True colours: Michael Briguglio voted for Alfred Sant in 2008 and wants a Labour government

Published: March 4, 2013 at 9:34am
Alternattiva Demokratika

Alternattiva Demokratika

This is a clip from Xarabank in May 2008, in which Michael Briguglio says:

Jiena xellugi. Jien ivvutajt Labour fl-ahhar elezzjoni ukoll. Jien nixtieq li jkun hemm gvern xellugi.

Now you know what it’s all about, and why AD isn’t a blind bit worried that its eating away at the votes of the ‘tal-pepe’, particularly among those aged 18 to 34, is going to mean a Labour government.

A Labour government is exactly what, by his own admission, Michael Briguglio wants.

You have two choices before you: a Labour government and a Nationalist government. If you prefer a Labour government, go ahead and vote AD. If you prefer a Nationalist government, don’t even think about it because you’ll get the government you don’t want.

If you don’t care who gets to govern, whether it’s PN or MLP, don’t think it’s anything to boast about because it’s not. Saying this in public shows you up for being childish and irresponsible, a person who doesn’t deserve that vote which previous generations fought to get you.

How can you not care who gets to govern? Even the AD leader, Michael Briguglio, has a stated preference for Labour.

110 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Briguglio has transformed AD into the Voice of the Left.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      We all know where he came from. Well, you may not, but I do. Breeding as our good Daphne says, will out.

      1964, 1979. Ain’t got any use. Ain’t got any use.

      • Jozef says:

        I’m not that familiar with the individual.

        What gets to me is the shiny happy image hiding a pronounced social climbing agenda.

        A caste with fingers firmly stuck in every pie.


      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Social climbing? My, you really know nothing about Briguglio. He doesn’t need to climb anything. He was born into privilege, into the intellectual bourgeoisie. He was raised among people who believe the 1960s were the coming of the age of anti-Imperialist Aquarius. People who wanted a Commie paradise so they could build a concrete niche as the intellectual bureaucrats directing the technocratic-Communist empire.

        Here’s a question for you: What do Evarist Bartolo, Bertu Marshal, Alfred Sant, Edward Scicluna, Lino Spiteri, Louis Grech, Lino Briguglio, Dominic Fenech and Charles Xuereb have in common?

      • Wormfood says:

        Let me guess… They are upper middle class pseudo intellectuals who were spoiled brats and born into privilege, have never done anything productive with their lives and are secretly feeling ashamed of this fact.

      • Lilla says:

        They’re all Commie bastards disguised as Socialist bastards.
        Am I right Baxxter, or am I right?

      • Conservative says:

        I believe they all belonged to the Malta Communist Party as did Karmenu Vella; I might be wrong.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The world awaits an autobiography by Lino Briguglio.

    • Mario says:

      More like the Voice of the Left Outside

    • Ivan Attard says:

      That’s why they say Greens are best illustrated as watermelons. A green crust covering red ideology.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Briguglio, with his constant “mhux li jiena ghandi xi haga kontra in-negozju (negozjanti)” indicates precisely the opposite.

      Nothing more than an “ghajjur prim” the perfect mental attitude for a Socialist-Commie disposition, and Cassola’s “my way or no way” is more of the latter.

      Nothing of substance in AD except a couple of disillusioned naive individuals.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Do they receive donations or financing from LP?

  3. mc says:

    He repeated it again yesterday on TV Hemm.

  4. mc says:


  5. just me says:

    Those who want a PN government MUST give their number 1 to a PN candidate. There is no alternative method.

    Those who give their number 1 to AD or PL or who do not vote at all will be helping the PL to get elected.

    • Duminku says:

      Your vote does not belong to anyone apart from yourself.

      A vote to AD is not a vote less to PN or PL, it’s a vote to AD.

      Doubt this message will be published though.

      [Daphne – Just watch. Votes are given only to adults because it is assumed that adults will behave in an adult way. However, as Italy has demonstrated to the world, this cannot be taken for granted. Sensible people vote for outcomes, not for parties. The party is a means to the end of that outcome. The outcome we vote for, when we vote, is the government. So effing well choose it.]

  6. mc says:

    Incredible! He was an AD local councillor but voted Labour. And yet they are asking us to vote AD.

  7. La Redoute says:

    That means he voted against EU membership.

    • Antoine says:

      Is that what you really think?

      • Min Jaf says:

        If he voted Labour in 2003, he voted against EU membership.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ma nafx ghaliex trid taghmel issue minnha, Min Jaf. B’daqshekk? Jekk vera nghixu f’pajjiz demokratiku, ghandu d-dritt jivvota kif irid.

        Vot lil Alternattiva Demokratika jassigura demokrazija ta’ veru, u iva, huma jaghtu vuci lil dawk in-nies li bla bla bla iktar bla bla bla intello-bla bla bla sophisto-bla bla bla champagne bla left bla xellug bla bla Che Guevara [Editor’s note: dak il-****] bla bla etc until page 94.

  8. Bubu says:

    Briguglio is another spoilt brat who fancies himself as a revolutionary. They’re a dime a dozen nowadays.

    • ciccio says:

      He speaks for himself, not for the electorate. That is always a dangerous thing.

    • Matt says:

      How in the world did you figure that out?

      The party has sound realistic proposals and he always speaks clearly and in a clear cut way. Don’t tell me you can say the same about the other two.

      • Jozef says:

        Sound realistic proposals; legalise heroin, dismantle the financial services sector and tax everyone to their last cent.

        Speak clearly and in a clear cut way; except on Labour’s proposal for Delimara.

      • Bubu says:

        Briguglio founded Graffitti. ‘Nuff said.

        The Greens wouldn’t know a sound and realistic proposal if it hit them on the head with a two by four.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Rebels without a cause who are only able to disrupt.

    • Matthew says:

      To your last comment:

      Decriminalising drugs is VERY different to legalising them. You should know the difference.

      And tax everyone to their last cent? Are you serious? Keeping the 35% tax is more than reasonable, especially when you consider how low that is compared to other European countries.

      • Jozef says:

        Fine, let’s send the real slaves with packets ingested in their stomach to jail.

        As long as consumption is decriminalised who cares what happens to the Peruvians, Mexicans, Afghans and Nigerians?

        If that’s social justice.

  9. Anthony Briffa says:

    Ftit ftit qieghdin jaqaw il-maskri.

    Gwaj ghal dawk in-nazzjonalisti li ma jivvutawx ghalhiex ma jafhux sejrin jaghmlu b-idejhom.

    Dak li-kisbu wara Eddie b’hafna sagrificciji w biza’ sejrin ituh lil Joseph biex isawwathom bih.

    Vera sitwazzjoni tal-biki.

  10. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Ma nistax nifhem kif Briguglio u Joseph jghidu lil Gonzi li hu “iggranfat mas-siggu tal-poter” imma huma ma jghamlux ghajb ghax wiehed jitkarrab ghal elfejn vot biex imexxi l-parlament hu meta tkun trid tittiehed xi decizjoni b’votazzjoni u sehibna Joey mejjet biex ikun PM halli suppost iwettaq il-“Malta Taghna Lkoll”.

    Dan is-slowgan fih x’tifhem ta’: PL jghidu Malta Taghna Lkoll, imma Malta ta’ min se tkun fil-verita.

  11. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Ma nistax nifhem kif Briguglio u Joey jghidu lil Gonzi li hu “Iggranfat mas-siggu tal-poter” imma huma ma jghamlux ghajb ghax wiehed jitkarrab ghal elfejn vot biex imexxi l-parlament hu meta tkun trid tittiehed xi decizjoni b’votazzjoni u sehibna Joey mejjet biex ikun PM halli suppost iwettaq il-“Malta Taghna Lkoll” skond il-manifest tieghu.

    Dan is-slowgan fih x’tifhem ta’: PL jghidu Malta Taghna Lkoll, imma Malta ta’ min se tkun fil-verita` jekk ikun hemm PL fil-gvern?

    Malta Taghna Lkoll tfisser li Malta kollha tal-PL u partitarji tieghu jew Malta tal-Maltin kollha?

    Dawk li ghadhom ma ddecidewx lil min se jivvutaw jaqbel li jahsbu u jiznu sew dak kollu li qieghed jintqal ghax Gaddafi ukoll kien bena pipe line ghall ilma u semmiha “Great Man Made River” u din ukoll ghandha zewg tifsiriet.

    1:- Xmara (pipe line) kbira mghamula mill-bniedem
    2:- Bniedem kbir ghamel xmara (pipe line)

    Nahseb il-kuntrattur tal-karta u tar-raba sular tal-PL jaf ghal x’hiex qed nirreferi ghax midhla sewwa mal-Libya.


  12. Beppe Grillo says:

    Briguglio jridha ta’ Grillo ta Malta! X’differenza. Dak irid inehhi l-finanzjament tal-partiti politici mill-istat Taljan u Joseph Muscat u Briguglio iridu li Malta il-partiti jibdew jircievu l-flus mill-istat. Qeghdin sew.

    • Jozef says:


      Briguglio irid jispjega xi jrid biha li jintroduci tariffa ta’ tlett euro ghal kull vot, u kif jippretendi li jitqassmu.

      Ma naghmlux xi mod li jistenna li l-flus jinqassmu bejn tlieta? Bravu t-tifel.

      L-Italja spiccat fejn hi ghax il-politika ssussidjata u l-politici jarawha bhala karriera.

      Harsu lejn Cassola, dak rega’ wera wiccu ghax Calderoli qataghlu l-pensjoni li kien dabbar wara sentejn legislatura biss.

      • Anthony Briffa says:

        And if I remember correctly he was a parliamentary member of the center left government of Romano Prodi. One can easily conclude where the interests of AD lean.

    • Antoine says:

      Briguglio said so himself, repeatedly, that AD is nothing like Franco Debono and Grillo.

      Are you afraid you will lose your seat on the 10th district?

      • Jozef says:

        In that case, he’ll have to give up every proposal worth mentioning.

        The only thing he won’t give up is public financing for the party.

        He’s already halfway into Joseph’s trap. Trust him to notice what drives the chairman.

        It will be the end of AD. Just like Franco.

      • Antoine says:

        That’s not what the surveys are showing! Especially on 10th district.

        [Daphne – What surveys? There are no district by district surveys.]

  13. norwegian wood says:

    I hope Lawrence Gonzi or Simon Busuttil will remind the electorate during this Thursday’s mass meeting that voting for AD is tantamount to voting for Joseph Muscat and his fake set-up. This needs to be conveyed in a clear cut fashion so that the message will be understood by all.

  14. Fhimt says:

    A vote for AD is a vote for Labour.

    If AD MP manages to get elected then the Constitutional safeguard of proportionality between the two bigger parties will not apply.

    With the current districts, Labour will win a majority of 3 seats even if they get only 47% of the national vote and they will govern without winning a majority of votes and without the need to make a coalition with AD.

  15. Neil Dent says:

    This may explain his comment that the now infamous University and MCAST debates were conducted “on a level playing field”, when anyone in their right mind could clearly see that was not the case.

  16. Pied Piper says:

    Qed nifhem sew? Mela kap ta’ partit (AD) jivvota ghal partit oppost (MLP) fl-ahhar elezjoni u kontra l-partit tieghu stess. A typical wolf in sheep’s clothing. Hawwadni ha nifmhek.

  17. Beltijablue says:

    A PN supporter was injured yesterday, in Hamrun, by a PL supporter, and it’s not even the 10th of March yet! Just read it in The Times.

  18. Futur Imcajpar says:

    Is it just me or does he resemble Franco Debono? It must be the malice in their eyes.

  19. Mister says:

    He doesn’t even believe his party is worth his own vote, pathetic.

    Alternattiva is just a Trojan horse kept there by Labour to leech votes which would have gone to PN.

  20. Gahan says:

    I never had any doubts abou Michael and Alternattiva .

    Zminijietna and Lehen ix-xellug are run by commies. Malta -Cuba Society(?) is a member.

  21. Jozef says:

    Briguglio said he won’t stamp his feet in parliament.

    So, is he willing to compromise returning to 35% maximum tax rate, introducing the Tobin tax, doing away with tablets, raising the minimum wage, removing the derogation on hunting, reintroducing succesion duty, gay marriage and Armier?

    That leaves him without any fabulous proposal.

    Cacopardo’s still trying to make up his mind about Delimara. The Greens in Malta are still considering a power station instead of an interconnector, six weeks now.

    These people are amateurs.

    • Antoine says:

      Listen to tonight’s Closeup about Cacopardo’s opinion on Delimara.

      • Jozef says:

        What about the other issues?

        Include legalisation of drug use, hard drugs included.

        Briguglio knows he’ll have to give up anything relevant once in parliament. There’s no way he can manage a stable coalition without giving up the salient points of the manifesto.

        Why vote AD then?

        Nice, just like any seasoned Italian politician left watching parliament on TV. Un partitino.

      • Antoine says:

        I don’t get your arguments. Better to lose votes to AD than to labour!

        [Daphne – Same result, but you just don’t get it, do you. Both will result in a Labour government, so exactly how is the one better than the other.]

      • Jozef says:

        Watched it Antoine.

        Cacopardo ‘ma jarmix il-proposta’.

        The Greens in Malta cannot get themselves to denounce a 200MW power station, a regasifier, storage tanks and full sized berthing facilities INSTEAD OF AN INTERCONNECTOR DELIVERING THE SAME 200MW as hare-brained, pharaonic, dangerous and incredibly wasteful of money and resources.

        You’re either idiots, disingenuous or both.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Amateurs? Qabda Laburisti in disguise, more like. Taparsi huma ‘l fuq mill-ahmar u l-blu, ghax intelletwali, hej.

      Ix-Xellug. Jaqq. Kollha xorta.

      Ghandek tghid veru Malta kollha ta’ Joseph. Mix-Xellug Estrem ta’ Briguglio, sal-Lemin Estrem ta’ Lowell, b’Emmy il-Liberali fin-nofs. Kollha se jivvotaw Labour. Ir-rainbow coalition par excellence.

  22. Karl Flores says:

    Why don’t you do as I’m doing. Vote no 1 Marthese Portelli (N.P.)

  23. AE says:

    Why does this not surprise me? So Brigigulio is another fraud. For all his claims of his family being floaters, I’ve always known his sister to sing the praises of Mintoff.

    I wonder how Arnold Cassola feels seeing this. I have no doubt that Cassola is genuine AD but Brigulgio certainly isnt. It is no justification that he was not the AD chairman in 2008. He voted Labour in spite of all that it stood for.

    This just exemplifies how far Labour has infiltrated everywhere – the ‘independent’ newspapers including the Times, the Broadcasting Authority, The Faculty of History at University (to ensure that history is written in the manner they want it) and now even one of the “opposing” parties. Shame on you Michael. Posturing as a green and using AD to get a Mintoffjan elected.

    • Jozef says:

      You forgot Mepa.

      But then, maybe an authority split in half is something else to look forward to. Lots of new directors.

      Kellna Tikka bin-nieqes.

  24. Gahan says:

    Jekk xi hadd irid prova ghal li qed tghid Daphne, xi jrid iktar minn dan l-artiklu?

    Favur xellug magħqud – Michael Briguglio

    It-Torca 18-05-08

    Jum il-Ħaddiem għandu jservi bħala ispirazzjoni lill-forzi tax-xellug f’Malta biex jikkollaboraw iktar flimkien bil-għan li jkun hawn soċjetà b’iktar ugwaljanza. Malta teħtieġ moviment xellugi magħqud li jaspira li jiggverna bil-għan li jġib il-bidliet meħieġa biex f’Malta ikun hawn iktar ugwaljanza, ġustizzja soċjali u sostenibilità ekoloġika.

    Il-partiti politiċi u l-għaqdiet xellugin għandhom jikkollaboraw iktar flimkien u biex jiffurmaw alleanzi. Barra minn hekk, l-unjins tal-ħaddiema biex jevitaw id-differenzi ta’ bejniethom u bil-għan li jkun iffurmat kunsill trejdunjonistiku.

    Malta teħtieġ xellug b’saħħtu minħabba r-realtajiet li qiegħdin jiffaċċjaw eluf ta’ nies. Dawn jinkludu ż-żieda fil-prekarjat, li qiegħda taffettwa mhux biss lil ħaddiema full-time, iżda ukoll ħaddiema part-time, ħaddiema fuq kun-tratt, ħaddiema każwali, u anke dawk b’xogħol tal-klassi tan-nofs u s-self employed iż-żgħar.

    Barra minn hekk, l-għoli tal-ħajja f’numru ta’ prodotti u servizzi qiegħda tibqa’ tiżided. Iż-żieda ta’ liberalizzazzjoni u privatizzazzjoni fl-ekonomija Maltija qed iwassal għall-ħolqien ta’ monopolji u kartels privati.

    Għalhekk, Żminijietna – Leħen ix-Xellug se tagħmel l-almu tagħha biex f’Malta jkun hawn moviment xellugi magħqud.

  25. Matthew says:

    Nothing surprising. AD are a slightly less wacky outfit than that communist Graffitti movement, but they’re communist at heart nonetheless.

    Speaking of childish and irresponsible, I think you’ll find this study on the personality types of political switchers in Britain quite interesting.

    This line really struck me:

    “Over the last century the most likely individuals to defect were male, wealthy, divorced, Eton-educated, from a minority religion, former senior army officers and those who entered politics early.”

    No wonder they like to call themselves floaters. They float because they are well off, can afford to float around, bear a grudge because they form part of a minority and most importantly of all, they’re bored to death with their lives and are looking for a mid-life crisis cure.

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Albert Gauci Cunningham and Kevin Drake might not have been educated at Eton but they certainly fit the Maltese equivalent of the above personality.

    It’s interesting to see that it is mostly men who act in this erratic way. I think that being more caring and sensible, women tend to think more long term and actually think about how their decisions will affect the people around them.

    I’m sure that the old adage that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned needs revising.

    • Gahan says:

      Graffiti , Alternattiva Demokratika and the Communist Party of Malta together with the GWU Youths are members of Zminijietna the voice of the left.

  26. Gahan says:

    Funny isn’t it , Alternattiva Demokratika had Harry Vassallo who ran into the arms of John Dalli and now we have Briguglio running into the arms of Joseph.

  27. Gahan says:

    At least he’s consistent. One has to dig and search, of course.

  28. Gahan says:

    Kont kwazi nsejt li l-AD kellhom lil Wenzu Mintoff bhala membru parlamentari li issa qieghed flimkien ma’ Toni Abela fil-Partit jew Moviment ta’ Joseph.

    Is-sigra tarafha mill-frott li taghmel.

  29. Gahan says:

    If Briguglio voted for Sant’s ship of fools in 2008 it doesn’t tell much about Briguglio’s foresight and good judgment.

  30. Election Mode says:

    You really can’t help but like this woman, no comparison whatsoever with Me Shall and her obsession with copying Michelle Obama.

  31. Gahan says:

    Here’s another one who was against the Dockyard’s privatisation.

    Birds (chickens) of a feather flock together.

  32. ciccio says:

    In other words, vote Michael Briguglio and get Joseph Muscat, right?

  33. pawlu says:

    I got the impression that AD favoured the Labour Party during the various debates, and now I see why.

  34. Jimi Hendrix says:

    Jien kont xellugi sakemm hadtu f’ghajni.

  35. bob-a-job says:

    Joseph Muscat wants to do away with blue and red. Small wonder he cannot tell them apart – He’s colour blind.

  36. L.Gatt says:

    Why are the Maltese complaining?

    • ciccio says:

      The Maltese are jealous that the BBC is talking about Cyprus and not Malta.

      In two years from now, the BBC’s header will be “Eurozone confident on Malta bailout” and the picture will show Joseph Muscat with the caption “Joseph Muscat’s Labour government has run out of gas in its handling of the economy.”

  37. ciccio says:

    Will the Editor of The Times publish a leader before Friday about this? This should give us a feel of how big is the debt owed by The Times to Kasco tal-Lejber.

    • tony street says:

      And The Times should also say how much debt they owe to others too. These people consider themselves as champions of democracy and objectivity, but they have ditched their objectivitiy a long time ago.

      Just compare the quality articles The Times used to carry when Victor Aquilina and Lawrence Grech were editors. Yes, they have changed for the worse.

      Let us hope that their lack of objectivity will not indirectly lead to the ruin of Malta, if Labour wins the elections and proceeds with the building of the power station that they have in mind, which will siphon off at least 650 million euros, when we do not need another powerhouse. That alone is a reason why we should avoid Labour at all costs, but I fear it is already too late.

  38. Jerry says:

    Daphne on a different note. I’m waiting in the queue to board the ferry, and it’s full to the brim with Labour supporters shouting and with horns taghna lkoll taghna lkoll and offending whoever is not cheering them along.

    I am not a socialite and am not tal-pepe or even upper class, but am I the only one that sees these bunch of overweight beer-bellied chimps as hamalli tal-aghar klassi?

    Will these pea-brained idiots be showing us their true colour next week? Are we going to have to bow our heads to these idiots as from next week? My god I’m flying to Hawaii ASAP.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Jerry, class has nothing to do with being a socialite or tal-pepe.

      Any socialite or tal-pepe can be the biggest hamalla.

      [Daphne – No, I am afraid you are wrong there. Yes, plenty of socialites are hamalli but no tal-pepe are. The programming from birth makes that kind of behaviour impossible. We all have invisible mothers following us around all the time telling us to sit up straight and not raise our voices.]

      Hamallagni is what you witnessed on the ferry. Nothing to do with class, but everything to do with education. An education that has been offered to them over the last 25 years but which they were too ignorant to accept.

      The end result is what we have witnessed in the incidents over the weekend, and what I am scared we will witness on a larger scale over the coming days.

      And the biggest hamallu of all is the Labour party in their absoute refusal to condemn any type of violence.

  39. Il-Kajboj says:

    Michael Briguglio interviewed on TVHEMM:

    Wow, he declares he’s a floater because all his family is.

    “I find nothing strange voting Labour while I am an AD local councillor and while my leader Harry Vassallo is yearning for votes to make history in Parliament”.

    U hallina, Michael

  40. bob-a-job says:

    Toni Abela and Simon Busuttil now on TVM with Pierre Portelli for anyone interested.

    I think Toni Abela has been knighted because he keeps mentioning Sir Vey

  41. Ian says:

    AD is the party for Malta’s champagne socialists. It is more left-wing, economically speaking, than the Labour Party. At the moment, we need them like a hole in the head.

  42. Alex says:

    Wasn’t he a candidate of the Greens in the last election?

    So if he didn’t vote Green himself how can be serious in asking for the votes of others?

  43. Aunt Hetty says:

    We need AD in parliament like we need to contract syphilis.

  44. Mark Parlato Trigona says:

    Hi Everyone,

    I admit, I was not aware of Michael Briguglio making recent claims of being a ‘Xellugi’. Having said that, right here the claims are made by ‘Nationalists’, which in my mind puts the two on level playing grounds. To a Nationalist whose party has been governing for the past 25years, it is terrifying to think that there may be affiliation among opposing parties, but if this is true, is it not then also a reality that exists… and who is anyone to act like it shouldn’t – since it does !

    Now among this bickering about who and what is red or green or blue,and which of them is the most and least ‘Evil’, how about we consider that at the heart of each party there is also a yearning to express leadership, to contribute – we all know too well that it is difficult for leaders to not find the space to express themselves – just like the PN have had the long-term opportunity to express leadership, it is perfectly understandable that within a political scenario, others will rise to the occasion and there is no rule to the game. I therefore choose to believe that there is so much more than meets the eyes of a people afraid to lose control – and I ask, control of what ? If the PN have done a great job of governing all these years, then they have also brought on inspiration across the board, educated people, and seen the country through to new heights, on which STILL there will exist individuals who are naturally inclined towards their own expressions.

    In my eyes, if a party that has been in government cannot show the slightest trust in anything the opposing parties say, which by the way represent half the nation’s population, then have we really achieved anything over these years ?

    It is not rocket science to understand that parties in opposition are not just there to challenge the party in government…they too hope to get a shot at the experience of running a country. This is a fact that doesn’t scare me and shouldn’t scare anyone in a truly Progressive Democracy.

    Wake up Blues, Reds and Greens …you’re getting lost in translation.

    Think, consider – Vote ! We are all human and all capable of doing this without having to tremble in the process. Let us no longer envisage politics as a war of pirates – it’s about running a country for f**k’s sake !!!…..and maybe, just maybe there exist people on all sides that are following a genuine road and are not simply on a power trip….and what is a power trip, if not the natural flow of energy running through each of us to help us achieve and evolve – people are driven, but I choose to believe, not by Evil….but by passion.

    Yes, I too feel bewildered when I hear things said that just don’t add up, but when I see the relentless support of half a nation, I understand and accept that these are equal yet different realities.

    What I’d say we have here is a problem of ‘IDENTITY’ – we are A PEOPLE before we are a party, before we are a government – nevertheless, WE ARE !

    This is about us as a ‘common’ people entrusting important responsibilities in the hands of other fellow ‘common’ people whom we believe in, and who are therefore to be driven by a sense of genuine commitment and duty towards their country.

    For anything to evolve it must naturally find space to express itself in whichever way it is inclined to. This is the natural flow of things.

    People, Politics and politicians are no exception to the rule !

  45. The chemist says:

    He’s also the drummer of a band called ‘cumshaft’. That should give you a wider perspective of the guy.

  46. Michael Calleja says:

    This is such a ridiculous article a failed attempt at trying to win the PN votes because you are all so certain that PN will lose the election. However this has nothing to do with PL. This is the power and the new voice of AD. Its a completel different direction, an open mind of true leadership. I believe that Michael Briguglio was not satisfied completely with PL and this is why he now chooses to become a leader himself instead of the follower he used to be.

    Daphne you are showing how much of a sheep you are to follow the herd and what a weak strategy to use these very short childish articles to try and blindfold the weak.

    You will never grow inside yourself if you don’t face your fears and challenge yourself with change and respect growth.

    [Daphne – Darling, I’m 48. Anybody that age who’s still waiting to grow inside themselves, face their fears and challenge themselves needs to see a shrink. But most of the ones who I know to be in that sort of personal turbulence are voting AD or Labour instead. It’s a sort of psychiatric exercise: an attempt at exorcising one’s own personal demons by saying out loud ‘Hekk, hu go fik.’]

  47. Gino says:

    Wait now this is a “new” party. Ideas evolve over the years. What if he voted PN in the last election would you have attacked him in the same manner DCG?

    [Daphne – And how. He’d have to be some a&&ehole to do that.]

  48. No Problem says:

    Vote AD get PL

  49. No Problem says:

    Possibbli li min fil-passat ivvota AD ghax minghalih se jkollu t-tielet vuci fil-Parlament ma jhossux ittradut minn dal-bniedem?

    Dan huwa Laburist iehor li jrid jigbor il-voti ta’ dawk il-votanti nazzjonalisti li qed jahsbu li hassewhom ittraduti minn dal-gvern.

  50. Paul Meilak says:

    Pulcinell bil-provi.

  51. Paul Meilak says:

    sub-contractor tal-PL

  52. Thaddeus says:

    Those who want a Labour government should vote Labour.

    Those who want a Nationalist government should vote PN.

    Those who want AD in government should convince a Labour voter to vote AD instead.

  53. carmelo pace says:

    U Alla jbierek qal pubblikament li gej minn familja ta’ floaters. Qed jahseb li kullhadd beccun, forsi jekk hawn xi fidil u ma jafx li huma Laburisti, ikun jaf minn hawn. Liar.

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