Will Joseph please give the make-up a rest? He’s beginning to look like a rich man’s catamite.
March 14, 2013 at 11:55pm
It’s one thing wearing foundation make-up and powder under the studio lights, but quite another getting so accustomed to it that you put it on before leaving the house.
It looks disgusting.
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Spjegalhom x’inhu catamite, ghax Kenneth Zammit Tabona biss fehmek. Dak ghandu tnejn.
Baxxter, issa hawwadthom, meta ghidtilhom li Zammit Tabona ghandu tnejn.
For a moment I thought Kurt Farrugia was sitting down.
That’s the teapot.
Mela it tul jaghmlek nies?
Assolutament, le, owl – fil-fatt naf numru kbir mhux hazin ta’ nies qosra li huma “nies” ghax, il-personalita, flimkien mal-kwalitajiet li ghandhom jew it-talenti kbar taghhom diga huma ingredjenti tajbin hafna biex ikunu hekk minnghajr il-bzonn ta’ aktar tul.
Kurt’s eye level corresponds to the door handles. Does he have a driving licence?
Yes, however he has to use a baby’s seat.
Joseph looks like Louis’s rent boy.
Cheap throw though.
The second photo belongs on on the men-who-look-like-old-lesbians websites.
Look at Herrera’s facial expression.
You can hear the string of blasphemy just by looking at the photo.
He is about to run over and punch Joseph in the head.
Well.. he is certainly thinking about it.
Look at Herrera’s hands
What is with the silent movie era make-up on Joseph Muscat?
Is Kenneth Zammit Tabona the official make-up artist of the intelligent prime minister?
The body language of Jose Herrera is very telling.
They certainly could do with a bigger table. Tal-Kasco will provide.
Is the new cabinet going to play musical chairs at every cabinet meeting or will the Prime Minister buy a larger table?
A report on The Times says that the cost of the NEW VERY MUCH LARGER CABINET is up by 71% over 5 years.
What a dreadful metaphor for a new government. Justice takes a back seat.
“My make-up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on.”
I told you that he needs an extension to that Cabinet table. Malta park?
Anthony Burgess’s Earthly Powers (written when he lived nin Hal Lija) opens with the lines – if I recall well – “I was in bed with my young catamite when the Archbishop called”.
Then Mintoff kicked him out.
L-ewwel tender li se tohrog minn Kastilja se tkun ghal ‘boardroom table’ imdaqqsa. Tal-Kasco will provide. Loft is run by his wife, no conflict of interest there.
I would like to see a list of companies these honourable persons were/are involved in. how do I go about it?
Ma! Jose’, jekk taqtalhu rasu ma tohrog qatra demm.
JM to Coconut Head ”the oval table is too small’ get Tal Kasco to buy me anothe one bigger”
The DOI has been hijacked.
Quantity but no quality.