Mister Transport has lost his pushchair

Published: March 27, 2013 at 10:19am
He left his pushchair behind because he was so tired he was ‘in the sky’. Donations welcome because the poor thing is struggling to make ends meet on Eur80,000 a year.

He left his pushchair behind because he was so tired he was ‘in the sky’. Donations welcome because the poor thing is struggling to make ends meet on Eur80,000 a year.

James Piscopo, erstwhile Labour Party CEO and new ‘executive chairman’ of the national Transport Authority, has lost his pushchair.

His wife Lyndsey is appealing on Facebook for its return, because – and I quote her – she can’t manage without one, she has all the red and grey matching accessories which she now can’t use, and if it’s not returned she will have to buy another one.

Because you know, a pushchair is a terrific expense when your husband has just been given a job with a salary of Eur80,000 a year in return for services rendered to the Labour Party, and when he was a purchasing clerk at Air Malta before that, queuing up to punch out at 3.30pm.

Lyndsey Piscopo
Tlifna pushchair gdida Hamra bil grey ghajn tuffieha hdejn l scouts.jekk xa hadd ra jew sabha pls ibatuli private message fuq fb.napprezza hafna ghax ghandi accessorize kollha u ma nistghax nuzhom .grazzi hafna.

Maria Carey
How did you manage to lose a pushchair? (:

Lyndsey Piscopo
Wé were both in thé sky nahseb…jien naf!? Just forgot to put it in thé luggage boot…wé were so tired.:)

Maria Carey
If you need to borrow one of mine for now you can as I kept them for when we are abroad

Lyndsey Piscopo
Thks mar…now if i dont find it i have to buy one i can t stay without pushchair.much appreciated.xx

Mary Ann Micallef
thats bad news hi.hope you find it or who took it gives it back.

Maria Grech Ganado
ho9w ironic, losing the transport for your kids :) Good luck, Lyndsey xxx

Lyndsey Piscopo
:) good one maria grech Maria Grech Ganado

Tabitha Vassallo Grech
We went back again with car lights and gave another look… no luck! Someone must have taken it :-(

Lyndsey Piscopo
Thks tab.hard luck

MaryLee Grech
tijak lyn ??? tliftu??

Lyndsey Piscopo
Mela hi tieghi

MaryLee Grech

Lyndsey Piscopo
mela Hi issa ghada mur nixtri wiehed. Mhmx taghmel




54 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Maria Grech Ganado’s comment, “ho9w ironic, losing the transport for your kids :) ” takes full marks.
    The CEO of Transport Malta cannot even manage the transport of his own kids, let alone Transport Malta.

  2. Fido says:

    Have they noticed yet whether they left the toddler behind too?

  3. Sparky says:

    Oh deary deary me. Let’s set up a search party to find the pushchair. We can’t have prominent members of Malta Taghna Lkoll excessively worrying about transport hardware.

  4. Rent-a-Pushchair says:

    These Nats are sore losers.

  5. marks says:

    WTF. Ara biex ghabbejna.

    • Grezz says:

      Iva, hi. Tilfet il-puxcer, jahasra. Issa naghmluh fejsbuk,pls, hi. X’corma hamalli twikkejna bihom.

      • Rita Camilleri says:

        Kif spiccajna – ghax nitilfu puxcer inxxandruha ma’ kulhadd, ghax miskina m’ghandiex biex tixtri wahda gdida, ghax ma tafx int, il-gvern ta qabel, jigifieri ta’
        Gonzi, qeridhom.

        Forsi tas-Super One jistghu jaghmlu fund raising forsi ma tafx kif ikollha biex tixtri ohra.

  6. Tinu says:

    Daphne, this is not Meritokrazija, but purely Akrobazija, a fantastic somersault from a wage of a clerk to a wage of Exec. Chairman(Eur80,000) in a period of 4 years.

  7. Friday says:

    How will he manage the country’s transport if he cannot keep track of his son’s or daughter’s wheels?

  8. il baks says:

    Jahasra kemm qed jidispjacini. Il-veru iccassat trid tkun biex tinsa il-puxcer. Pero push jistghu jaghtuhila GWU u c-chair tiehu tar-ragekl u ikollha push chair.

  9. carmenborg says:

    Il-vera qazzu lil kulhadt b’ghemilhom.

    Jmisshom jisthu fi 17 il gurnata li ilhom fil-gvern qalbu Malta ta’ taht fuq u kull ma ghamlu hu li hattru lilhom u lill-familji taghhom fl-aqwa pozizzjoni li qatt jista jkollhom u il-hatriet dejjem gejjien.

  10. old-timer says:

    Perhaps Mrs Piscopo could hold a fund-raising event to get some money to buy a new puschair. Unbelievable. I just cannot understand wives who make fools of their husbands in this way.

    • La Redoute says:

      James Piscopo made a fool of himself. He accepted a job for which he is clearly unfit and foolishly said his years in the Labour Party equip him for the job.

  11. Majsi says:

    I have just sold a pushchair with matching red/grey accessories on MaltaPark for a mere €50. Would have asked more if I knew beforehand.

  12. E-gi says:

    Not even two wits were enough to make one sharp person.. geeee…

  13. The Shadow says:

    Do Joseph or any of the members of his cabinet make that kind of money I ask?

  14. Blue says:

    Il-puxxer taghna lkoll.

  15. Dorothy says:

    It’s surprising they didn’t lose the toddler too.

  16. Francesca C says:

    I really don’t understand what the big deal is?? It can happen to anyone (that is not putting a pushchair in the boot of a car) especially if 1 might have alot of things on their mind. It is not the first time I saw someone drive with their handbag or other perosnal item on the roof of their car as they simply got distracted and forgot about it! Yes it is funny but not one to stay blogging about! OMG don’t you have anything better to do with your time? Is this possibly so interesting that you have to inform your readers about? Also, so what she was upset that she has to buy a new one just because her husband now has an extremely good salary. She obviously doesn’t waste and isn’t a spendthrift…..so why judge her because of that? You are so full of hatred it is sickening…….

    [Daphne – “So full of hatred”. Kemm intom nies patetici. Learn to laugh at yourselves, for crying out loud. Thousands are doing it so you might as well join in. If this is hatred then what would you call the immigrant-bashing that goes on elsewhere, mainly among Labour supporters – or, for that matter, what I am subjected to by your beloved Super One and its parade of goons. You need to grow up fast. I’ll say your friend isn’t a spendthrift. She’s got five years of freeloading ahead of her – good luck with that.]

    • frank says:

      I can’t understand why you have to be so damned negative actually. Daphne is so altruistic that she even decided to help her out. By the look of things, she’s sure to get more exposure here than, say, by placing an ad on Maltastar.

    • Josette says:

      It’s not hatred, Francesca. It’s a sense of the ridiculous. The chairman of the Transport Authority can’t even keep track of his kid’s pushchair and his wife makes sure that everybody knows through Facebook.

      When will they learn that a conversation on Facebook is between you, your friends and basically the rest of the world?

    • mister says:

      Attakk fahxi u moqziez kontra il-puxcer tac-ciermen ta’ Transport Malta. Missek tishi, Daphne.

    • U Le! says:

      Dear Francesca,

      Did you see the Mr Bean episode when he tries to buy a pair of shoes and places one on top of a car which moves off? If Rowan Atkinson could do it, so can the Piscopos.

      • Maria Xriha says:

        It’s also a window to the home mentality and environment of the Minister of Transport.

  17. Klara says:

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaqq x’nies…..issa naghmlulha gabra, miskina.

  18. judy says:

    Go buy a new one, Mrs Transport Chairman. Offensive and bloody stupid comment in more ways than I can explain right now. IDIOT.

  19. Min Jaf says:

    Lyndsey’s major concern is not the means of transport for her toddler (she now has access to a chauffeur driven car off the tax-payers’ money), but that she is now saddled with a wide array of expensive accessories to the pushchair that she can no longer parade to the envy of the viewing public.

    • Josette says:

      Expensive ACCESSORIZE. And they were both in the sky, taħseb. Maltese-English mash which is neither correct Maltese nor English.

  20. Żeża ta' Bubaqra says:

    Oh dear lord. It’s moments like this that I think that I should be campaigning to be in government. That is, when I see how thick these people are.

  21. kram says:

    Does it dawn on them that being in such a position you do not go on Facebook and make a story of losing your pushchair?

  22. The Mole says:

    She has “accessorize kollha”. Does she mean the chain of shops?

  23. Natalie says:

    It’s remarkable that besides misspelling most Maltese words, and literal translation from Maltese to English, she is also unable to pronounce Maltese words correctly, as evidenced by the incorrect spelling.

    Notable words/ expressions:
    – xa haga
    – accessorize (very enlightening)
    – hamra bil-grey
    – in the sky

    Apart from: ra vs raha, nuzhom vs nuzahom, ibatuli vs ibaghtuli.

    Sometimes I despair of our Maltese education system.

  24. ray meilak says:

    What will she post next on her Facebook? The food she’s going to eat in a fine restaurant? Ara veru nies b’mohh ta’ tigiega

  25. puxa says:

    Thank you, kemm dahhaqtuni. Xraqt fis-“sellit”.

  26. Suspicious Mind says:

    P.S Mrs Piscopo is another one who can’t spell to save her life. Imma dawn fejn marru skola? I am beginning to believe that in the last 25 years the NP failed miserably in one department – EDUCATION.

  27. Alexander Ball says:

    The only sane response to ‘Mister Transport has lost his pushchair’ ought to be ‘so fucking what’.

  28. Jar Jar says:

    Some of the comments here show that people really need to get a life. It’s funny and absent minded that she (or they) forgot about the pushchair – but no more to read into it I think. Cameron once forgot his child at a pub! Happens to everyone!

  29. Wilson says:

    Dear Ms. Piscopo,

    You do understand that once your husband is in such a position, part of the weight must be carried by your good self. And that having Facebook accounts which are open for all to see is not really part of the bearing borne by your husband’s new position.

    Expect to have the mickey taken.

  30. Adam says:

    It’s incredible how these people don’t realize that certain things are not done. Unfortunately we have to put up with such behaviour for the next 5 years.

    The saddest thing is that by then, a large part of the population will consider it acceptable to behave in this manner. It’s called setting a bad example.

  31. Paul Borg says:

    Was the baby in it when it was left behind?

  32. botom says:

    I am sure that the businessmen he used to entertain in the fourth floor at the Labour Headquaters would be more than willing to help out with a new pushchair. A pushchair costs very little compared to the millions they forked out for the Labour campaign.

  33. Futur mill-aghar says:

    Why is ”pushchair’ feminine? I’d say ‘pushchair ahmar u griz mhux ‘hamra u grey’. Pram, on the other hand, is feminine, at least that’s how I’ve always known them to be.

  34. TinaB says:

    OMG – are these people for real?

  35. Victor says:

    Hilarious! What amuses me most though is how these people use the word ‘hi’ even when writing. Isn’t it bad enough when they use it in speaking?

  36. old-timer says:

    From what I read above, Mrs. Piscopo started this herself, Francesca C.

  37. Gahan says:

    As the old (twisted by me) adage goes ”We didn’t have to be crazy to elect Labour but it helped”

    Sometimes, after reading what some people who elected Labour did or wrote, I check wether I’m sane, and ask myself again if my electoral choice was based on rationality and logic rather than emotion.

  38. FARMA says:

    Issa t-toddler bl-Arriva se jibda jivvjagga bhal papa.

  39. P. Camilleri says:

    My advise to young lads: Why bother with education at MCAST or University. Join Super One and you will be guaranteed a very good job in a short while.

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