Prime Minister Muscat visits Dar Malta in Brussels – accompanied not by the Ministers for Europe and Foreign Affairs, but by the Minister of Finance

Published: March 15, 2013 at 12:24pm

Louis Grech is Minister for Europe. Why didn’t he make the trip?

What was the Minister of Finance doing there?

And is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Vella, the man who as Sant’s foreign minister in 1996 withdrew Malta’s applicatoin for EU membership, going to keep up this game for the next five years, not going to EU Summits and having nothing to do with Dar Malta?

The sound quality of this video is poor, but turn up the volume to max, strain your ears, and listen to the inarticulate pep talk the prime minister gives to Dar Malta employees.

18 Comments Comment

  1. concerned citizen says:

    Joseph ain’t so cryptic when you have the key to unlock his schtick.

    It’s this: He hasn’t got a fucking clue – he’s making it up as he goes along.

    Apply that fact to all he says and does and it all makes perfect sense.

    He’s winging it – at our expense.

  2. Zunzana Blu says:

    Well, I have the gut feeling that the Minister of Finance was carried along to be of help just in case the €1.2 million package was in any jeopardy.

    That’s how Lejber reason it out, dear Daphne. It’s like the reasoning of an inexperienced teen who thinks to himself, “Ooh, it’s a Math exam…so I’ll only need to take along my protractor”.

    Ma tarax, Daphne – can’t you even fathom for a millisecond how utterly out-of-place George Vella would have looked?

    I think this is the PL’s way of doing things in Brussels in the future. It’s not about what impression our statesmen can give; it’s all about how much we can squeeze out of the EU.

    Did you see (and listen to) the effect of not having a teleprompter at his disposal had on our new Prime Minister? “Emmm”…”Eerrmmm”.

    Someone from his personal entourage should have his/her ears pulled for forgetting one essential: the PL-patented mobile lectern/platform, without which he couldn’t function normally while speaking to Dar Malta employees.

  3. Lestrade says:

    Well George Vella of the bushy eyebrows will have to be dragged in screaming into Dar Malta in Brussels and at 71 and counting, battikata bhal din mhux tajba ghal sahhtu.

  4. Rita Camilleri says:

    Why is he switching from one language to another?

  5. vanni says:

    Why should these people be apprehensive? And what is Muscat hinting here? That they should be apprehensive?
    Mela Malta mhux taghna lkoll?

    Or is Muscat implying something even more insulting? That these people are not professional enough to serve their country’s interests?

    Is Muscat judging people by his own feeble standards?

    • Tulipana says:

      Very well said. I got the shivers listening to the in-betweens of what he told them.

    • ken il malti says:

      I think he is saying that if you people are die hard Nationalists, as in PN and you double-cross or sabotage this PL government then you can kiss your high paying plum job in Brussels good-bye and you will be replaced with a clueless but loyal Labourite.

  6. B Cool B Lejber says:

    Why is it that every Labour politician has started speaking Manglish since the beginning of the electoral campaign?

    Joseph, tahseb li qed timpressjonani ghax taf titkellem zewg lingwi b’livell ta’ proficjenza ta’ student sekondarju?

    • TinaB says:

      Lis-switchers “il-puliti” u ta “IQ oghli hafna” irnexxilu jimpressjonahom mid-dehra, dan, terga u tghid, wara li xi uhud minnhom xebghu jikkoregu lil dak u lil iehor u imaqdru lil min ma jafx jitkellem tajjeb bl-Inglis u jispelli bil-Malti fuq certi social networks, biex taf int, juru kemm huma bravi u intelligenti.

      Issa sirna nafu x’livell ta’ intelligenza kbira ghandhom dawn l-individwi.

    • Angus Black says:

      B Cool, jekk jghogbok tinsulentax l-istudenti tas-sekondarja!

  7. Jozef says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he calls RCC for help.

  8. Jozef says:

    He expects total unconditional loyalty.

    To what?

  9. David Meilak says:

    I just loved the way Joseph Muscat described his visit to Brussels this week while being interviewed by TVM news when he said ‘I felt like I was back home!’

    What a hypocrite. This coming from the man who tried so much to distance Malta from joining the E.U. So now Brussels is his natural home?

    • Angus Black says:

      I wonder whether he had a minute or two to check on J Dalli BA’s health, knowing that John Rizzo wants to have a word or two with him.

      Or are things changing there as well? Maybe Toni Abela made a few phone calls already and contacted the same ‘Puluzija Laburist’ he talked to about the Attard incident?

    • sasha says:

      Maybe he was going back home, think about it.

  10. Paul says:

    Lets have a look at the real Joseph Muscat.

  11. sasha says:

    I am not surprised by this speech at all. A thief trusts like a thief. Hence he knows how many people he put in positions to scew Gonzi’s gov durung the last term so he is thinking within his mental framework.

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