemmx ahmar u blu.

  8. matthew says:

    Kif ma tishtux eh intom. Ma tridux tghidu li PBS huwa imparzjali hux.
    PBS is completely managed by ex-PN media campaign manager Anton Attard and PN supporter Natalino fenech.
    If you watch Bondiplus and TV Hemm you can see evidently that both bondi and norman are biased. Peppi tries his best to cover his bias but obviously without success. Even the news bulleting in the last months bias was clearly evident.
    Jien jAson micallef ma jogobnix imma nisma lil bondi u norman iqallawli l-stonku.

    • Last Post says:

      @ matthew. Intom tal-Labour ghalhekk qatt ma tistghu taslu, lanqas jekk ikollkom kemm ikollkom diplomi u certifikati.

      Ghax l-ATTITUDNI taghkom im**jka!

      Mela Anton Attard, Natalino Fenech, Bondi u Peppi mhumiex imparzjali (skond int) ghax f’xi zmien kienu assocjati mal-PN.

      Ma tistghux tifhmu li f’pajjiz modern bniedem jista’ jimxi minn job ghall-iehor u, jekk jaghmel xoghlu sew, jimxi tajjeb u korrett sew fil-job li kellu qabel u kemm fil-gdid.

      Bl-istess argument tieghek hemm prezentaturi u producers ta’ programmi ohra li ghandhom il-bias pro-labour taghhom (bhal kulhadd) imma lil dawn int hallejthom barra ghax hekk jaqbel ghall-argument tieghek.

      Il-punt dwar prezentaturi u producers ohra fix-xandir m’hux il-bias politiku taghhom imma jekk jaghmlux xogholhom sew, billi jsaqsu mistoqsijiet imbarazzanti liz-zewg nahat.

      Tista’ tghidli li dik hi l-percezzjoni tieghek u tan-nies in generali. Imma percezzjoni tibqa’ dejjem wahda suggettiva, naturalment skond il-bias tieghek.

      Jekk se nitkellmu dwar l-imparzjalita’ tax-xandir taht gvernijiet laburisti, allura l-parzjalita’ taghhom hija bil-wisq agharr minn dik tal-lum.

      Imma int tippreferi ma tarahiex hekk, ghax il-percezzjoni tieghek hija parzjali diga.

    • OMG says:

      Matthew must be too young to remember ex Xandir Malta premises with soldiers flanking the main door armed to their teeth. Now Xandir Malta was really impartial in those years when Evarist Bartolo worked there.

  9. Augustus says:

    Matthew, I don’t know how old are you, but it seems that you don’t remember the times when Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami’s name couldn’t be mentioned on Xandir Mata. Or when the PN had to broadcast from abroad. I could go on with the list but what’s the use.

  10. stevn gerrard says:

    Malta taghna lkoll? U halluna. PN GHALL-DEJJEM.

  11. Frank Borg says:

    Joseph Muscat is promising heaven to everybody, but we know what Labour stands for.

    Every time Labour was in power we had mass unemployment, wage freeze, no water, telephone systems of the middle ages, one needed a permit to import even shit.

    Para Military Corps was the safety valve of the Labour government, where members had no right to Union membership while enjoying the minimum wage.

    Yes that is what Labour stands for.

    My friends, “We have never had it so good”.

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