Look at this – DOI press release about the government’s first day at work, and it’s all Chris Cardona

Published: March 14, 2013 at 12:30am

Hmmmmm, no lap-dancing clubs. And there’s not much sexy you can do with a packet of Coconut Crunch (sorry, Kurt) at the biscuit factory.

Though I’m sure the heavy number of senior citizens in Joseph’s cabinet might have some interesting ideas at to what Chris Cardona can do with a Playmobil man in his more desperate moments. At their great age, you have to get creative in the bedroom department.

Isn’t that so, Eddy Privitera?

And can we please stop it with this Manglish business of ‘press coverages’? Everybody uses it and it drives me nuts. Coverage is not a word that takes the plural form, for heaven’s sake.


Thursday, 14th March, 2013

09.30 The Hon. Chris Cardona, Minister of Economy, Investment and Small Enterprise visits Toly Products Ltd.
At Toly Products Ltd. Bulebel Industrial Estate, Zejtun

11.30 The Hon. Chris Cardona, Minister of Economy, Investment and Small Enterprise visits Playmobil Malta Ltd.
At Playmobil Malta Ltd. HF80, Industrial Estate, Hal Far

13.00 The Hon. Chris Cardona, Minister of Economy, Investment and Small Enterprise visits Simonds Farsons Cisk.
At Simonds Farsons Cisk, The Brewery, Mdina Road, Mriehel

15.00 The Hon. Chris Cardona, Minister of Economy, Investment and Small Enterprise visits Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd.
At Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd., M7 – Mriehel Industrial Estate, Birkirkara

Chris Cardona in a fetching hairnet

9 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Is he going there to tell them he will let them work?

  2. bystander says:

    Then a quick massage in Balzan.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘The Hon. Chris Cordona invites Victoria Secret representative to Malta’.

  4. maryanne says:

    Not bad to finish the day with a pint and a biscuit.

  5. tinnat says:

    That condom’s in the right place..

  6. La Redoute says:

    “He said he would try to visit every factory in Malta, regardless of its size, over the next months.”

    Let’s hope, for all our sakes, that he won’t have to deal with an economic crisis at the same time.

  7. freefalling says:

    I am sure Helga Ellul was overjoyed with Chris Cardona’s visit to Playmobil.

    [Daphne – Mrs Ellul has retired.]

  8. P Shaw says:

    Did anyone inform him that the election campaign is over?

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