Oh look, Sick Midget Jeff gives a testimonial for Labour shadow minister Michael Farrugia

Published: March 6, 2013 at 5:15pm

Maybe he’ll get lucky tonight.

At least that other twisted charlatan, Jesmond Mugliett, had sufficient sense of shame to let his pushy Laburista wife do this alone.

And gosh, look, yet another member of Jeffrey’s Evil Click gives a testimonial for Michael Farrugia: Andy Ellul, Sharon Ellul Bonici’s nasty little ex policeman-turned-lawyer brother.

Any moment now and we’ll have Robert Musumeci because his partner won’t want to be rapped by the Chief Justice for doing it herself.

36 Comments Comment

  1. manum says:

    If I was a Labour supporter, I would be very angry at having the party saddled with such filth.

  2. Matthew Borg says:

    Dan mux f’siktu zgur.

  3. marks says:

    Birds of a feather flock together. The two of them f**ked up their personal lives big time.

  4. sandy:) says:


    [Daphne – Fascinating. His auntie Jane Marshall is that Malta Taghna Lkoll video, and his uncle Albert Marshall is well in with JosephMuscatDotCom.]

  5. lorna saliba says:


  6. Helene says:

    Jidher li l-Lejber diga’ identifika min se jkun qed imexxi f’numru ta’ karigi


  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Am I a fucking brilliant analyst or am I one?

  8. Il-Hajbu says:

    Dan meta qieghed jitkellem?

  9. edgar says:

    If I were a PL candidate for the general elections, the last person that I would want promoting my canditature is JPO. Too much baggage and known to be a man with no principles

  10. Peter Frendo says:

    What a corrupt piece of sh*t this man is.

    What have they promised you, Jeffrey?

  11. Gorg Borg says:

    What the hell is that carpet hanging on the wall?

  12. Augustus says:

    Il-veru gakbin.

  13. U Le! says:

    That is a good enough reason not to vote Michael Farrugia.

  14. La Redoute says:

    Why does he have a bowl of kiwi behind him?

  15. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Il-veru bniedem bla misthija. Mela nesa meta mar ghal-dibattitu fuq stazzjon tat-TV u qal li hu Nazzjonalist u kburi li qabel kien Laburist. Imma kemm joqghodlu l-proverbju Malta “Min jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru”.

    U bil haqq nesa kemm beka fl’ elezzjoni ta 2008. Min hawn nghidlu li anke il-kukkudrilli jibku.

  16. malti says:

    I just heard that Franco Debono will be one of the Labour’s speakers in tomorrow’s meeting at Hal Far. OMG.

  17. TinaB says:

    I cannot stand the sight of this venomenous little twerp. I also cannot stand his pathetic voice and gestures.

    I wonder, what the hell did Carmen see in this idiot?

  18. maltawarrior says:


    What a lying prick you are. Unbelievable. You managed to rewrite the history of Mater Dei Hospital in less than 20 seconds.

    “Shame on you” does not even start to express the feelings you stir in many of those of us who believed you and voted you in last time round.

    I wish we could say that it’s good riddance, but I have a feeling that you’ll still pop up to haunt us in the very near future, seeing how friendly you are with the “Prattikament Prim Ministru”.

  19. Dejjem PN says:


  20. Jozef says:


    0:40, the minister for the North is…Michael Farrugia.

    I don’t believe it.

  21. lino says:

    Some cheek talking about loyalty towards constituents. Jeffrey, let me tell you something, I can come to terms with Franco somehow, but you are interdicted in my books.

    You are untrustable (not just untrustworthy), letting down people who trusted and defended you runs in your veins and I wouldn’t want you within 10 miles radius, given that Malta is a small island. To me you are dead.

  22. Joseph - Dyson's New Vacuum Cleaner says:

    Dawk li skartajna fl-iskip ahna, gabarhom Joseph il-“Hulk”.

    Jeffrey = 100% of 40% vol. Earl Grey

    Joseph = Showaddywaddy

  23. Election Mode says:

    I’ve noticed that Lawrence Gonzi takes every opportunity to mention and hail previous PN prime ministers.

    The is because the PN is proud of its past.

    Has anyone heard Joseph Muscat do the same? Can you imagine him mentioning his lunatic predecessor Alfred Sant or KMB in a mass meeting? Probably even his supporters would boo him.

    I urge everyone to do as Lawrence Gonzi asked of us last Sunday and try and convince two people to vote PN. I’ve done my part (was successful at least with one) and feel so good about it.

  24. Wilson says:

    Thanks for second video. There is another ex policeman brother to this brother.

  25. PWG says:

    No need for the Natonalist Party to go into opposition to clean up its act.

    It has already done so by getting rid of Debono, Mugliett and Pulllicino Orlando.

    It is apparent that these low life will be voting Labour.

    The star switchers paraded by Labour have remarkably comparable traits in character. Good riddance to the lot of you.

  26. Joe Micallef says:

    Am I correct in saying that on Friday all billboard canvases will be replaced?

    If yes, the MLP is trying to be clever by having Partit Laburista on the billboard concrete stand.

  27. James Agius says:

    X’ipokresija JPO! L-anqas il-h*ra fuq wiccek ma jixralek.

  28. Angus Black says:

    Kollha sabu postom fejn jixirqilhom. Grazzi talli naddaftu l-PN.

    Hlisna mill-imbarazz u wikkejnieh lill-PL. Alleluia!

  29. Gahan says:

    Dawn it-tnejn kienu mistiedna f’dak il-birthday party tal-Magistrat Consuelo Scerri Herrera.

  30. Tack says:

    I read a testimonial by Robert Musumeci for a Labour candidate today on L-Orizzont. Cannot remember the candidate’s name but he is an economist and he had three testimonials in his advert and the middle one was Musumeci’s.

  31. PHILIP says:

    JPO, thanks for leaving PN – much appreciated and please stay out for ever. I am one of those from Haz-Zebbug, whom you insulted.

  32. maryanne says:

    “Micheal Farrugia huwa bniedem ta’ integrita’ f’dak kollu li jaghmel..” Andy Ellul.

    Some women may have a different opinion.

  33. Karl Grima says:

    In what way could you consider somebody midget when you are a midget yourself?

    Poor daphne and your PN have no arguments and losing big time next saturday thanks to responsible people with their vote.

    [Daphne – That’s the best one I have heard so far: Daphne is a midget.]

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