Will Joseph please give the make-up a rest? He’s beginning to look like a rich man’s catamite.

Published: March 14, 2013 at 11:55pm

It’s one thing wearing foundation make-up and powder under the studio lights, but quite another getting so accustomed to it that you put it on before leaving the house.

It looks disgusting.



great make-up

30 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Spjegalhom x’inhu catamite, ghax Kenneth Zammit Tabona biss fehmek. Dak ghandu tnejn.

  2. La Redoute says:

    For a moment I thought Kurt Farrugia was sitting down.

    • TinaB says:

      That’s the teapot.

    • owl says:

      Mela it tul jaghmlek nies?

      • TinaB says:

        Assolutament, le, owl – fil-fatt naf numru kbir mhux hazin ta’ nies qosra li huma “nies” ghax, il-personalita, flimkien mal-kwalitajiet li ghandhom jew it-talenti kbar taghhom diga huma ingredjenti tajbin hafna biex ikunu hekk minnghajr il-bzonn ta’ aktar tul.

  3. Jozef says:

    Kurt’s eye level corresponds to the door handles. Does he have a driving licence?

  4. concerned citizen says:

    Joseph looks like Louis’s rent boy.

  5. Macduff says:

    Look at Herrera’s facial expression.

  6. ken il malti says:

    What is with the silent movie era make-up on Joseph Muscat?

  7. P Shaw says:

    Is Kenneth Zammit Tabona the official make-up artist of the intelligent prime minister?

  8. P Shaw says:

    The body language of Jose Herrera is very telling.

  9. rjc says:

    They certainly could do with a bigger table. Tal-Kasco will provide.

  10. Plotinus says:

    Is the new cabinet going to play musical chairs at every cabinet meeting or will the Prime Minister buy a larger table?

    A report on The Times says that the cost of the NEW VERY MUCH LARGER CABINET is up by 71% over 5 years.

  11. La Redoute says:

    What a dreadful metaphor for a new government. Justice takes a back seat.

  12. Steve says:

    “My make-up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on.”

  13. Helen says:

    I told you that he needs an extension to that Cabinet table. Malta park?

  14. jojo says:

    Anthony Burgess’s Earthly Powers (written when he lived nin Hal Lija) opens with the lines – if I recall well – “I was in bed with my young catamite when the Archbishop called”.

    Then Mintoff kicked him out.

  15. Peppa says:

    L-ewwel tender li se tohrog minn Kastilja se tkun ghal ‘boardroom table’ imdaqqsa. Tal-Kasco will provide. Loft is run by his wife, no conflict of interest there.

  16. Mikiel says:

    I would like to see a list of companies these honourable persons were/are involved in. how do I go about it?

  17. TROY says:

    Ma! Jose’, jekk taqtalhu rasu ma tohrog qatra demm.

  18. Ken Mercieca says:

    JM to Coconut Head ”the oval table is too small’ get Tal Kasco to buy me anothe one bigger”

  19. rcamilleri says:

    The DOI has been hijacked.

  20. Mr. Bean There Done That says:

    Quantity but no quality.

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