Malta’s Law Commissioner and head of Constitutional Reform

Published: March 27, 2013 at 6:19pm

22 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Me, me, me, me, me…

    This behaviour is similar to that of a madman.

    Very scary.

  2. Homer S. says:

    It is not that we needed any further proof that Franco Debono was plotting with the Labour Party. Nonetheless, they could have at least checked better the story they had to tell the public.!
    PBS News report 0:48
    “Il-PL qal fi stqarrijja li rcieva talba minghand Franco Debono biex jitkellem fil-programm Xarabank u jispjega ghalfejn ivvota kontra l-budget. Il-PL qal li wara li evalwa din it-talba, iddecida li jtih ic-cans li jitkellem”

    PBS TVhemm 2:40!
    “Fuq il-MT tal-bierah tajt intervista hu ghadt dal-kliem:
    The MP noted that he was offered the opportunity to appear on PBS and he accepted Labour’s offer”

  3. Fran says:

    A complete madman. Not fit to walk the streets unaccompanied!
    Given the performance displayed by F. Debono on this show, one has to ask the question,”is this a fit man to be a Law Commissioner and to Head the Constitutional Reform?”

  4. AE says:

    The man is an absolute nutter. Does he seriously believe he is calm?

    He launched into a monologue from the word ‘go’ without a single question being asked. It was all about what he wanted to talk about.

    Why subject Norman to this? PBS should have just given Frantic a 1hr slot to rant and rave.

    He didn’t stop talking, ignored Norman’s questions when he managed to get any in and had the gall to keep attacking Norman by telling him he didn’t let him talk. Norman deserves a medal for keeping calm. I wouldn’t have been so restrained.

    The shows how irresponsible Muscat actually is. To let a nutcase like this handle something as sensitive as Constitutional Reform. It’s a recipe for disaster. But perhaps that is what Muscat actually wants.

  5. Helen says:

    Tajjeb Franco Debono issa dik il-ligi tal-finanzjament tal-Partiti uzaha biex il-Partit Laburista tieghek jispjega kif nefaq dawk il-miljuni kollha fil-kampanja elettorali

  6. ciccio says:

    How can any one hold any meaningful conversation with a man in this state of mind?

  7. Lisa says:

    Really calm, I must say.

    Exhibition of how he gauges which of his tantrums had media reactions and invitations etc … whilst taking note that Alan Bates was invited twice on Xarabank and miskien they didn’t invite him. Ghax m’ghandhomx pjacir bijja.

    Il-veru miskin.

    Fruit and nut.

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Another early instance (one among many others) of a mad return to the Mintoff ploy of placing crass incompetents in important posts as long as they were willing to obey him and abjectly doing his bidding. Not a good augury for any leap forwards by the nation as a whole.

  9. Zunzana says:

    B’din l-atitudni ta’ kif igib ruhu meta jkun qed jargumenta, mhux ta’ b’xejn ma’ jistax iwassal il-messag tieghu.

    “Jew tghaddi tieghi jew inhassar”. Hlief kemm hu tajjeb hu ma jitkellimx. Veru jhossu bniedem li jrid jipprova lilu nnifsu li hu ahjar min kullhadd.

    Dan hu l’bniedem li jrid igib il-partijiet kollha biex jaqblu fuq it-tibdiliet kostituzjonali. Iddahuqnix!

    Kif dejjem jghid John Bundy, issa iktar min qabel “QED NGHIXU F’PAJJIZ TAL-MICKEY MOUSE”.

  10. mattie says:

    “Jien bniedem kalm”.

    Jekk dan kalm, jien rieqed.

  11. old-timer says:

    I hope the PN will be very clear in the future. I am sure Joseph will accuse the PN of not cooperating – never mind – Joseph must not think or feel that smooth governance shold be conditioned to tsuch humiliation. Come off it Joe, enjoy your holiday in Italy and come back and face the governance of Malta with the team you have chosen.

  12. zz says:

    Jekk xi had jahseb li JM ser jaghti cans lil PN jirkupra qed jizbalja bi KBIR.

    L-installazjoni ta ex membri tal-PN imdejqien f’posizjonijiet olja hu biss l-ewwel pass. JM ser izzomm lil dawn in-nies kuntenti “by feeding their ego”. B’Hekk jibqaw jissemmew fil media u jghamlu dell ikrah fuq il-partit.

    Apparti dawn, hemm il-hafna li huma nies ta JM imma qeghedin fi hdan il PN. Iva, JM ilu li penetra il PN zmien twil. Irnexxielu jipenetra sahansitra il grupp parlamentari – JPO, FD, Mugliette. Allura hu OVJU li JM ghandu nies li jghamlu r-rieda tieghu fl-levelli ohra tal-partit. Dawn huma l-istess nies illi bi skuzi ta l-imhabba taghhom lejn il partit, joqodu jaqalaw il-polemiki fuq kif ghandu jigi amministrat il-partitu u argumenti ohra bhal dan. Dawn xogholhom hu li jxerdu panic u dwejjaq fil-partit. Ma jfissirx li mhemmx min hu genwien li jixtieq bidla radikali fil-PN imma xoghol in-nies ta JM hu li ma jhallux paci jirrenja fil partit.

    Ma ninsewx li JM kellu nies tieghu f-diversi media biex fil hin tal-bzonn jaghjtilhom biex jghamlu servizz lil Labour. Ma niehdux bi kbira JM infiltra n-nies tieghu f-diversi setturi.

    U mhux talli hekk, imma issa JM jibda process (it-tieni pass) ta persekuzjoni tal ex membri tal-grupp parlamentary nazzjonalista. Diga qal li ser inehhi l-imunita tal-ministri. Dan irried jaghamlu halli immur lura f-dawn lahhar 25 sena ta gvern nazjonalista u jaqla kemm jiflah hama. U mhux ser jieqaf hawn: il-persukuzjoni tibqa ghadejja b’nies prominenti fil-PN jispiccaw il-habs.

    L-ghan ta dan l-agier hu li JM izzomm il PN:
    a) taht attak kontinwu
    b) izzomm l-opinjoni publika tal-partit baxxa

    It-tielet pass hu li jbiddel il-kostituzjoni b’tali mod u manjiera li jzomm il-poter madwaru. Ser jibda billi jnaqqas l-influenza tal-knisja. Li ma rnexxielux jghamel Mintoff fis-70 u 80 ser jghamlu JM bl-ajta ta tieni republiki. It-tibdil tal-kostituzjoni tkun tinkludi tibdiliet sottili li jnaqsu l-poter tal-parlament u jziedu l-poter tal-ghajta tal-plebej – ir-referendum. JM diga qal li ghal certu tibdiliet ser immur quddiem ic-cittadin biex jidecidi xi jridd il-poplu – u mhux xi jridd il-parlament. Issa kullhadd jaf li f-referendum 75% tal votanti jideciedu skond id-direzjoni tal-partit li huma jissaportjaw u mhux skond il-fehma taghhom personali. La darba il PN ikun ghadu ma qamx fuq saqajh, il-polpu jissaportja lil JM u b-hekk itieh licenzja li jbiddel il-kostituzjoni kif irid hu.

    Il-poplu l-ewwel u qabel kollox – il-fatt li l-poplu ikun imexxi b-karrotta ikun mistur.

  13. Jozef says:

    Your piece in The Malta Independent today outlines the scenario perfectly well.

    However, it also assumes Franco will do exactly as Joseph says. The situation we face exists if the PN refuses to engage the argument.

    This time round, it’s Joseph who needs Franco. I’m sure Francis Zammit Dimech can manage perfectly well.

    I mean, who dare force Franco into submission? The Opposition might as well play along, no hurry there.

    Italians, bless their talent for anarchy, have their own term for the tactic, ‘ostruzionismo per emendamenti’; keep the discussion alive and well, piling the proposals until everyone is well and truly exhausted.

    Play to Joseph’s bipolar disorder. He can’t be seen to ignore the Opposition’s ‘proposals’, especially if, as you rightly observed, he tends to rely on the PN’s better standards to get his way.

    Meantime keep the country informed on Cardona’s failure. Which he will.

  14. Neil Dent says:

    First time I’ve had the chance to watch this right through. Franco Debono is clearly totally bonkers. He has complexes teeming out of his nether regions by the bucket-load.

    Incredible – I’d have preferred Norman Lowell.

    The skit was very accurate. Hilarious when seen right after watching the ‘genuine’ article.

  15. MxC says:

    You should have done a punch line such as “Note the difference?”

  16. Vagabond King says:

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and straight into the Law Reform Commission.

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