Malta Taghna Biss update: the whole of the Super One newsroom is now on the state payroll

Published: March 27, 2013 at 6:53pm
How is Jason Micallef going to manage without his staff? Oh, of course - their job is done.

How is Jason Micallef going to manage without his staff? Oh, of course – their job is done.

The Malta Independent reports:

Former One journalists nearly complete list of PR coordinators

by Duncan Barry

Former One TV journalists make up most of the list of communications coordinators appointed with ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

Seven days ago, The Malta Independent online ran an article highlighting some of the former One TV journalists who were assigned the job, their deployment heavily reducing the number of journalists working at the Labour Party’s media station. Their number has grown over the past week, with the Office of the Prime Minister providing this portal with a provisional list of communications coordinators who will be working in government ministries.

Only three secretariats are still to appoint their own PR person – parliamentary secretaries Stefan Buontempo, Owen Bonnici and Roderick Galdes.

Most of the names provided are familiar with viewers of One TV.

[Read the rest of the report in the link below.)

68 Comments Comment

  1. Reader says:

    Meritocracy my foot… Luckily Miriam Dalli chose to stay out of this ..unless its not simply mere luck but other reasons that kept her out of this group.

    [Daphne- Miriam Dalli works in marketing for Vodafone.]

  2. Twanny borg says:

    Ahleb ja gahan malti…..

  3. Joseph Vassallo-Agius says:

    Malta Lkoll Taghna

  4. maryanne says:

    I’m sure Saviour will oblige and give a helping hand.

  5. Joseph Borg says:

    Of course that is 100% meritocracy.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Of course it is 100% meritocracy, but a la Lejber.

      Joseph Muscat never did say that it would be meritocracy as commonly understood, but the intelligent minority, as opposed to the gullible majority, always understood that merit would be assessed against the Labour Party scale of values.

      With Joseph Muscat, one should seek out what he does NOT say, not what he says.

  6. Ursula says:

    Imbasta Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    Funnily enough I have vivid recollections of Silvio Scerri canvassing for John Dalli in 1996 when he contested the 2nd district.

  7. Matthew S says:

    Wow, Brandon and Rodney must be pissed.

    Maybe they were placated by, like the few people still going to the office two days before Armageddon (see Seeking a Friend for the End of the World), being told that they can choose any of the top positions made vacant.

    Well, at least they now have more leg room in the propaganda parlour.

  8. R Camilleri says:

    I know it has nothing to do with this subject but isn’t it ironic that the first naval ship to set sail in Malta under a Labour government is a Chinese frigate.

    • C Falzon says:

      I’m wondering how Joseph isn’t worried about cheap Chinese explosives that the ships might be using in their missiles.

      Or is he perhaps hoping to sell them some of his own better quality genuine stuff?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The Chinese are an ancient nation with a long memory. They must overjoyed that their oldest and best friends are back in power. Not that it’ll matter when they take over the world – Joseph Muscat will be doing slave labour just like the rest of us.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Not at all ironic but quite appropriate. Would have been ironic had it belonged to the navy of a democratic country.

    • J. Borg says:

      Maybe it isn’t ironic. Maybe it was planned to be that way.

      • Maria Xriha says:

        Some people are about making a point.. I’d back it was planned that way… how about Russian next?

    • ciccio says:

      Maybe they plan to do some voluntary work at Delimara.

      Two gas tanks the size of the Mosta dome cannot be built in 2 years without some ‘foreign’ help.

  9. ciccio says:

    PR coordinators surely stands for PRopaganda coordinators?

  10. zizka says:

    They came to do some maintenance at the Deserta chocolate factory.

  11. gianni says:

    I was told that all the new permanent secretaries appointees in the ministries are Labour diehards who do not have an idea or any qualifications in respect of the ministry they work in. Can you check this out?

  12. carlos says:

    Xejn protesti minn ghand dawk li jhobbu n-newtralita ta’ Malta.

  13. RosanneB says:

    Hi Daphne…what’s your e-mail address please? Thanks in advance.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  14. Claude Sciberras says:


    So FKNK are disappointed and Birdlife are angry… Bdejna tajjeb. That’s what you get when you try to please everyone and pretend that Malta Taghna Ilkoll means that eveyone will get what he wants…

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Promising heaven and earth to one and all, proponents and opponents, on the eve of a general election means that NO ONE will get what he wants.

      Only fools would be fooled but it seems that there are a lot of them around. As the saying goes: there is one born every minute!

    • ciccio says:

      More studies are needed. Hopefully they will be ready by 2017/2018. The moviment will meet its deadlines.

  15. taxxu says:

    Malta taghna lkoll….terms and conditions apply.

  16. C C says:

    Etienne St. John at health? With what qualifications? Ex BOV clerk thanks to old Labour. EX Joe Grima radio. Ex Super one. Ex everything.

    One might say oh job mobility others justly will say jack of all trades master of none. Jumping behind KMB in meetings back then did give results after all. He waited too much poor boy. During the Alfred Sant administration he didn’t get any prize he even bought a house next to him in Birkirkara to no avail. We should be happy for him.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      It is called a “division of the spoils” among the chosen few and certainly not among all, even in a Malta touted deceptively by the LP as “Taghna lkoll”.

      Those credulous ones who were deceived by that slogan now have a few years at their disposal during which to “enjoy” the resulting administration by the new “oligarchy”.

  17. Joanna V says:

    Dhalt naqra sal-Belt dalghodu tqallajt nara hafna minnhom ghaddejin kollha qishom ‘arawna la tmissuniex’ u b’dik l-attitudni ta ‘ahna qedin fil-gvern issa hi’.

    U rajt lil Charlon ghaddej bis-sjut u ghedt ara mela nahseb lahquh dan ukoll. Nigi hawn u nikkonferma. Kieku nista’ nemigra llum qabel ghada.

    • TinaB says:

      Halli ghalihom ic-chavs.

      Ahseb u ara x’inhu gej la jibdew jinvadu Brussell, kemm ha nibdew indahqu nies bina permezz tal-imgieba ta’ uhud li qishom qatt ma hargu mid-dar.


  18. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    e io pago

  19. Harry Purdie says:

    Crazy times about to begin. Incompetent PR people in every ministry. Duh, what do we do now?

  20. Pisces says:

    This is beyond the ridiculous. I cannot believe what is happening.

    • etil says:

      Believe believe – and this is just the beginning. I went through all this during past Labour party governments so expect the worst.

  21. ken il malti says:

    Look how bright Malta has gotten in the last 20 years.

    And now we can see Gozo all lit up at night from space.

    What is that worth to you?

  22. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Josef Goebells would have been an ideal choice to run this outfit.

  23. T.M. says:

    Ah, so that’s what was meant by “I’m In”.

  24. verita says:

    And where are the GRAFFITTI mob ?

  25. Joe pace says:

    It will be interesting to work out how much all the ministers, secretaries and all their drivers, all the super one staff employed with various ministries and all these commissioners is costing us tax payers and compare this to the previous administration including the honoraria.

  26. jojo says:

    What about Natius and Kenneth for a bit of culture Super One style?

  27. etil says:

    When the PN was in government the MLPGWU newspaper L-Orizzont always regaled us with a front page article giving detials of the salaries of Chairmen, CEO etc.

    Now that Malta is Taghna Lkoll will they be doing the same? Interesting to know by how much the payroll will be inflated or is that no longer of any interest to the PL.

  28. ciccio says:

    The ‘Sicilian’ mentality prevails. The whole country is becoming like a ‘Sicilian cobweb.’ Poor are the ones like us who refrain from joining the bandwagon.

    • clifton says:

      Can anyone confirm if Manuel Mallia has long queues (like the rest of them) but this time it’s of people wanting to get their parking tickets cancelled?

  29. old-timer says:

    But was’nt all this on the cards? I cannot me amazed. The Labour Party has ALWAYS been like that – and they do well to lok after their own – on the contrary the PN ALWAYS took care of PL people in the SILLY hope that they would get their vote. What I thought would happen, however, is for the retained Permanent Secretaries, to show solidarity with their colleagues and resign. Of course they were not kept on because they are liked, but because it is impossible to run government on TV station reporters. These retained Permanent Secretaries, should be ashamed.

  30. Tabby says:

    Caught lying and breaking the code of ethics – after just two weeks in office.

    As you say – Malta Taghhom Biss.

  31. P. Camilleri says:

    A word of advice to young people: do not be bothered with receiving education at MCAST or the University. Just join Super One and you will be guaranteed the best jobs available.

  32. Wilson says:

    Well they all wore an ‘I’m in’ t-shirt didn’t they?

  33. nepotismu says:

    Il-PN ghandu jinduna kemm il-PL jiehu hsieb in-nies tieghu hafna izjed mill-PN. In-Nazzjonalisti jbatu taht iz-zewg gvernijiet.

  34. pitravu says:

    We are all in now – deep shit, that is.

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