Meanwhile, Chris Cardona goes out of his way to prove that girls and poles are not his only interest
March 26, 2013 at 10:51am
Cute, Mr Minister for the Economy, but while posting pictures of puppies on Facebook might give you a human face in Opposition, now that you’re in government we’re more concerned about what you have planned in terms of jobs for the thousands of young people who will enter the job market this summer.
And what you have in mind to counter the potential Cyprus effect…
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Daphne, ir-risposta nista ntieghlek jien. Xoghol ghal laburisti u xoghol fil-kulaks ghan-nazzjonalisti bhalek.
aktar hmieg mil lejber moqziez imissek tisthi
titkellem hekk! Kemm Malta hi taghhom biss!
What an effing idiot. Aside from the obvious minister-acting-like-a-teenager-on-facebook issues, does he have any idea how much off-the-lead exercise a beagle needs?
The unemployed percentage will not spike until later on this year. Cardona will then point to deficiencies in the provisions and projections if the PN tailored budget as the cause.
Put the dog in the cabinet.
Would raise the average IQ.
Yes, he should. Just read the rhetoric in his address at the Malta Chamber of Commerce. Stale and dull.
He is just a former Super One journalist.
Super One trains its journalists in character assassination, not in commerce.
He assured us that Mario Vella is qualified to run Malta Enterprise. Yes, right. the endorsement of someone who knows nothing about economics is so convincing, isn’t it?
More than a government we now have a very good(perhaps) local council. Is it not what the majority of local people wanted?
This stems very well from the line of thought that Malta goes it on its own. Little do people at times realize that the local wealth does not depend solely on the Maltese.
It is like China going to war with the states; its biggest client. And if that happens who will suffer if not the Chinese business man and China’s own economy?
This is what concerns me personally., The new government is more busy on looking pretty with rather irrelevant individuals, having the largest cabinet, happily showing off their adorable beagle when we could potentially be in the middle of a thunder storm.
Exactly why anyone with two brain cells didn’t want them in power. Labour talked about the ease of the PM’s job and downplayed his merits while they focussed on their local PR, attracting by image more than anything else.
They had no policies or experience. Now in power, they’re removing anyone with such experience just so they can install their own puppets. Beyond the image and positivity is a rotten core of inexperienced scumbags who just don’t know how to run a country in this day and age.
Totally agree with your sentiment. However, too late. We’re on a toboggan run now (can only go down on a toboggan run) with a useless, inexperienced pilot and no brakeman.
And one should also not forget the jobs he intend to plan for the 95 Baxter employees who shall be made redundant by the end of this year. Let us see what other companies will follow Baxter.
I have a gut feeling that Mila is a particular pole dancer that he is extremely fond of.
Mila is not a pole – she’s Ukrainian.
The minister decided it was important to take a photo of his dog first thing in the morning and immediately upload it on Facebook. The economy? Oh, that can wait.
Cardona is obviously out of his depth. He doesn`t have a clue on what to do in the good times, let alone when trouble comes our way.
Who gives a shit about his bloody puppy! God help this country.
It seems that being able to write with a decent level of grammar is not an important requisite to become a Minister. I don’t think that the double b in qabli is a typo. Neither is the lack of “-” in l-kelba. Also, he probably meant ghalqet disgha gimghat (it seems to be her birthday).
Whilst I have for a long time given up on the way people spell in Maltese I always had my mind at rest that at least people in certain positions have a good grasp of spoken and written Maltese. Now it seems even this is to change.
If a minister cannot get one sentence right without spellin mistakes then we are really in the pits. Il-kelba qamet qabli (from qabel) not qabbli. Qabbel is something else.
ara l-ispelling tieghek qabel tiftah halqek, mister.
Chris Cardona and Edward Scicluna really inspire confidence.
Cardona hopes to create work by visiting every single factory on the island and Scicluna is trembling at the prospect of Malta ending up like Cyprus, attracting attention from the international press with his silly remarks and endangering Malta’s financial sector in the process.
In this very delicate situation where the PL government could wreck havoc on our economy, Tonio Fenech may be the best choice for PN leader since he knows exactly in what state he handed over the economy and he can make sure that the opposition keeps the government in constant check.
Scicluna is an academic economist and has no place in international politics. He will be eaten alive. Unfortunately, as our ‘Finance Minister’, so will we.
According to my sources, the international financial bloodhounds are already sniffing Maltese blood, as they weigh up the last three weeks’ shameful shenanigans.
Bitches – he gotta love them.
I think the trouble is that Muscat and his lot do not yet understand the fact that NOW they are Ministers of the Government of Malta and not just members of a Labour party or movement or whatever. They are Ministers and are expected to act and live as such. They have to forget their past roles. By the look of things, it is evident that the Ministries will find themselves in a fix (except Finance), where all the Permanent Secretaries have been sacked. If I were in the shoes of the Finance Permanent Secretary, I would have tendered my resignation in support of my “colleagues” – but it seems that the days of gentlamanlly behaviour do not -alas – exist any more.
Allow me to disagree with your last sentence.
Mr Camilleri possesses wide experience of public finance and administration policies. He was one of the best statisticians in the Civil Service at least in the past 20 years, and has worked hand-in-hand with Dr Gonzi and Tonio Fenech – contributing in his way to the success of Malta’s financial position. I think the new Government asking him to continue in the post is one – if not the only – sane decision taken by it.
If you’re so worried about the “Cyprus effect”, why not commit to some research instead of reacting to their call?
You can start with this video interview: (the professor pukes better in the latter half).
Here, Mr Pissarides explains what the EU elite group meant when they told Cyprus that it’s too small to act as a financial centre. You see, in this new soviet-structured monolith only Frankfurt, London and Paris are worthy of dealing with finance. Serf states like Malta and Cyprus should stick to ġbejniet and feta cheese….
… and how that dot appeared on the g of ġbejniet… there it goes again! Mhux nejk ir-Runny Nosebook! Kellha bzonn kienet hekk il-Maltafly.