Silvio Scerri of Nexos Lighting – will he be ‘giving up his directorships’ too, while retaining ownership of his business?

Published: March 17, 2013 at 2:57pm


The man seen between the army officer and the Minister for Justice, the Police, the Army and Broadcasting is Silvio Scerri, who owns Malta’s biggest performance/stage/TV lighting etc business.

He ran Manuel Mallia’s personal campaign.

Now we have to ask what he is doing, accompanying the cabinet minister on his official visits to organisations and places which fall within his portfolio.

Why is the businessman Silvio Scerri accompanying Manuel Mallia, along with ex footballer L-Olandiz, on his official visit to the army?

I think we have the answer here as to why responsibility for broadcasting, including the state broadcaster PBS/TVM was slipped incongruously into Manuel Mallia’s army/police/justice portfolio.

This photograph was published in The Times along with a report of the visit. I would suggest that The Times, instead of passing sarcastic remarks about those who point out its severe weaknesses and shortcomings which serve its readers ill and the Labour Party so well, wakes up, understands that the campaign is over, that Labour is the new government, and begins asking some proper questions.

Why didn’t its reporter bother to ask who the two men accompanying Manuel Mallia are, what they were doing there, and what their role is in his ministry?

Silvio Scerri is the Justice/Army/Police/Broadcasting Minister’s head of secretariat.

And once they’d found out that the minister’s head of secretariat owns a business with a big turnover, that operates in the broadcasting sector, their next question might have been:

“Oh really? Then pray explain why he has been so keen to take on a job serving the new Broadcasting Minister. Is it perhaps because he sees openings for his business through his insertion into the Broadcasting Ministry?”

For God’s sake wake up – or are you all still dreaming of Tonio Fenech’s rubbish clock.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Paul says:

    Issa mhux il-hbieb tal-hbieb, imma TAL-HBIEB…

  2. gejnasew says:

    This morning I asked my newsagent to stop delivering The Times to my home. The Times was (and still is) of the opinion that PN ‘deserve a lesson’. Now it’s my time to serve The Times a lesson.

  3. carlos says:

    Now we getting to know how right Anglu Farrugia was about big businessmen frequenting the 4th floor at Labour HQ.

  4. concerned citizen says:

    If it wasn’t for you sticking your nose in where it’s not wanted, the average Maltese citizen could go about their business in ignorant bliss, happy as pigs in shit.

    No wonder ‘they’ want to silence the only voice of reason on the island.

    Good work, Daphne.

  5. Les Carbonaro says:

    Just saw this:

    Must be a huge weight on one’s conscience knowing one has defended the scum of the earth.

    Here, we make them Minister of Justice.

  6. fear & hope says:

    I watched Dr Fenech Adami walk on, to greet Nationalist supporters on the granaries during last Mass Meeting. I thought, ‘ Sir, would you have me believe that you are here to boost our morale? Excuse me but I am not falling for it.’

    In front of me was man of integrity, wise and capable, a seasoned politician raised up to the realm of a Statesman.

    I was sure he ‘knew’ defeat for the party was knocking and yet somehow, was not there to muster the couple of extra votes. The motive was deeper.

    The essence of his talk as I understood it, was to remind the public about the times when the Nationalist held a meeting with hundred people or so starting a vigorous campaign, to hit back at institutionalized corruption, a kind of pseudo democracy stretch to the limits of legality a ‘de facto’, regime of oppression and terror.

    Some of the same protagonists are now at the helm again and people voted them back, that is damned worrying.

    “Muviment gdid with unprecedented large cabinet, rendering the Government in office more and more looking like a ‘people’s congress’ . Soft Socialism?

    Being alert and prepared is wisdom.

  7. Jozef says:

    Saviour’s latest rant was to Mario de Marco’s criticism of Mario Cutajar’s appointment.

    He thinks Mario should just shut up, having appointed Petra Bianchi of Din L-Art Helwa to the environmental arm of Mepa.

    I see someone’s playing her cards already. In the most ‘independent’ of ways.

  8. Sue says:

    So, the close connections Anglu Farrugia referred to some weeks back are now surfacing.

  9. Snoopy says:

    If my memory serves me well, Silvio Scerri is another turncoat that after having so good under the PN decided to switch sides so as to get a bigger cut of the cake.

    Malta Taghna (il-Businessmen) Ilkoll!

  10. Jozef says:

    Silvio Scerri was the regular guest on labour’s ‘business’ programme. The others would be Sandro, Musumeci, Buhagiar and Marion Mizzi.

    Communications bred, he’s the one who hammered on about the burokrazija.

    Silvio’s very close to Sant’s ex-carless chauffeur, and if he gets his way, watch closely as other ‘nationalists’ take over the Xandir. Someone may even give up her job in Euronews. The BayRadio brigade, watch out for Tanti on PBS.

    These are your typical permanently troubled individuals who have a major issue with their background. With these, it’s not about the money, it’s the eradication of social differences and their distinguishing criteria.

    The nature of capitalism, competition, talent and consistent innovation, is in itself discriminatory. They will NOT have an adversary. That becomes the klikka.

    Even if they mean well, the creation of sectoral categories acknowledged by the state, will destroy the economics all the same.

    The Labour message when taken at face value is just Malta pre-accession.

    This is where the PN rediscovers it’s raison d’etre. We’ll need it.

    • Jo Call says:

      Òh my God, it’s him again – the man who likes to gather power by gently moving in all directions.

      The friend of Italian cowboys.

      The man who was asked to leave Minister Ugo Mifsud Bonnici’s secretariat in the early 1990s, round about the time he set up this business of his, when Lm23,000 of exam fees when missing from a car used by the ministry.

      The man who loves playing with recording equipment – a talent he inherited from his father, with his long career at Telemalta.

      His sister works as a high clerical officer at the Police HQ – very convenient now that her brother is head of the Police Minister’s secretariat.

      May God go with you, Manuel Mallia. And with the rest of us, too.

  11. Manuel says:

    Maybe he is there ghaliex Malta Taghhom Ilkoll, taf int.

    And yes, The Times Is In. I have decided to stop accessing this newspaper on the internet (since I am currently abroad). I have also refused a copy of this newspaper while on flight.

    It has become a cheap propaganda tool for the PL and for Kasco. And yes, every now and again it gives us “good stories”, like missing cats, horses being beaten to death, Arriva mishaps etc.

    • P Shaw says:

      Just remove The Times from the Favorites bar as I did. You will forget about it much faster than you think.

  12. Jozef says:

    Silvio’s secretariat will also be in charge of the film industry in Malta.

    I found it rather odd when Manuel Mallia corrected Reno Bugeja, adding it to his portfolio. Reno was reading off a list.

    There I was, thinking the film industry would form part of the culture and the arts.

    Gensna, the movie.

  13. Joe Farrugia says:

    Would you all please stop posting links leading to “The Times”.

  14. General says:

    That army officer is Brigadier Martin Xuereb, the AFM Commander.

  15. old-timer says:

    As a certain Bezzina on Smash TV would say : Crieki go crieki.

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