Mrs John Dalli is in Malta
March 4, 2013 at 12:49pm
If the man has such a rare and debilitating affliction which is supposed to justify his treatment in a Brussels clinic and render him unable to take a three-hour flight to Malta, then why has his wife abandoned his bedside?
The real circle of evil:
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Sceberras Trigona u Reno Calleja, O zmien helu.
Don’t worry Daphne, Gaddafi’s redundant Ukrainian nurse might be at his side.
Can we send a few Maltese covert agents on a rendition mission? I’d love to see him wake up in a container in the Libyan desert.
“Sur Dalli, ghall-iskopijiet ta’ din l-interrogazzjoni, dan il-container huwa territiorju Malti. Qed tifhmini car? Tridni nirrepeti? Se tigi moghti d-drittijiet legali kollha, imma m’intix se tithalla tohrog mill-container. Qed tifhimni? Tridni nirrepeti?”
BIBLE STORIES.The top picture reminds me of the The Prodigal Son.
I meant third from top picture.
Some people are showing the true FACE NOW. Hope that if PN will be in power again notice this thinks, and show no respect to them.
Oh, so many of a kind. Indeed ”Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way”