There is no free ride, Tonio Fenech tells Edward ‘Golden Years of Mintoff’ Scicluna

Published: March 7, 2013 at 10:37am

edward scicluna

I’m watching Edward Scicluna and Tonio Fenech on TVAM (repeat on TVM2). Fenech is excellent and Scicluna is getting angry and and talking about “what this government has put us through for the last 15 years.”

Let’s leave aside the fact that in the last 15 years there have three governments and not one – what sort of person is Scicluna?

Malta has been quite all right for the last 15 years. But then we have to remember that he is an old socialist: the people must be sacrificed to the national interest, and the national interest is stacking up the country’s coffers while people live miserable lives.

Been there, done that. Let’s not forget he was personal consultant and adviser to Karmenu Vella (Il-Guy) when Vella was Minister of Industry in the Golden Years of Prime Minister Mifsud Bonnici. Malta was in economic misery then, but Edward Scicluna was happy because we had a full kaxxa ta’ Malta.

Tonio Fenech spoke about the craziness of Labour’s power bill reduction plans – how nobody in the private sector gives you a free ride, how Labour is ridiculous to suggest that any private company is going to give them a gift of Eur30 million so that they can reduce bills in the first year.

And he always brought up the fact that nowhere in the Labour Party’s electoral programme do they mention this project. That’s right, they don’t.

More lies.

Now they’re interviewing Lawrence Gonzi – what a relief after Edward Scicluna.

7 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    Mank jigri xi miraklu dan il-weekend. The difference between the two parties is astonishing.

    I cannot imagine waking up on Monday morning having a Labour government. It’s just so wrong.

  2. Wilson says:

    The lecturer found out that his student is way ahead of him, how do you expect him not to be angry?

  3. Procedures says:

    “Ivvota Labour biex jorhsu il-kontijiet tad-dawl!”

    As if! What a bunch of morons, and likewise all those that will do so.

  4. giraffa says:

    Could a deposit already have been made in the MLP accounts to finance their extravaganza during the election campaign?

  5. just me says:

    Have a look at this post by Peter Darmanin on Facebook.

    Peter Darmanin

    Ghadni kemm ircevejt dan il-messagg minghand habib tal-qalb. Fif x’toghmod!

    Ghaziz Peter,
    L-Għodwa t-Tajba. Tafni biżżejjed issa biex tirrealizza li qabel nitkellem naħseb ħafna u nagħmel ħafna homework … għalkemm xorta waħda, kultant niżloq.

    Baqgħet tberren f’moħħi din l-espressjoni ġdida li qed juża Muscat, li jsejjaħ lill-Partit Laburista, bħala “Muviment”. Taf daqsi kemm ilu jitkellem kontra l-kuluri, kontra “t-tribujiet”. Iżda l-aġenda li għandu ma naħsibx li għadha moħbija. Jekk nirreferu għal dak li studjajna fl-Istorja tal-Ewropa u tad-Dinja, kull meta xi ħadd ħareġ bl-ideja ta’ “Muviment”, kien qed jilgħab man-nar; Lenin, Marx, Dittaturi mill-Amerka t’Isfel u oħrajn.

    Li għandu f’moħħu hu li jispiċċaw il-kuluri, ergo, il-partiti … GĦALKEMM fil-fatt il-partiti huma s-sinsla, ir-ruħ, il-qafas tad-DEMOKRAZIJA u kulħadd jinġabar f’qoffa waħda, tal-Muviment… li jmexxina għal DITTATORJAT, u fejn ma rnexxilhomx ta’ qablu, qed jipprova jagħmlu Muscat. DAN kien ikkonfermat minn martu meta qalet li tixtieq li Joseph jibqa’ jkun mfakkar (minn uliedu) … żgur mhux minna lkoll, bħala DAK li ġab l-għaqda fil-pajjiż, dak li elimina l-partiti, it-tribujiet u jaqa’ kollox f’ħoġru. DAWN HUMA SINJALI LI QED IBERRAQ ĦAFNA U BL-IKRAĦ.

    Il-Mulej iħarisna.

    Nota personali. Jiena stess il-bierah smajtu jghid fuq TVM, li zmien il-partit SPICCA!

    • Wilson says:

      Exactly my thoughts when I heard that expression.

      He would like to be an idealist and not have any enemies because he would love to be a savior for all.

      Good Lord, he wishes he was part of the nationalist fold. Debono and Muscat both suffer of in-congruent mental obsessions.

      Could they possibly be both tigers in the Chinese horoscope?

  6. Steve Chetcuti says:

    Good Quote from Dr.L.Gonzi

    “Our vote is not for a permit or the job you wanted and didn’t get. It’s for your family – your son, your daughter, your mother, your life, your country and your job. Five seconds of revenge in a dark moment in the polling-booth can ruin five years of your life.”- Lawrence Gonzi

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