Oh. My God. How to scare away anyone with an ounce of self respect.

Published: March 2, 2013 at 7:57pm

This was the Big Labour I’m In event outside the law courts in Valletta this morning.

Qed narah jien, mimli switchers minn High Rich.

Labour’s cultural policy – so impressive. Shouldn’t Kenneth Zammit Tabona have been there in his bowtie, setting the pace with Albert Gauci Cunningham and Ramona Frendo, u forsi xi pirouette minn Frederick Testa if he still can at 60?

Why isn’t Audrey Harrison, with her degree in theatre studies/performing arts, leading the crowd in a leotard and leg-warmers, wearing her husband Assistant Police Commissioner Neil’s officer’s cap for a wink-wink touch?

This is the sort of video you put on when you’re 18 and have had too much to drink and want to fall about laughing with your friends.

I know that everyone’s vote is equal, but the minute you parade this kind of thing about town, everyone with an ounce of self-respect is going to fly like the wind To Be Out.

34 Comments Comment

  1. taxxu says:

    Dancing dogs can do better.

  2. scott brown says:

    Is this the new version of the Brigata Laburista and the pom pom girls? The liberal and progressive movement brigade.

  3. Kevin Zammit says:

    Xiz-zo**! Jinholqu l-postijiet tax-xoghol b’dawn iz-zbu*ati, ukoll.

  4. L.Gatt says:

    The more I hear Joseph Muscat, the more convinced I am that he has somehow been “trained” to mimic Eddie Fenech Adami’s voice.

    During this campaign he has sounded exactly like him.

    Are the gestures used in the “spettaklu veru sabih u modern” sign language for the deaf?

    [Daphne – He doesn’t sound Fenech Adami at all. He sounds like someone mimicking Fenech Adami’s cadences and intonation. The main sound in Fenech Adami’s voice was conviction.]

  5. manum says:

    Daphne there is something wrong with your website. Your picture is blocking the video clip. Is this okay?

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s because videos embedded from Facebook are not size-compatible. But I still use them when I think it’s something you should see.]

    • Matthew says:

      It’s only your photo in the middle of the video that makes watching such claptrap bearable, Daphne.

  6. P Shaw says:

    OMG – something has gone really awry in this country.

    I can understand that a strong economy, considerable opportunities and no major worries in life in a small island can lead to boredom, but never ever imagined that it could head towards this mass madness.

  7. afm says:

    Ivaaaa Daphne darling, it’s called a flush mob, erm sorry flash mob.

  8. Gahan says:

    “….the minute you parade this kind of thing about town, everyone with an ounce of self-respect is going to fly like the wind To Be Out.”

    There you go with your advice to your enemy.

    They will heed your advice.

    [Daphne – Not much time left for that.]

  9. Min Jaf says:

    Froga tac-cwiec indirizzata minn froga Muscat. Ghamel tern hej, Joseph.

    Tassew akkaniti ghalih iz-zghazagh. Xi tqanzieha kienet l-affari.

  10. keith s says:

    What is progressive about this? Bunch of idiots waving Labour flags and wearing ‘hoddies’ while jumping around to Malta Taghna Lkoll.

  11. diamond says:

    I can see something huge trying to dance at the back of the crowd. It’s Deborah Schembri. She’s in!

  12. diamond says:


    I think this is what they had in mind!

  13. Harry Purdie says:

    Jeez, are we in for it. A government led by the Prime Turd and a cabinet of trogoldytes.

  14. Jozef says:

    Gauci Cunningham is on Facebook shrieking like a banshee.

    ‘9 days to go; Its more of the same or change. Its useless complaining and moaning and throwing tantrums and regretting voting GonziPN for five years and doing nothing when push comes to shove. Make no mistake about it! It’s now or never. We either make a much needed change now or we might just as well declare a Malta one-Party state…’

    We know it’s now or never Albert, it’s the one thing worth considering.

  15. Joe Micallef says:

    Was Kim Jong Un there?

  16. Oscar says:

    The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
    Winston Churchill

    5 minutes ? In the case of this lot, make that 5 seconds.

  17. Tabatha White says:

    What struck me is that they could have easily chosen a different location further up or down the same street so as not to end up with their backs to the Law Courts.

  18. Matthew says:

    They’re more camp than a row of tents with Freddie Mercury impersonators sleeping inside them.

    Can you imagine the beating Nationalist Party supporters would have received had they put up something like this circa 1980?

  19. Oscar says:

    Just came across this email written to our prime-minister.


    How true is that ?

    • just me says:

      It is 100% true. In the 70s and 80s you would risk being beaten up if you said you sided with PN or criticised the government. There was no freedom of speech at all.

      • Sasha says:

        You should approach all those who used to write against the Labour government in The Times back then, to find out for yourself all the threats they received on a daily basis, as well as the number of visits they got from the police or the flak their families received.

  20. Taghna lkoll says:

    Karl Stagno Navarra just went on line to say another scandal exposed in tomorrow’s Illum and MT.

    What next?

  21. Joanna V says:

    Anyone noticed Deborah Schembri dancing at the back like an idiot?

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Our little Pacific friends do it so much better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BoiFC0dZ5g

  23. Natalie says:

    That was painful.

    It reminds me of my school days and the rare occasions when I was forced to take part in a similar ‘dances’.

  24. Adam says:

    Deborah tad-Divorzju was there too, but when the dancing started, she vanished.

  25. Libertas says:

    Brigata Laburista with a new twist.

    Can’t they ever learn?

  26. Sasha says:

    OMG an I’m IN flash mob, pathetic, so outdated already.

    I read the interviews with Joseph Muscat in the newspapers today. Is it my impression, or is he creating a Scientology cult?

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