UNBELIEVABLE – Didn’t they spend an entire election campaign telling us that Gonzi’s plans were wrong and theirs were different?

Published: March 15, 2013 at 7:16pm

The Times reports from Brussels:


(Joseph Muscat) acknowledged that Malta had to be part of the EU energy grid and that Mr Mizzi would be seeking clarifications from the Italian Government about the time frames regarding the interconnecter since Standard & Poor’s had said it would be completed in 2015 not 2014.

Dr Muscat praised Dr Gonzi for ensuring in 2011 that Malta would not be left out of the European grid and reiterated that the electricity interconnecter with Italy and a possible gas pipeline were part of the energy mix that a Labour Government would provide.


55 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:


  2. concerned citizen says:

    Did I dream about the two massive ‘very ambitious’ gas tanks at Delimara they wooed us with?

  3. La Redoute says:


    Labour’s most notorious year in government was 1984. It figures:


  4. Jozef says:

    Tonio Fenech vindicated.

    I don’t think I can take anymore of this, Daphne. Not when they’ll start rewriting the electoral campaign.

    Honestly, it’s depressing.

  5. Angelo Abela says:

    This was the plan all along. Nothing new here.


    ‘Labour says Enemalta will continue to generate electricity through the converted Delimara extension and it will also buy a portion of its electricity from the interconnector to Sicily being built by the Government’

  6. Makjavel says:

    Is-sewwa jirbah zgur ghax il-verita hi sagrosanta u il-giddieb ghomru qasir.

    Josef imissu jisthi u jiskusa ruhu mal-Maltin kollha.

  7. canon says:

    Shame on Konrad Mizzi for taking the people for a ride. Shame on the people who believed him.

  8. joe micallef says:

    Why unbelievable? Isn’t there truckloads of instances that unequivocally define this boy is an opportunistic liar!

  9. Min Jaf says:

    The PL campaign was nothing but an ongoing charade made up of smoke and mirrors.

    PL never went into detail on anything they presented after their gas tanker/new power station debacle.

    The truth is that the average Maltese is very gullible. A people that repeatedly falls over itself to invest huge amounts of money in all manner of dubious investments and in downright scams will readily lap up the sales pitch put to them by foot-in-the-door salesmen such as Joseph Muscat, as the voting results amply demonstrated.

  10. Fermina Daza says:


  11. George says:

    Does the Prime Minister mean that he is scrapping his plans to build a new power station?

  12. taxxu says:

    hawwadni ha nifmek…and they expect to run a country

  13. Toyger says:

    U le…hawwadni ha nifhem.

  14. CJ says:

    On Xarabank Engerer and Briguglio acting as your bosom friends and champions of free speech. Briguglio declares that he is H O N E S T.

    [Daphne – I saw that: the true test of AD’s and Cyrus Engerer’s liberalism: she must stop writing unless she writes what we approve of. Ta’ barra minn hawn.]

    • Jozef says:

      If Briguglio thinks constitutional reforms should cater for his party, how come he makes his appeal to Joseph and not to the whole parliament?

      What did Cyrus say exactly?

      • La Redoute says:

        What did Cyrus say exactly?

        It amounted to “I was p*ssed off at the PN so Muscat seduced me into joining Labour”.

        What Cyrus didn’t say: he fell out with the PN around the time of the criminal charges against him became public.

  15. Ramona says:

    Yes, I just heard him say it on PBS news and almost fell off my chair

  16. maryanne says:

    Talk to me because I think I’m going mad when I hear about the NEGATIVE campaign of the PN. (I am watching Xarabank)

    It’s as if Labour said the rosary during their campaign and for the last five years.

    Oh, so we attacked Toni personally after the blokka bajda incident. Since when criticism is an attack? Their grilling of Tonio Fenech and Austin Gatt was a string of perfumed roses. U halluna.

    With regards to the numerous references to ‘bloggers’. We know they are referring to you. Why do they keep on asking the PN to disassociate themselves from you? You’re not on their payroll and they have no control over you.

    • La Redoute says:

      They were being disingenuous. As if a campaign consists solely of posters, placards and newspaper ads.

      Were that the case, Gaddafi would still be in power and, quite likely, bankrolling their pseudo-positive campaign.

  17. smiley says:

    my thoughts exactly. So far what I’ve heard was that josephmuscat.com will be keeping Gonzi’s plans and policies. Where is the change of direction? Or just a change in faces?

    • MxC says:

      Was there even a change in faces?

    • La Redoute says:

      He can’t do that entirely. His cabinet’s far more expensive to run and the money’s got to come from somewhere.

      Maybe he’s planning to ask Cypriot depositors for a bailout, seeing as they’re doing so well there.

  18. sarah says:

    Daphne, there are four grown ‘men’ complaining about you on John Bundy’s programme and you are also being mentioned on Xarabank in that the PN lost because of you. I cannot believe what I’m seeing and hearing.

    [Daphne – I know. John Bundy had the Witches of Eastwick on tonight – four middle-aged men who look like ageing lesbians, two of them with a breakdown idoqq l-iskotti, one of them born with a psychiatric disorder, and the other enslaved to a hideous cunning tramp a decade his senior. And the poor things haven’t even realised they’re now on the government side and are still banging on with their boring old scratched record, like those neurotic people who are still pinning you to the wall 20 years after their wife left them to tell you all about their horrid divorce, while you break out into a panicked sweat and you look from left to right for an escape route.]

    • Jozef says:

      Ciccio kellu ragun.

      Franco jistenna li l-kunsilliera kollha li vvotaw s-sena l-ohra biex izommu l-mexxej ghandhom jirrizenjaw.

      Mbaghad Oligarkija Debonesca fid-dar Centrali.

      Musumeci jimmilita fil-moviment qal, meta l-partit Nazzjonalista se jahdem biex jirbah lura l-voti kollha li tilef, hu x’se jaghmel bhala membru tal-partit?

      Jitkellmu fuq xulxin, programm bla udjenza u hadd ma jista’ jmerihom.

      U Marlene mal-ministru fuq Xarabank.

  19. Aldo Ellul says:

    Somebody please wake me up and tell that I’m dumb and that I can’t read or that I have cataracts.

    I don’t know how I am going to live the next five years. I will need psychiatric therapy.

    This is all sad.

    Oh btw Daphne keep up your work please. People who criticize you (the ones who take the mickey out of you) haven’t got a clue what you are all about.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      They don’t take the mickey out of Daphne – they have no wit and definitely no sense of humour to do that.

      They just spew their hatred and jealousy of her to anyone who will listen to compensate for the fact that, when all is said and done, they feel inferior to her socially, intellectually and emotionally.

  20. Aldo Ellul says:

    Somebody please wake me up and tell me that I’m dumb and that I can’t read or that I have cataracts.

    I don’t know how I am going to live the next five years. I will need psychiatric therapy.

    This is all sad.

    Oh btw Daphne keep up your work please. People who criticize you (the ones who take the mickey out of you) haven’t got a clue what you are all about.

  21. Ramona says:

    Have you heard Marlene Farrugia just now on Xarabank, saying that she and her husband decided between themselves who would take on the ministry of health portfolio?

    How does that work? Isn’t the PM meant to decide? Did he hand out the ministry to “il-familja Farrugia” to allocate between themselves as they deemed fit?

    • Jozef says:

      Erm, yes. Ghax il-ministeru taghna lkoll.

    • La Redoute says:

      Marlene will be running the ministry by remote control. She wears the pants.

      And she’s already warned Godfrey that, if Cardona’s seat in cabinet (economy and investment) is freed up, she’s taking it.

  22. Curious says:

    Say what? Unbelievable.

  23. Dave says:

    Equally disturbing is the first paragraph:

    “Mr Mizzi would be seeking clarifications from the Italian Government about the time frames regarding the interconnecter since Standard & Poor’s had said it would be completed in 2015 not 2014.”

    Are S&P running the project or the government?

    • Maria Xriha says:

      Would that mean that they need in the region of 75million euro to make good their bill reduction promise meanwhile?

      Which budgets are going to suffer to force this through?

  24. Esteve says:

    I am still mystified at how someone can decide to vote Labour because of a blog. It is a leap of logic which I am unable to make. Either that or they know something I don’t.

    [Daphne – They don’t vote Labour because of a blog. They need an excuse to vote Labour because they still see it as something shameful: “Miss, she made me do it. It wasn’t me!”]

    • Vanni says:

      I agree that they still see it as something shameful, but they are mot owning up at all.

      I mean there must be at least 18,000 ex-PN voters who voted Labour.

      That’s approximately one for every eight Nationalist voter. I am not seeing or hearing that many ‘owning up’.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Recently I commented on a FB post that we’ve just voted in a crass and incompetent bunch and this ‘switcher’ told me that it was people like me who made him switch. Yeh, that’d be right.

  25. manum says:

    IT is dawning on to me that lejber is regretting the massive campaign they unleashed on the Maltese electorate. A lejber official said in whispers, ” we could have won without all that expense and now we resume on what the PN left us”

    The reality is you can win an election just for the sake of change only.

  26. Ano says:

    Wasn’t it 50% from the interconnecter and 50% from their new power station? Now I’m no fan of the idea, but I believe they bashed our power station for running on heavy fuel oil, and decided to run the new gas power station and the interconnecter simultaneously.

  27. Herman says:

    Joseph Muscat reminds me of Vanna Marchi selling and promoting, on TV, rubbish that will never work.

    From Wikipedia: Vanna Marchi (Castel Guelfo di Bologna, 2 settembre 1942) è un personaggio televisivo e truffatrice italiana, celebre come commerciante nel settore della televendita grazie alle sue peculiari modalità comunicative.

  28. Natalie Mallett says:

    Reading your blog actually convinced me that I was doing the right thing in voting PN again.

    I do not regret doing it and will be more convinced of doing the same again as the days unfold and the moviment of josephmuscat.com continues to give us more of what he has given us in the past week.

  29. Angelo Abela says:

    For all those who are seeing this as some kind of U-turn I will repeat what I said earlier. This was the PL’s plan all along.


    ‘Labour says Enemalta will continue to generate electricity through the converted Delimara extension and it will also buy a portion of its electricity from the interconnector to Sicily being built by the Government’

  30. Versus veritas says:

    Whoever thought that our new Prime Minister is not an opportunistic, ambitious and Macchiavellian is a true fool. His end is power, his means whatever.

    That’s politics after all … a game of power where the villiage idiot and the wise man have the same say.

  31. pablo says:

    I wrote here before the election saying that the Konrad Plan was fake and that a Labour high-up had more or less told me so.

    I am not surprised by Joey’s recent statement. I doubt that the charade will play on beyond the summer months.

  32. carlos says:

    Slowly but surely the truth is coming out. All that Gonzi had done is right.

  33. maryanne says:

    This is rich, coming from Edward Scicluna about the Cyprus bailout.

    Kudos to Lawrence Gonzi then, Edward. Taf tisthi?

    “Prof. Scicluna said: “If one had any doubts about the indignity suffered by indebted countries forced to seek a bailout, one should have been present for the night-long meeting in Brussels.”


  34. Calculator says:

    On one hand, it’s bad for those people who voted Labour and expected differently.

    On the other, it’s better they stick to the PN’s plan than waste even more money (as if those additional ministries won’t cost us enough) on their wonky gas power station/importation, isn’t it?

  35. ciccio says:

    “He said the PL had transformed itself into a movement, but its only aim was to bring down the Nationalist government, ‘and then we’ll see’.”

    The Times, quoting Adrian Vassallo, 10 May 2012.


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