There is something seriously, seriously wrong with people in Malta, and that is not a throw-away remark
There are way too many pathologically abnormal people around, and the way they present themselves as normal, with society conspiring and colluding and collaborating to allow themselves to think they are normal, is just astounding.
Stop and think for a moment what Maltese society must look like to an outsider.
It looks weird enough when you’re on the inside.
Look at this now, with Franco Debono. Is there anyone out there who is going to call this pathological absurdity normal behaviour? If they think it’s normal, they should begin doubting their own psychology, but that’s too much to ask.
The least Franco could have done is log onto the electoral website and get the actual number of invalid votes for the district he is talking about, the fifth. There are only 343 invalid ballots of a total of 24,548. So much for the impression he was given. As though lawyers, politicians or grown-ups in general base themselves on ‘impressions’ and ‘what they were told’.
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Seems like Franco is still in pursuit of nirvana.
Still cannot understand that what failed him is his ego.
Poor chap! Is he trying to position himself for the PN leadership? Let him live through this delusional state for the next 3 months.
When I was in primary school, we (wrongly) used to entice similar people (i.e. slightly retarded) to do stuff for us for a laugh (like doing pranks on the teachers, putting down their pants, kissing a particular girl in fron of everyone to embarass her, etc).
Today, I feel ashamed that we kids collectively took advantage of the weirdness of these other boys in school.
I now notice that the same behaviour prevails with adults as well. Isn’t it obvious, that these so called journalists are egging him on purpose so that he goes public with his rants, knowing that his faculties are not fully operational.
I am still waiting from the PN a communication or press release that the “4 stooges of the apocalypse” have been booted out of the party and are no longer associated in any way shape or form with the PN.
The official 5th district result at shows that there were 343 invalid votes. Manuel Delia obtained the lowest number of 1st count votes from the PN lot – 445. Ergo Franco either can’t count or is a big-time liar. Probably both.
And if you look at it scientifically, the mean proportion of invalid votes in all other districts is 1.3% compared to 1.4% in the fifth district, which means that there were 25 more invalid votes in the fifth district than average. Not sure he would get elected with that total.
Also 7th, 12th and 13th districts had proportionally more invalid votes.
The expression for this sort of person is a “mazzun” in Maltese.
Zaren tal-Ajkla gabar iktar nies minn Franco u iktar voti .
Franco bezgha johrog ghal-elezzjoni u bezgha jaghmel meeting.
Kif jidhol Manuel Delia fl-argument ta’ Franco ma nafx , imma nahseb li bicca perit b’kunjomu jibda bil-“B” kien bizzejjed biex Debono jitwerwer.
Issa Franco huwa bla snien, ghax mhux membru parlamentari.
Zaren gab 47 first count votes Franco ma gab xejn.
I am an outsider and Maltese society has gotten super weird in these last 45 years or so.
Life was harder yet simpler in the past, but now it is highly stressful as the demands and expectations are much greater now and that is why more mental illness is popping up.
Mental illness is the result of the mind trying to cope with the situation it finds itself in when it is overwhelmed.
Dr. Franco Debono,
That picture of you in a blue polo shirt atop a sea of crimson-clad supporters will haunt you forever.
It is ultimately for that picture, and not for your proposed reforms that you will be remembered.
The Nationalist Party will heal but there is no getting back in for you, ‘klikka or no klikka’.
Gej bir-reliably informed.
Mhux talli hekk, issa dahal f’partit li beda jifforma l-klikek tieghu. Immagina kieku Gonzi f’2008 pogga lil Joe Saliba CEO u chairman tat-TM, x’urugan kien jinqala!
He seriously needs help; I mean, how can anyone allow someone like him loose among us?
All this confirms that he entered into politics not because he was concerced in the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs but in view of his EGO – An overly high opinion of oneself.
Now we know why Mr. Psycho gained weight – intnefah bih innifsu.
Jekk Franco u shabu jahsbu li ghandhom ir-rispett tan-nies, allura veru trid tghidilohom IMSIEKEN u b’ittra kbar. IMSIEKEN.
Kemm int bravu. Kieku ma kontx chicken kont tohrog mall-Labour jew Independenti, mela toqghod taghmel l-arja bl-allegat protest vote? Mur merik.
Din l-istess bhal tar-referendum tal-UE fejn skont il-Lejber rebah il-partnership.
Min qallek li il Labour riduh johrog maghhom?
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Please someone find me the right words to accurately describe the degree of this imbecile’s stupidity.
Unintelligent narcissist.
Bahnan. Franco, ma tarax li sirt oggett taz-zuffjett? Warrab mix-xena pubblika jahasra, ghal-gid tieghek u ta’ min ghandek.
We show solidarity with the Baxter workers who lost or going to lose their jobs. It seems that the present Government already lost hope of saving the jobs of these workers. This is in contrast to what Lawrence Gonzi did in similar circumstances. As Simon Busuttil used to say “Bejn il-kliem u l-fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti”.
Smajtuh lil Chris Cardona jghid li ma natax over mil Ministru ta qabel dwar sarux diskussjonijiet mal-Baxter dwar il-haddiema? Ghaliex ma saqsix lill-kumpanija kienx hemm tahdidiet?
I wonder what Franco Debono has to say about this. Remember Jean Pierre Farrugia is Franco’s doctor. Before last election, Hal Ghaxaq, the home town of Franco was taken from the 5th district to the 4th. And so he transferred an exodus of ID cards to his villa in Tas-silg.
Come on Jean Pierre don’t be a sore loser, you know that every candidate does that. Just ask the 1900 Maltese voters who vote in Gozo for instance.
Haven’t we all decided a long time ago, that this person is not quite there…?
Evarist Bartolo still thinks he’s there, or pretends to. He was on TV just before the election saying something like “kissirtuhom nies bhal Franco Debono”.
I’d say Franco Debono got off lightly. If we were all like him, he’d be mincemeat by now.
Mohhu kontra Karm, Austin u ohrajn – fissazzjoni meta l-gustizzja u l-pulizija baqghu flimkien. Forsi Muscat jinduna u jbiddel kollox jerga.
Min sema’ l-Franco fuq Super One seta jinduna li meta jitkellem xi hadd jaqbez u jghid “ma naqbilx mieghek” u wara jfahhru. Jien ma rajtux normali dan il-komportament.
X’rispett jista’ jkollu traditur fil-politika ma nafx.
Ara kieku kien xi Joe Micallef Stafrace li kien irrizenja fuq principji sodi, u baqa’ jgawdi ir-rispett ta’ Malta kollha… imma li dan il-viljakk jipprova jahseb li huwa xi Micallef Stafrace hija dghawa kbira u oxxena li mgienen bhalu biss jistghu jifhmuha ghax zgangaw minn mohhom.
U mhux veru li kien hemm xi karti tal-vot b’dak il-kliem …. jiena hemm kont u nehhi ghal xi wahda jew tnejn li kont tghoddhom fuq pala wahda ta’ jdejk ma kienx hemm. Kemm jara kbir dan it-traditur!
What an illusion! Miskin, he is still living in the realm of power-to-me only.
Debono, why don’t you join Joseph’s Movement and call it a day? In the Muscatian Movement you will feel at home, with all the hotch-potch he managed to collect, not to mention the rubbish he attracted to his movement.
You will just be another vegetable in a big pot of ministra tan-nanna.
And remember, our nanniet used to cook the ministra for a long time, until it was creamy. Thus, although you would taste the vegetables you could not tell which is which.
Similarly with the moviment: you all have different ideas, yet you can never tell which principles you are upholding or rejecting. Borma kawlata.
Thanks, Daphne, for the link. So much so for the “hundreds of votes” that Debono wrote about.
Miskin, veru illuzjonarju. And he always finds people to further inlfate his ego. Qieghed sew.
His place is in Muscat’s skip. He is just waiting for the moment when he will be offered a position within the Ministry of Justice
Dream on dreamer! He can’t even serve as a useful idiot as he did before the elections anymore.
Miskin. The guy is irrelevant now, but he still thinks we’re listening.
Let him continue to rant and rave, but it ain’t going to get him into Joseph’s (or anyone else’s) cabinet.
I would really love it if he had to start his own party — because then he could see for himself that he was only elected because he was on the PN ticket. But we’re not lucky enough for him to do that … and if he did, I am sure he would blame someone else for his abysmal failure — probably the PN ‘evil clique’ … and DCG’s blog no doubt.
The PN selected this bloke.
In 2008, he got 2,065 votes out of 22,508 valid votes.
What I don’t get is why he was standing as PN in the first place.
Are his ‘followers’ genuine or simply taking the piss, humouring him?
One sandwich short of a picnic…
The average invalid votes are ca. 280 per district. In the fifth they were slightly higher by about 60 votes so don’t delude yourself Franco.
So what? Really. What if thousands had invalidated their vote, as Franco claimed? We could then only conclude that Franco thinks he’s normal because so many other people are nuts.
I think you got the wrong end .
Weggajtlu qalbu.
Bad, Daphne, bad!
Did you say two Maltas? This is a whole parallel universe.
I love how these are the same people who say you are so very low and below the belt (you are, but they deserve it, and need to strap on a pair) but then the title of his blog refers to someone who was actually, literally stabbed in the back, as a “back stabber”. A bit too low methinks?
If he enjoys the respect of all, he surely does not enjoy my respect. For me he is a lunatic self blown frog!
Comedians around us will soon stop hitting on the Irish and concentrate more on Franco.
Surely they’ll have more material to work with.
Franco, Franco…in your wildest dreams.
Can we have Malta’s future Special Prosecutor writing a comment on a blog , let alone writing these kind of commentaries on his blog?
Surely not, it will severely dent the public perception on this Labour government.
Invalid votes have been increasing from 2,909 in the 2003 general election to 4,044 now.
In the 2008 general election, there were 3,415 spoilt ballots, with 298 in the fifth division.
In this election, there has been an overall increase of 18% to 4,044. In the fifth division, invalid votes increased by 15% to 343.
So much for the Franco effect.
Franco, just watch CASTAWAY (the movie) and picture yourself as Tom Hanks. Just ignore the ending.
Thanks Franco, for making me laugh so hard I nearly pissed myself laughing. You’re good at one thing at least.
You were right, you’re not completely irrelevant.
‘No Franco No Vote’
Hilarious. I’m still hiccuping.
Kieku waqa’ u kiser siqu. Fact is that you did not dare to contest.
Please also be informed that have no respect for you. Not that little bit. And will never do. Wolf in sheep’s clothing you are. Have always been.