Such grace and elegance – what beautiful posture and carriage
March 3, 2013 at 10:57pm
And don’t you just love the way he stuffs down the wreath beneath the Independence monument, not even noticing (and nobody having told him) that the big square thing at the bottom is a stand to keep it upright against the plinth?
And what about the way he looks back over his shoulder at the camera – and the way he stands ‘respectfully’ in front of a monument after laying his wreath, with one front out in front of the other, as though in a queue? Or the way he walks, like a docker on his way to the hobza shop, with his arms rounded away from his ‘squared’ shoulders?
He’s like somebody from the Slovakian Peasant Party. Xi dwejjaq, back to square one with another Peasant Revolution.
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Kemm hu veru bla grazzja.
Rajtu kif issussaha il-girlanda quddiem il-Monument tal-Helsien? Ma riditx toqghod, izda Joseph malajr qeghda f’postha.
U xi nghidu ghal kif pogga l-girlanda bil-maqlub, bil-bazi taghha thares il-barra flok tistrieh fuqha?
Ara veru qieghed sew.
Se jkollna Prim Ministru Waltzing Matilda.
He has the grace and delicacy of a herd of stampeding elephants.
Mhux bla grazzja biss. Harsu naqra lejn il qalziet minn wara.
Kieku vera jmur il-gym kull jum il-qalziet ma jkunx imkemmex imma saqajh Alla jberikhom.
U hallina Joey, ahjar tara kif taghmel u tirranga naqra l-posture.
Meta l-qalziet jidher hekk nghidu li jkun jerfa’ minn wara.
Dan jigri ghaliex apparti li jiddobba suits li ma jiguhx sew ghandu kuxxtejh ihokku ma’ xulxin sa’ rkubtejh. That probably explains his waddle. Imxawwat.
Il-veru hopeless!
Well that’s Malta for you, where even the ‘nobilty’ discover their hamalli roots.
Don’t ask me why, but this posture reminds me of the brutal and sadistic prison director in the movie Midnight Express.
Perfect observation, P Shaw. The prison director walking with his two overweight kids to punish a prisoner.
This man in the clip will punish Malta with his long awaiting followers ransacking the island and claiming everything to be theirs.
Don’t forget the homosexual tendencies of that prison director – that final scene with Bill Hayes, when justice reigns supreme.
Il-qabsa l-aqwa. Siequ x-xellugija marrittlu.
We should feel ashamed at the thought of having Muscat represent Malta in international forums.
Yes, even how a prime minister represents his people makes a difference.
His favourite sound is the microwave? Because it means food? IVF? Fatty bloatedness? Receding hairline? Thunder thighs?
So many indications…
I do not mean to be rude or ridicule any monument, but he looks as if he is taking a quick piss.
Reminded me of the Michelin man yesterday.
A hippo would have walked with more grace.
I hate the thought that this man will be leading Malta and representing it in international fora.
I wish I could send a disclaimer attached to him, saying that he is really not representing me in any way.
He’ll be eaten alive at his international summit. God help us all. Merkel will kick his arse.
Joseph went from ‘chav’ to ‘chafed’, or is the other way round?