Such a shame to throw this out and bring in an ex Super One reporter
March 9, 2013 at 7:56pm
The Global Post reports:
Muscat, an economist, is calling for a change in direction for the next five years on the sun-kissed island state of 400,000 inhabitants, despite a string of positive economic results that are the envy of fellow Europeans.
Unemployment stands at only 6.0 percent, growth was 1.5 percent in 2012 and the deficit was 2.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) — well below the threshold established by the European Union.
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Ibghatu li Global Post u ‘l-BBC mandat t’arrest issa !
Dawn ukoll ma’ Daphne?
Naraw kif naghmlu u nimblukkaw dawn is-siti elettronici.
Well, if the polls play out, I don’t give them more than a term.
You only have to look at them as a collective and then try and imagine them equalling the strides Malta has taken over the last 25 years. Impossible.
They’ll have their work cut out from day one with that albatross of a tariff pledge.
In the event that lil Joe prevails, Joe Kegbelly’s advice would be: don’t do anything; don’t let any of your (cough) team play with any of the buttons. Then, we might be talking.
Their crack public-private team are gonna break the world’s record for building two gas tanks …………….. at Delimara.
Konrad’s ready to break turf monday.
Go team, go.
Came across this video. The unedited version! Goodness. Made a scene, was rude and just stormed out! What arrogance. OK, I agree that we should have Maltese translators. But in such a case one should have just stood up, spoken calmly and requested that this sort of thing does not happen again, and just revert to using English. After all, English is also malta’s official language, isn’t it?
If that link won’t work, for what it’s worth now, try this one.
Watch his lips tremble towards the end of his diatribe and if I read Joseph’s lips properly he seems to say ‘fuck you’ before storming out.
The other link is for mobile.
1 more hour to go for the CLIQUE OF EVIL. Thanks Daphne for unwillingly helping Dr. Muscat and his PL movement to give the Order of The Boot to your friends in the Oligarchy !
So you’ve been bought up by Frankie Tabone’s obsessive rants, have you? Everyone has his price but who’d have thought that the mighty Privitera’s would be so cheap.
Qatt ma kkumentajt qabel imma, Sur Privitera. Evil is destroying the hopes of a generation and then condemning those who managed to give hope and much more to subsequent ones.
Evil is stifling all those who do not agree with you, destroying careers and then pretending that those who do not judge people by political colour are doing the same.
Mr Privitera you only have to look at the higher echelons of government to see the number of known Labour supporters who continued advancing during various Nationalist governments, when, during the dark ages of Labour government, to be Nationalist meant to have your career blocked indefinitely.
And let us not start talking of the instutionalised violence of the seventies and eighties.
Sometimes I get the impression that you were living in a different Malta than the rest of us.
I happen to be one of many whose career WAS BLOCKED by PN government between 1987 and 1995 ! Sole reason was my political views. This was said by the Tribunal for the Investigation of Injustices !!!
To be replaced by a CLIQUE OF FOSSILISED EVIL, mela, Eddy.
Eddy, int ghadek tahsibha li Malta mhix postha fl-Unjoni Ewropeja? Kont zbaljat qabel jew le?
Iz-zmien dejjem aktar jaghti lili u eluf kbar ohra, ragun ! Illum eluf li kienu vvutaw IVA jiddispjacihom li kienu ghamlu hekk !
All this shows how the majority of the Maltese have changed.
They prefer voting for change, and they are not capable of realizing that they do not need change.
The BBC today said that Malta has the second best economic performance in the eurozone and low unemployment but the people are voting for a change of direction but Joseph Muscat never really explained why.
Daphne the Nationalist party has just posted this on facebook.
AVVIŻ IMPORTANTI MILL-PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA: Infakkruk li l-ħin tal-votazzjoni jagħlaq fl-10pm. Nifhmu li hawn għajdut li qed jgħidu mod ieħor. Oqgħod attent – tista tivvota BISS sal-10pm!
Does Eddy Privitera know what the word oligarchy means?
I suppose it is YOU who does not know what “Oligarchy” means ! Franco Debono has explained its meaning a number of times. Haven’t you ever heard him ??? One can also describe the “Oligarchy” as he ” Clique” since they more or less have the same meaning- a small number of powerful people !!!
Now that we know the results of the elections it is crystal clear that we already have a third party in the making – Il Partit tal-Pappisti for those who:
diga` pappew kemm felhu taht il PN imma la huma hniezer iridu jkomplu ipappu ma jinteressahhomx ma min;
ghadhom ma pappewx bizzejjed u jixtiequ li huma u wliedhom ikollhom font iehor ta’ pappa
Quite easy to know who their representatives are – they all had their mugshots on posters.