Lawrence Gonzi on TVHemm

Published: March 8, 2013 at 1:01pm

6 Comments Comment

  1. just me says:

    PN’s mass meeting on the granaries Floriana (complete).

  2. Audriette says:

    Gonzi is more of a gentleman than Muscat, and a better leader than Joseph Muscat could ever hope to be.

  3. Jozef says:

    And Muscat, the fearless leader, chickened out, again.

    Blame Norman and his curiosity for ten year fixed price power purchase agreements.

  4. matthew says:

    Gonzi you are no longer credible. prepare fo next week. You need to be relelected again with PN.
    ‘HEHEHEHE’ as you like to say

  5. manum says:

    Dynamic, to the point, knows exactly what he is saying, is not afraid to admit when there are cock ups. In a nutshell, this guy makes me feel proud to be a Maltese European.

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