Seventy-one year-old George of the Jungle Eyebrows, our foreign minister from Sant’s cabinet of 1996

Published: March 14, 2013 at 6:58pm

17 Comments Comment

    • zeitun says:

      And he had told us that this lawyer was someone who wanted to know about snus. Innocuous meeting, remember?

  1. ron says:

    Recycling the unrecyclable.

  2. Ooooops says:

    Are those eyebrows for real?

  3. Plotinus says:

    Europe Gas Carnage Shown by EON Closing 3-Year-Old Plant

    Three years ago, Germany’s largest utility spent 400 million euros ($523 million) building a natural gas-fired power station. Later this month, the company may close the plant because it’s losing so much money.
    EON SE’s Irsching-5 in Bavaria last year operated less than 25 percent of the time as slumping power prices made burning natural gas unprofitable by record margins. As Europe’s weak economy holds back electricity demand, cheaper coal, requirements to buy renewable energy and the collapsing cost of carbon permits are undercutting gas-fired plants.

  4. xmun says:

    L-ispiza tal-kabinett

    Aspett importanti hu l-ispiża li se jkollu jġorr il-pajjiż għal dan il-kabinett kbir. Il-pagi ta’ 8 ministri fil-kabinett ta’ Lawrence Gonzi kienu jammontaw għal ftit iktar minn €336,016 fis-sena. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-kabinett ta’ Joseph Muscat magħmul minn 14-il ministru se jkollu spiża li taqbeż sew in-nofs miljun ewro fis-sena – preċiżament €588,028. Id-differenza fin-nefqa bejn dan il-kabinett u l-kabinett preċedenti hi ta’ ftit iktar minn €250,000 fis-sena jew €1.25 miljun għal leġislatura ta’ ħames snin.

    Anki meta wieħed iżid l-onorarja parlamentari – li eventwalment kienet irtirata u saret rifużjoni – il-kabinett ta’ Lawrence Gonzi kien jiswa lill-kaxxa ta’ Malta €44,012 inqas minn dak li se jiġi jiswieha l-kabinett ta’ Joseph Muscat.

    Jekk wieħed jieħu stima konservattiva ta’ €800,000 fl-ispiża annwali ta’ kull ministeru bis-segretarjat privat b’kollox fuq 23 membru għal ħames snin – l-ispiża tal-kabinett ta’ Muscat titla’ għal €92. Din hija ċifra konservattiva għaliex l-ispiża tal-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru waħdu ġeneralment taqbeż €1 miljun fis-sena.

  5. canon says:

    Kemm il-skola gdida konna nibnu b’dawk l-ispejjez zejda. Fejn hu Tonio Fenech?

  6. Joe cassar says:

    Dear Daphne,

    I simply love you! Honestly I just love the way you speak out. Finally we have a woman with big ba***, who can tell us the truth the way it really is.

    Thank you and keep it up!

    Joe x

    • AE says:

      Indeed it would have to be a woman to have balls in this country. Where are all the male journalists?

      The one silver lining (beside of course, Luciano, Jason and Gino not being elected) is that this damn lot are going to be giving Daphne lots of fodder to write and we can expect to have lots and lots of posts of hers to read.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    It’s George Bush(y) eyebrows

  8. ken il malti says:

    Can you dust your car seats with those eyebrows ?

  9. Hannah says:

    Muscat use to say that he will cut il hela, from the opposition bench you say a lot but when you are in power you do the opposite. He did disappoint me already in three things he did, choosing Mario Cutajar as a chief of the civil service, the worst he could do,being in high ranks of gwu. Choosing mallia, wait and see the corruption there, and calling the permanent secretaries to resign. That’s a fuck up.

  10. VD says:

    I cannot understand the debasing comments about George Vella. Will those who are ready to comment so freely about him try and talk to him for a few minutes. I am sure you will be most impressed with his outlook on life.
    He is a great family man loved by all his relatives and is in turn surrounded by a gorgeous family that adores him and admired by those privileged to meet him. Incidentally He is a great family doctor as the great majority of his patients can vouch. Hate only reflects badly on those expressing it.

    [Daphne – Those are just the qualities that make for a good foreign minister, VD: an impressive outlook on life, a great family man who is loved by all his relatives, with a gorgeous family who adore him, admired by those privileged to meet him, and a great family doctor. Get your head examined. Is this how you vote? Oh, and this isn’t hate: I couldn’t give a damn about George Vella. This is political criticism. The man is foreign minister. This is a democracy. And we still have to spell out all these basic facts to Laburisti.]

    • Lilla says:

      “He is a great family doctor as the great majority of his patients can vouch”

      He has the bedside manner of a grumpy bulldog.

      And you might say that this does not mean he isn’t a good doctor, but I would rather not get bellowed at when I’m sick.

      Ħallina tridx.

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