Michael Briguglio leads a political party while calling himself a ‘floater’. Truly unbelievable.

Published: March 6, 2013 at 2:02pm

This is Michael Briguglio, leader of AD, interviewed on TVAM by Pierre Portelli yesterday:

55 Comments Comment

  1. Gakku says:

    I don’t think he understands what a floating voter is. He seems to be saying that “he started with one party and continued with another”. To me that is cross-party voting not being a floater.

  2. bystander says:

    What type of ‘floater’: two flush or three flush?

  3. Chris Mifsud says:

    The guy is a total idiot. He really really is and I have no idea why AD ever accepted him. Total fool.

  4. Dickens says:

    ”Floater” bhal dak li issib f ‘xi fossa ta’ drenagg jew impjant ta’ reciklagg!

  5. Jozef says:

    You should see AD diehards, whatever that means by their standards, on Facebook.

    Facetious by the hour, poor sods.

  6. Johannes says:

    That comment is so wrong on so many counts that truly he deserves to be asked to resign as AD’s chariman or whatever they call him. It must be a first in world politics for the leader of a political party to say that he is a floater!

    So he’s a floater who last time voted Labour while being an AD member on the Sliema council! As the Maltese expression goes “Hawwadni ha nifhem”.

    The tragic irony is that this floater-LP-AD person is going to attract PN voters.

    Truly this election is a collective lesson in how to cut one’s nose to spite one’s face.

  7. MojoMalti says:

    Found it.

  8. john says:

    The question I’m asking myself is this:

    How many AD candidates (if any at all) will be voting AD on Saturday?

    Or are they all floating around with the rest of the scum just like their chairman does?

  9. lino says:

    Yesterday, Dr. Lawrence Gonzi opened the new business block at MCAST. I’ve heard that students have already vandalized the desks.

  10. Il-Hajbu says:

    Dan ma jafx li l-karnival ghadda?

  11. Brian Ellul says:

    Like it… Floater = no principle!

    Tajjeb he voted MLP when the MLP have always been against the EU

  12. Augustus says:

    F’kelma wahda, PINNUR.

  13. Duminku says:

    Come on people! We can’t let Briguglio take PN’s seat in the 10th district. They are too close.

    Let’s call previous PN canvassers and get them on our side – yes even Arrigo and Pullicino have to work together on this

  14. just me says:

    “Jiena xellugi. Jiena vvutajt Labour fl-ahhar elezzjoni wkoll. U jiena nixtieq li jkun hemm gvern tax-xellug”. – Michael Briguglio (May 2008).


  15. maria says:

    Just goes to show that AD are not to be trusted

  16. Wenzu says:

    I can tell him about other things which float.

  17. math says:

    Proves that one should not vote for AD.

    AD’s just a front to scoop votes for the PL to the detriment of the PN.

    Michael was not AD’s leader in 2008 but today he is. Beats me because he’s a sociologist but I guess he should go back to his real drumming.

  18. M.. says:

    Under the current political system there is no precedent for how the seats in parliament will be allocated if there are three parties in parliament. Can anyone shed any light on this issue?

  19. Pied Piper says:

    Shame on you. Are you for real?

    Do you expect one to give you one’s vote taken from the PN to be handed over to the PL? One expects better from you Mr Floater and not take voters for a ride. Don’t bother painting your face green.

  20. Toffee says:

    A timely eye-opener. Green movement, my foot!

  21. Big Daddy says:

    I always thought of floaters as turds that can’t be flushed…

  22. Mandy Mallia says:

    The inconsistent Muscat was in favour of a night tariff – http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151274858030796

  23. G Borg says:

    Le ta – gej minn familja ta’ Marxisti-socjalisti, ta’ estrazzjoni Mintoffjana li jafu min fejn jghaddu, huma opportunisti u fl-ahhar mill-ahhar hadu dak li riedu.

    Ara Briguglio senior, kien fl-ezekuttiv tal-Labour fi zmien Mintoff, wara thabbeb man-Nazzjonalisti billi jghaddi xi kummenti favur wara l-budget jew meta jkun hemm bzonn. Dawn familja li kumbinazzjoni kollha spiccaw b’xi mod l-Universita’, bil-partner tieghu b’kollox.

  24. one of us says:

    All you “hurt” Nationalists who ‘can’t get themselves’ to vote for Labour so will vote AD and ‘not feel guilty’ – Michael Briguglio is a floater and could well vote for Labour like he did last time.

    So feel guilty, feel very very guilty as you screw things up for all of us.

  25. Claude Sciberras says:

    A floating voter is not someone who starts voting on one party then continues on the other. If you start voting for Labour, you have voted for Labour to be in government, and if you continue on other candidates you are saying that you want a Labour government and the other candidates in the opposition.

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Iehor bl-“attakki”. Imbasta jaghmilha tal-intelletwali teknokratiku.

    U imbasta socjologu. Lanqas biss jaf kif tahdem is-sistema elettorali Maltija.

    Mhux li tibda fuq kandidat ta’ partit u tkompli fuq iehor, Michael. Dak biex telegi l-kandidati. Li jghodd biex tivvota ghal partit huwa l-one. L-unu, Michael.

    Disingenuous answers from a disingenuous politician.

  27. yor/malta says:

    A.D. have been infiltrated by the left. The cheek of it was to brag about his voting pattern on TV – truly a childish champagne socialist.

    • Matthew says:

      AD have not been infiltrated by the left. AD ARE the left.

      They’re the product of Graffitti, Moviment Xellugi, communism, Marxism and too much time wearing Che Guevara T-shirts. They’re much more left than Labour. It’s about time people realised this.

  28. fear & hope says:

    I am fed up of this wagon full of soft, medium, well done Socialists.

    “Let’s go for it”

    If the Nationalist Party won’t make it, it’s pay day and a price day for Socialist creditors and Dr Muscat must deliver hard and fast.

    Apart from the obsession of his power station, the rest would be a mere hijack of the NP golden and honorable achievements for this country, indeed a political rape.

  29. SPARKS says:



  30. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Says a lot about conviction, doesn’t it?

    How can one even think of voting AD if its own principal exponent calls himself a ‘floating voter’ who did not vote AD when he was representing AD?

  31. Angus Black says:

    Heqq, forsi qed jilghaba b’kawtela biex forsi jekk John Dalli jirbah il-kawza kontra Barroso et al u jinghata xi kariga mportanti mal-UE, Brigulju jinghaqad ma’ Vassallo u jmur ipappijha hemm?

  32. manum says:

    X’wicc tost! Kif ma jisthux jidru quddiem in-nies. Alternattiva, my ass.

  33. Gahan says:

    Issaqsiehx ‘kif’ u ‘come’, imma naccertak li mhux kif qed jahsbu in-nies li qed jisimghuni.

    Nahseb li car hafna kien li qieghed f’rokna.

  34. GABS says:

    Lanqas il-pinnur li ghandi fuq il-bejt ma jaghqad daqshekk.

  35. Helen says:

    Bhad dulliegh…hodor minn barra, homor minn gewwa.

    [Daphne – Oh that’s rubbish. Quite a few of them are hodor minn gewwa as well.]

  36. ciccio says:

    Is it AD or is it AC (alternating current)?

  37. Mark Vella says:

    Mistoqsija sempliċi: Bħala floating voater, Michael Briguglio qatt ivvota PN jew dejjem ivvota Labour jew AD?

  38. PHILIP says:

    Dan kap ta’Partit li jrid 2000 vot minn kull distrett, araw tahlux xi vot fuqom lanqas jaf xi tfisser floater,u halluna tkomplux tahlu hin tghidu l-hmerijiet

  39. il bus says:

    Leader ta’ partit li ma jemminx totalment fl-ideali tal-partit tieghu stess! Xejn sew iehor dan.

    U l-kbira hi li b’domanda semplici spicca ma jsibx kliem biex jirrispondi.

    U jrid jibdel l-istorja politika ta’ Malta qal.

  40. Joseph Muscat says:

    Dawn kollja dwejjaq li ghandkom inthom nazzjonalisti. Nhar it-tnejn, Malta se tkun miksija bandieri homor u t-torca socjalista tridu jew ma tridux.

    • licious says:

      Dwejjaq ikollu dak il-partit li l-passat tieghu jhammarlu wiccu. Il-passat tal-partit taghna jaghmilna kburin.

  41. zz says:

    Has anyone noticed that during yesterday’s speech before the Gonzi/Muscat debate, Briguglio’s stand against hunting was reduced to “ma jkunx hemm kacca fir-rebbiegha”?

    Weren’t these the same people who were all against hunting at any time of day or year? Why have they softened their stand so suddenly? Maybe because Muscat has made an agreement with the hunters?

  42. Joseph Muscat says:

    Viva l-labour, Viva l-labour, sahhara tal-bidnija

  43. mark says:

    L-ewwel darba li tigi is-circus, Michael Briguglio ghandu japplika biex jithol jahdem maghhom bhala clown.

  44. Jozef says:

    L-uniku wiehed li rabba’ daqsxejn sens minn Alternattiva kien Peppi Azzopardi.

  45. Jozef says:

    Muscat has just confirmed turning the clock back to 2002 on Armier.

    Another confidential agreement confirmed today.

    This isn’t about AD anymore, it’s about voting someone who’s made a shambles of democracy.

    China, Libya, Farrugia’s j’accuse to contractors, Delimara, hunters, Armier, rumours of an amnesty, drugs, you name it, he plotted behind our backs.

    Are people like Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Kevin Drake and Deborah Schembri so rotten inside to ignore this attempt on dialogue?

    It’s not about lies, fake letters to newspapers to distort public opinion and planting moles in the media, it’s a brazen admission to stifle any of it come this Monday.

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