Next up: Frank Portelli

Published: March 31, 2013 at 10:41am

Michael Falzon

Peter AB

Michael Falzon has never made any secret of his contempt for Lawrence Gonzi and has collaborated – a suitable adjective for these situations, I find – wholeheartedly with Malta Today over the last several years.

He is also president of the Malta Developers Association , which has long been pressing for more building development, and which has the President’s son and Labour Party executive Lydia Abela’s husband, Robert, as legal adviser. Falzon is one of Sandro Chetcuti’s closest associates. That is actually the bit I find most worrying.

Labour has somehow managed to corral the support of two directly opposed special-interest groups (there are many other such examples, but let’s stick with the subject in hand): the ‘Astrid Vella – No No No’ bandwagon and the ‘Sandro Chetcuti Yes Yes Yes’ bulldozer.

Which one is going to win out? The latter, quite obviously. But by then the Astrid Vella bandwagon will have been completely neutralised, a job that is 99% done already, as you can see from the comment which I have reproduced here, posted by one of its more prominent members beneath this story about Michael Falzon in The Times.

“Prosit, Joseph” – so we are on first-name terms now, are we, Peter? Taking on Labour manners and mores, I see: that’s the prime minister, not ‘Joseph’, unless you are, of course, preoccupied with the need to show how cosy you are with the PM. But wouldn’t you say that’s terribly vulgar? I am, of course, pulling your leg, so please don’t feel the need to go all bitchy-queen about it.

I imagine there are going to be no megaphones, placards, sarky remarks on internet comments boards, and marches when Sandro and Michael (yes, I’m on first-name terms) begin getting their way.

Oh the blessed irony: Peter Apap Bologna, one of Astrid Vella’s most ardent admirers, congratulating the president of the Malta Developers Association on his let’s-keep-this-one-on-side appointment to a committee by ‘Joseph’. And they don’t even begin to understand how pathetic and spineless they are.

35 Comments Comment

  1. bob-a-job says:

    and after that Arrigo perhaps?

  2. David says:

    The Malta taghna lkoll is not only a slogan. It is being put into practice.

    [Daphne – ]

    • David says:

      The appointments of eminent jurists as Judge Giovanni Bonello and Prof Kevin Aquilina and persons who are not known to be Labour supporters as former PN MP Franco Debono and former PN minister Michael Falzon and also the probable appointment of Achitect Vincent Cassar are examples. Besides I do not think that all the new Permanent Secretaries are Labour supporters.

      [Daphne – You are very innocent. It’s charming, in a way.]

    • trapezoid says:

      Yes, David you are innocent.

      Before the elections, Vince Cassar used his position in the Chamber of Architects to manoeuvre himself to position to be appointed MEPA Chairman post-elections.

      For example, on 24 August 2012 Vince Cassar said “Mintoff always endorsed and held in high regard the profession’s principles and was always loyal to the profession itself” ; something which most right minded people know to be untrue.

  3. stennejt ahjar says:

    Ilni hafna ma joghgobnix Michael Falzon imma l-ahbar tal-lum hija c-cirasa fuq il-cake,

    Qalilna li kkonsulta ma’ ufficjali tal-PN qabel ma accetta. X’tahseb Michael li xi hadd kien se jghidlek taccettax? Bhal tal-glekk, kont tghid li l-PN ma hallikx tikkolabora.

    Pero’ nifhmek li pensjonant bhalek, trid tlahhaq mal-kontijiet tad-dawl, taccetta li tibqa’ tikkontribwixxi u taqla’ xi haga barra mil-pensjoni. Lawrence Gonzi tghak dan ic-cans li tiehu pensjoni u tahdem. U taghti sehmek lill bennejja u zviluppaturi wkoll.

    Niehu gost ukoll narak rijabilitat mit-tghajjir kollu li kont taqla’ minghand il-Labour meta kont ministru. Meta nsib ftit hin naghmel naqra ricerka u ngeddidlek il-memorja.

    Ghad fadal naqra rgulija Malta jew veru kif qal Baxxter ahjar nitilqu ‘l hemm? Nibqa’ nispera imma biex lil dan il-pajjiz ma nhalluhx kompletament f’idejn il-laqa.

    • Il-Haxu says:

      “stennejt ahjar” Li kkonsulta mal-PN qalilna ghax dak kien jaqbillu. X’qalulu l-PN ma qalilniex!! Kemm hasibna imbecilli. Tghid veru ser jghaddi s-salarju lill-karita’?

  4. bernie says:

    Before the election, every single notice issued by the government regarding hunting was criticised by the so-called ‘ambjentalisti’. So far I haven’t come across one single comment from these same ‘ambjentalisti’ in regards to the latest hunting regulations.

  5. ron says:

    All the Judases are collecting their thirty pieces of silver.

  6. Angus Black says:

    They all behave and act like starving paupers.

    A*se lickers, the whole damned lot.

  7. Makjavel says:

    If anyone wants a definition of “Hedging” this is it.

  8. john Z says:

    Maybe the Labour government will buy St Philip’s Hospital.

  9. taghna biss says:

    Oh God, Peter AB – another pufta bic-coff.

  10. carlos says:

    Joseph seems to be rounding up all the traitors.

  11. L'Aquila says:

    Yes, it’s payback time for another lackey.

  12. tony street says:

    Michael Falzon needs to explain who funds Malta Today.

  13. Gahan says:

    Follow the money.

  14. Philip Camilleri says:

    An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.

  15. Village says:

    The brown-nosing association of endlessly greedy, miserable and/or vicious conspirators headed by J Dalli BA (telaq) including Michael Falzon, Franco Tabone, Jeffrey it-ticci, Mugliett, Arrigo, JP Farrugia, Bundy, Frank Portelli, Kenneth dak il-pufta tac-cof, Drake, Consiglio and Paul Bonello.

  16. P Shaw says:

    This is further proof that appeasement never works. It indicates weakness in the leadership. The sort of person who needs to be appeased is invariably the sort of person who shouldn’t be appeased because by virtue of his/her personality and intentions, appeasement will only exacerbate the problem.

    Frank Portelli was appeased endlessly by the PN (he was an MEP candidate in 2009, they signed a contract with St. Philips a few months ago). They also treated his behaviour (going on Super One to tear the government up, being the only candidate not to turn up sit behind the prime minister after the June 2009 EP election defeat..).

    It was obvious that Frank only wanted to become an MEP for the salary and conditions and not because he wanted to work with the party.

    The same mistake was made with other MEP candidates in 2009.

  17. P Shaw says:

    Michael Falzon’s bitterness with the PN started in 1996 when he was not elected in the general election, and was humiliated further in the EP elections in 2004 when he obtained the least votes out of the PN candidates.

    The PN electorate rightly did not trust him for quite a few years and with hindsight, one can say that they were years ahead of the Nationalist Party in his regard.

    He did not speak with any PN officials during the last few years, let alone now, and was known inside the PN as someone who wanted to inflict as much damage as possible.

    I stopped reading his columns in The Sunday Times a few months ago as they became extremely nauseating.

    He used to repeatedly write about his loyalty to the PN principles and how he will always be Nationalist. When people try to drive a certain assertion way too far, it typically means just the opposite.

    It is a form of defence mechanism by detaching themselves from their own evil colluding and unethical behaviour.

    • Dickens says:

      Who could have ever trusted Michael Falzon?.The MEPA (then PAPB) under Michael Falzon as minister, was responsable for its worst booboos and how can anyone forget the Busietta Gardens Disaster that ruined Wied id-Dies for posterity?

    • Ta sapienza says:

      Well said.

  18. David S says:

    Honesty and Busietta Gardens. These three words don’t go together. Ask ta Stronka residents.

  19. mac says:

    And what has happened to Falzon, that has made him turn against Gonzi. He was there at the last PN mass meeting on il-Fosos at the 2008 election.

  20. canon says:

    Two requisites needed to qualify for one of Labour’s payback schemes are to be openly critical of Lawrence Gonzi and be member or former member of the Nationalist Party.

  21. ciccio says:

    Is my memory serving me right when I say that at the time of the development of the Phase 1 Delimara Power Station under Michael Falzon as Minister for Infrastructure, the Malta Labour Party – the same one of Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat – had made repeated allegations of corruption, because, among other things, if I remember well, the tender chosen costed Lm1 million more than the cheapest?

  22. just me says:

    Many traitors and dishonest people are being rewarded by this government. This is one of them.

    The meaning of meritocracy has been changed. This is the new meaning:

    A system in which those who lied, blackmailed, betrayed, and backstabbed the Nationalist government and helped the PL to get elected are rewarded with the top posts in this government.

    Where has all sense of decency and honesty gone?

  23. Hitting the Ground Running says:

    Wasn’t Michael Falzon Minister for infrastructure – including the Marsaxlokk power station development – in 1987-1992, the period to which these allegations relate?

    In the interest of transparency, and for the avoidance of any doubt, shouldn’t the Minister for Energy have avoided the appointment of Michael Falzon to anything related to oil purchases and Enemalta?

  24. pale blue my foot! says:

    Daphne I can`t agree with you on this one. It`s true that the opportunists, arse lickers and turncoats are queueing up for their rewards but I sincerely wouldn`t put Michael Falzon in the same category. His criticism has always been measured and constructive and I still hold this guy in high esteem. To be fair, he did consult the PN before agreeing to taking on this role and I believe he has already indicated that he will be donating any remuneration to charity.

  25. Jozef says:

    All I see is a queue of individuals, restricted by their lack of talent, taking it on the country.

    How dare Gonzi engage Piano? They didn’t get to bluff anymore. Now that their patron is a lout, they get their two cents worth in.

    Anyone seen Musumeci’s latest endeavour in Valletta? The work of someone who better stick to legal loopholes. Bent steel pipes sprayed black to make up for the error in design.

    Anyone seen Astrid’s statute? It demands the coordinator have technical experts on any matter related to planning. No excuses.

    Anyone seen Kenneth coordinating the opera? He was nowhere to be seen, except, of course, the interview.

    Anyone seen Harrison on Lift? She refused to carry out a particular sketch making fun of her ‘endorsement’. Very professional.

    Falzon will never subscribe to good design, not if Sandro can’t get down to it.

    Benoit must be ill, what with yesterday’s edition of Flair. There she is stuck in Joseph’s ultimate trap, a sugary solution of well-meaning semi-articulate beings.

    How dare Daphne show how it’s done? Witch, most definitely. Sorceress? Oh s&%*

    Muscat’s legislation will be the barbaric attempt to democratise aesthetics, Xarabank style.

    They’ll fall over each other to play. What Konrad did to physics, they’ll do to truth.

    At least Herrera had the good sense to cut their crap about some ‘Trevisan’ roof.

    Might be he feels the same about ownership, knows Joseph won’t force it.

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