Why was Louis Grech, Minister for Europe, not with him? Where are his aides? Does he have any?
March 15, 2013 at 12:10am
Prime Minister Muscat was accompanied to the EU summit not by his Minister for Europe, Louis Grech, nor by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Vella (le, ta, allahares qatt), but by…..his minister of finance, Edward Scicluna.
U ejja, mhux xorta?
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Monkey’s Bum shining bright.
Louis brushed it off tonight. He doesn’t look at all well.
Daphne, it’s Thursday. On Thursdays Louis Grech looks after the implementation of the electoral manifesto.
Of course Louis Grech did not turn up with Joseph Muscat for the Brussels Summit.
The dignitaries there would have thought that the father of the Prime Minister of Malta did not trust him to get to Brussels alone.
Little Joey looks overwhelmed less than a week into his rule. Surrounded with creeps, codgers, crackpots and clueless clingers, wouldn’t you?
Helena Dalli said yesterday to Reno Bugeja and the nation, aired concurrently on TVM and TVM2, that she made photocopies of the pages of the manifesto that concern her ministry to pass around to the people in her ministry for implementation.
She worked on her laptop since her office isn’t set up yet.
I was waiting for the scheduled program of Bondi+. What happened to that?
Who changed the TVM schedule and why?
Is that a jacket he’s wearing?
Doesn’t he even bother to go in a suit on his first sorti as Malta’s prime minister?
His chief of security looks better dressed than him.
Why was Louis Grech not with him? Because Grech is the deputy prime minister. His function is precisely to stay in Malta and step in the shoes of the PM when the latter is out of the country.
[Daphne – I suppose you failed to notice, over these last few years, that Tonio Borg (deputy PM and Foreign Affairs Minister) travelled to Brussels with PM Gonzi for international meetings and EU summits. There is no need for the PM to be in the country so that there is a manager in situ. How primitive can you get. Mhux ta’ b’xejn jitla l-Lejber b’daqs tant injoranza u invidja, ha nghidlek.]
He is LOVING every minute of it. He can’t wipe that smug grin off his face. It’s all about him. It was about him all the time.
@ Alex – that was the only thing that interested him. He arrived. He’s there. He’s seen and heard.
Yepp, now he can come back and solemnly proclaim that he has “been there done that.”
Qed tiskanta kif ghall-EU Summit Joseph Muscat ha mieghu lil Edward Scicluna?
Hbieb tal-Hbieb, forsi? Mill-banda l-ohra Louis Grech nahseb li wkoll ghandu l-hbieb fil-PE.
So the tall, dark, oldish man who lives a door or two away from the Mrabat hardware store has made it to Brussels too. (See from circa 0.12′ onwards). Is he officialy Muscat’s bodyguard? Since I pay taxes, I believe I have a right to know, too.