What de hack – we gonna stend up for our rights
March 15, 2013 at 5:39pm
Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat have already begun to draw the battle-lines.
We are a staunchly pro-European government, but we will stand up for our rights.
Those of us raised on a diet of Labour governments know exactly what that means. You wouldn’t say anything at all if you were truly pro-European and didn’t intend to cause trouble.
I strongly suspect that the boy brought up on a diet of Mintoff is going to be trying a few-year-older-and-squatter version of this, in a far more important forum than the EP Plenary.
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We’ll have Michael Farrugia, secretary for administrative affairs, blame the European sausage next.
It’s coming together, the Eurosceptic approach countering a 27 year old, ex mayor, still an undergraduate, in charge of funding.
The plan’s very simple, we have our ‘investors’, you don’t approve, we veto.
Too late. We’ve sold our veto to the investors.
For further details, please contact you-know-who.
Schultz will soon regret helping Joseph win the election.
I have a feeling that our PM can’t wait to use the veto.
Most probably for the wrong reason.
How embarrassing. Still can’t believe that he is our prime minister. Min jaf Michelle kemm hi proud li ghanda ir-ragel jaqbes ghad-drittijiet tal-Maltin.
Is it not ironic when you think about it? States like Libya, Tunisia, Egypt …. have broken away from the past and moved on.
On the other hand, the PL has sent us back in time – George Vella, Karmenu Vella, Alex Sceberras Trigona. These characters will remind our neighbours of the ‘good old day’.
Igifiri ax jaqbez ghad-drittijiet taghna wkoll ghandu jigi kkritikat? Mela xridtuh jamel jalaq halqu? Ma smajtuhx ic capcip? Barranin japprezzaw iktar minnkom, ax ammirawh li qabez ghall-ilsien Malti.
And then he speaks to his daughters in English.
You keep insisting with this ‘what the heck’ when it is clear that he is saying ‘what the hell’ which in the circumstances is very apt.
Being pro-EU and being lackeys of the EU are completely different things and it is important to make that distinction. In this I cannot help but agree with Muscat… we are European, we form part of the European Union but we expect to be treated as equals within the European institution. I cannot see how one can be Maltese and have an issue with this reasoning.