Why do they all look so cowed and miserable for the cameras at their first cabinet meeting?

Published: March 15, 2013 at 11:38am

They’ve got what they wanted after 15 years, but they look like somebody who’s unwrapped the Christmas present in exciting wrapping to find it’s just another novelty jumper with a reindeer down the front.

Only Joseph is smiling, and that’s because he’s been faking ‘positive’ for so long throughout the campaign that his mouth has frozen into that position.

This is one hell of a ‘right, now what’ moment.

first cabinet meeting

22 Comments Comment

  1. john says:

    Funny how all these feminists in the cabinet are going bald.

    Not taking our HRT are we?

  2. taxxu says:

    Is there a team of paramedics on stand-by just in case one of them feels a little poorly and needs to lie down?

  3. Sad but true says:

    As I commeted a few days ago when all supporters were out celebrating – reminds me of the last scene in Finding Nemo…..”Now what?”


  4. random says:

    Well I suppose there is a lot of envy and jealousy flowing through the first cabinet meeting.

    Reno Bugieja interviewed some of the new ministers last night on TVM. The interviewees included Joe Mizzi and Konrad Mizzi.

    Joe Mizzi clearly said that oil exploration falls under his responsibility during the interview. However, if one looks at the DOI website showing the responsibilities of the respective minstries, oil exploration is only mentioned under the Energy and Water ministry headed by Dr Konrad Mizzi.

    Confused? So am I.

  5. tinnat says:

    I believe I know the answer to your question, Daphne.

    They all can’t believe how for the next five years they have to receive orders from someone who is so many years younger than them, who will use them as a parasite would and who will not take ” no” for an answer.

  6. ciccio says:

    OK, there is enough space behind Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Konrad Mizzi to install two standard-sized teleprompters. And this time he has the advantage that he can hide the foot pedal beneath the cabinet table.

  7. silverbug says:

    What is the Deputat Mexxej Ghall-Affarijiet Tal-Partit Toni Abela doing in Cabinet? And where pray is the cabinet secretary?

    And is that Keith Kasco at the far right?

  8. Mikiel says:

    Great to see you are back and thank you for your earlier articles. You manage to express in written form, the unsaid thoughts of many.

    I’m still under shock and cannot believe we jumped straight into the socialist wave that hit Europe 3yrs ago, head on & as a result have these ex KMB/Mintoff sitting on those chairs.

    Many of my European friends are looking forward of getting rid of their socialist governments in a year or two and cannot understand why successful Malta felt this need. I’ve suggested your blog, for a better view of the Maltese psyche.

    This photo shows them trying to look very pensive. Maybe they are in awe of the grandeur of the room they sit in.

    During yesterday’s interviews on TVM many spoke as if they were continuing from 1998 when their tenure was cut short. Did you get the same impression?

    [Daphne – I didn’t watch it.]

  9. Wilson says:

    It’s a ‘how the hell did we end up here’ moment.

  10. Pink says:

    Ma ntihomx tort li jkunu kollha bid-dwejjaq. Wara 15-il sena fl-oppozizjoni, irnexxielhom jitilghu fil-Gvern u qed jigu mmexxija minn persuna li ghandu nofs l-eta’ taghhom. He came out of nowhere and he’s the Prime Minister u huma jew ministri/PS jew xejn!

    Il-Partit… sorry Moviment Femminista u li hu qrib taz-Zghazagh. Kwazi jghaqqdu l-elf sena bejnietom.

  11. FP says:

    “his mouth has frozen into that position”

    It’s that blokka silġ he’s been yapping about.

  12. Michelle Galea says:

    Big Kasco Brother is watching

  13. CBB says:

    There must be an overpowering smell of mothballs.

  14. David Meilak says:

    Looking cowed and miserable is the way they normally look. Misery is second nature to them. Our problem is that their psyche will follow suit nationally.

  15. R Camilleri says:

    I’m pretty sure that the photo was not taken by Kurt Farrugia.

  16. tarzan58 says:

    JM qieghed jghidilhom li m’humiex se jehduha l’500Euro zieda ghall issa ghax ghadu kmieni wisq ghall din il-Uturn.

  17. philip camilleri says:

    Enter D R A C U L A .

  18. sasha says:

    I disagree – it was a case of “WTF – I was promised something more and why does he have my portfolio?”

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