Joseph’s Mintoffian vision

Published: March 2, 2013 at 1:28pm

Sent in by XLV: Scarred by Labour, under my post ‘Ten Years of Joseph Muscat’ –

Now there’s the real Joseph Muscat. Truly disgusting. Make no mistake: he is Mintoff’s number one fan, and always was.

I would love to know the true cost of the Mintoffian “vizjoni” that got Joey all giddy in that 2008 interview, the “holma” which apparently runs through his mind like a movie in the shower.

It’s impossible to quantify the loss to Malta caused by all the brain drain, forgone investment opportunities, and shattered families that Muscat’s idol left in his wake.

But why doesn’t this government, in its dying days, release a comprehensive statement of every Lira and every Euro that Malta has had to pay by way of compensation for all the outrageous violations of human rights, civil rights and property rights perpetrated by Mintoff and his henchmen in those dark days.

How about throwing in a reasonable estimate of the aggregate amount of compensation that has yet to be paid, on account of the many, many court cases that are still outstanding from the days when Dom Mintoff, Lorry Sant and Patrick Holland reigned supreme?

I despair at the insanity of my fellow Maltese, that they would even dream of bringing those mothballed, dessicated old fossils of Mintoffian scum back for another go at the helm.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    I was having a look at this photo and reflecting upon it in a new light.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Have PN’s strategy group decided to go off on holiday or what?

  3. bob-a-job says:

    Drawing a parallel.

    Kullhadd – Saturday, 12 May 2012
    ‘25 sena mill-ahhar rebha Socjalista fi Franza, u wara 18-il sena ‘l boghod mill-Palazz tal-Elysee, is-Socjalisti fi Franza, b’Hollande bhala President kontra l-kurrent prevalenti fil-bqija tal-Ewropa, irnexxielhom jirbhu l-appogg popolari biex b’hekk issa huwa car li x-xellug jista’ jkun rebbieh mhux biss f’wiehed mill-aktar pajjizi tal-Ewropa’

    Reuters – PARIS | Thu Feb 28, 2013
    ‘Ten months into his mandate, President Francois Hollande scored the worst of any French president’. ‘Socialist voters who propelled Hollande to the presidency in May 2012 are now questioning his government’s handling of an economy teetering near recession, a series of industrial layoffs and joblessness at a 15-year high.’

    25 years in opposition does not give that Party a divine right to govern, it is merely testimony to that Party’s inability to better the Party in Government.

    When Labour wins the coming elections it will have no experience to govern. This is something that no glitzy electoral campaign can change, no matter how well it’s been cloned.

    Like Hollande, Joseph’s popularity will plummet.

    Stubborn as he is, he will probably resign when things won’t go his way, something he has already stated with regards to the new power station, and a new government will have to eventually pick up the pieces and sort out the mess.

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:

    What was Joe Saliba doing in Xarabank yesterday? Why was he standing up and walking behind Peppi Azzopardi at one point towards the end of the programme, while the debate was still on?

  5. ken il malti says:

    Those good things that Joseph Muscat mentioned happened despite of being hobbled and sucked dry by his beloved Mintoffian regime.

    Imagine the progress if the Golden Years of the 1970s were dominated by the likes of Giorgio Borg Olivier instead of a wannabe Castro on a revenge-laying-waste war path.

  6. pablo says:

    Joseph Muscat is saying in clear language that this our last democratic act because after we choose him, we embark on a new path where there is no red nor blue.

    There is only him.

    Even his wife glorifies him as the messiah of non-division.

    No more Labour, nor Nationalist, nor any other allegiance. All is love and love is Joseph.

    This election is the final act.

  7. TROY says:

    This is Mintoff reincarnated, just wait and see.

  8. Aequitas says:

    This just just about sums up the Joseph’s ‘movement’

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