Watch that furrow, dear readers

Published: March 2, 2013 at 5:58pm

He’s trying to guage how far he can get away with lying about John Dalli:

Now see that furrow appear like magic when he lies about Tony Blair:

And here again, when he’s lying about the Hal Safi case:

12 Comments Comment

  1. D S says:

    I wonder if Dalli’s still ‘unwell’ and won’t be returning to vote.

  2. Max says:

    Maybe Dalli is waiting for a Labour goverment. They owe him some favours.

  3. kram says:

    I hope he does not come back to vote because it will be an extra vote for Labour.

  4. Matthew says:

    “Il-Prim Ministru mdorri jtellaq wahdu.”

    Alfred Sant will forever rue the day he gave this disrespectful bastard the light of day.

    Labour leaders follow the tradition of the emperors and kings of antiquity; murdering the ruler to rise to the throne themselves.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    One lie has already overtaken plenty of others. He would be in danger of retribution from those who have invested into his party if he did the honourable thing and resigned. Too much is pegged on this hoped-for victory.

    Lies are a necessary means to any end for him. An evil he will continue to embrace. These are by all means not the first, and we are far from seeing the end of them.

    People have been networking and working against others realising this end result for years now. They have been setting up meetings: recording them, seeing what proof others have against them. Favours have been called in. Unsuspecting friends have been called to play out their roles.

    Almost creaseless, except in hindsight.

    Already the long wait that this election has translated into means that the retrospect is become clearer. Other people’s careers have been ruined to mount this cover up.

    “One more lie” has already reached insignificant status for Joseph.

    Desperation is an ugly motive.

    Survival is all he sees.

    IF he wins on the 9th of March he would have fulfilled his obligation. He will be able to define survival differently from that day on.

    What an empty soul, devoid of grandeur of any noble sort.

    Serving only the more desperate.Those to whom money and material gain is everything.

    Oh to have been born on the right side of right.
    But you were born on the wrong side of left, which meant that your mentors were and are no different.

    Birds flocking together. Magnetised towards a home base that is as greedily corrupt as it ever was.

    Let’s hope you don’t gas us out, again.

    What hopes for the children of Malta? They don’t deserve Joseph. They don’t deserve an MLP comeback. They don’t deserve this campaign built on your conman scam tricks.

    Just like your mentor. Anything for another buck.

    As Eddie Fenech Adami said to you Joseph:
    “Din hi kampanja ta’ qerq u ipokrizija fejn int l-awtur.”

    Hamallu fil-veru sens tal-kelma: Ghax xorta qbajt hemm u qieghed isservi biex iggor il-bagalji ta’ haddiehor:

    Ta’ dawk li jridu xi haga minnek li ma’ jisthoqilhomx.
    Ta’ kull wiehed li weghdtu xi haga ‘l fuq mill-Maltin l-ohra.
    Ta’ dawk tal-MLP fuqek.
    Ta’ Mintoff.
    Ta’ Sant.
    Ta’ Jason.
    Ta’ dak l-iehor.

    Hamallu kont. Hamallu bqajt.

  6. ciccio says:

    The expression “wiccu w sormu wiehed” is so true when he is lying.

    • Jozef says:

      What a nasty piece of work.

      They got that thing off his chin and asked him to please smile and stop being such a conceited git.

      What they didn’t manage was make him quit lying.

  7. stevn gerrard says:

    Useless twat

  8. Wilson says:

    The furrow is the most obvious sign of depleted concern, but at the same time there about four other signs that he is lying and with mental pressure in controlling words.

    He wishes he was cool under fire but it is definitely a case of run rabbit run.

  9. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Mela 2009 fuq Bondi+ jaqbez ghal kaccaturi “miskin” u meta mar ir-riserva ta l-Ghadira ftit granet ilu, qal li se johloq Unit fil-Pulizija biex jikkontrolla aktar lill-kaccaturi.

    Il-vera giddieb u jinsa xi jkun qal. Meta tigdeb tinsa xi tkun ghedt. Ghalhekk Joey minn hawn nghidlek ghax naf li dan il-blog taqrah “biex tkun giddieb tajjeb trid tiftakar xi tkun gdibt biex tibqa tghid l-istess.”

  10. Dott Abjad says:

    At 0.53 that furrow looks like a right camel-toe.

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