Yana Mintoff – vote for change and this is the change you get: Dom’s daughter

Published: March 6, 2013 at 5:01pm

Look who’s talking about cliques of power: Dom’s daughter.

Hundreds of people ask her for work every weeks, she says. That’s not because there are no jobs, Yana. It’s called clientelism. Still so very Lejjjjjberrr.

39 Comments Comment

  1. malteser says:

    And my vote goes to…

    You’ve got to be joking, Yana.

  2. L.Caruana says:

    Please note that your father robbed me of my second pension.

  3. Neil Dent says:


  4. marks says:

    Those eyes send the shivers down my spine.

  5. Peter F says:

    She can’t even get the slogan right – Malta Tagħna Wkoll, said she. The effing cheek.

  6. math says:

    She’s got the nerve to mention drugs at 1:15. Maybe she forgot the blokka bajda.

    So superficial; she says Malta taghna wkoll instead of lkoll. Shows that their maxim is not truly at heart.

  7. vanni says:

    Bhala ekonomista u ghalliema naf u nifhem sew.

    U bhala esperta tal-hara taz-ziemel x’tahseb?

  8. Ed says:

    Looks like she’s wearing Dom’s torca on her lapel in the second clip.

  9. Edward says:

    She is so bad at learning lines and delivering them that it’s painful to listen her.

    Yana, please, you can’t speak Maltese. Why don’t you do what the rest of the English-speaking minority in Malta does and just speak English?

    Even with scripted lines you cannot get through a sentence without having to take a breath at the weirdest moments just to catch up with the prompter.

    If someone is telling you that you are doing a good job don’t listen to them. They are not doing you any favours.

  10. U Le! says:

    Are you sure reincarnation does not exist? It’s like watching a bad episode of the X-files.

  11. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Tixtieq li hi kapaci biex tkisser lil Malta taghna daqs kemm kien kapaci jkisser lil Malta missiera.

    Yana, tiftakar li missierek kien dak il-bniedem li hadd ma seta jesprimi ruhu dwar il-politika. Kemm qlajna taht il-Labour ta’ missierek u tal-pupazz tieghu KMB.

    May he rot in hell now that is gone.

  12. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Bilhaqq. Stajt qadt quddiem sigra aktar ikkulurita ta’ jew kont qeda tipprepara ghal nhar il-Hadd. Sorry ma ndunajtx li kont qeda taqta l-lumi meta gew jiffilmjaw il-klipp.

    Ahjar tmur tinheba ghax l-anqas titkellem bil-Malti ma taf.

  13. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Nisperaw li Yana temmen fit-teknologija ghax missiera Dommy kien qalilna li l-komputer itellef l-imjiegi tan-nies. U hallina Yana. Int l-anqas wahda li ghandek titkellem ghax missierek ridna nibqghu pajjiz tat-tielet dinja.

    Kif ma tisthix tghid li int ghalliema meta biex ahna l-Maltin nifhmu l-Malta li titkellem int, irridu noqghodu vera attenti u nghollu l-volum ta’ ghax inkella ma jirnexxilniex nifhmu.

  14. TinaB says:

    Wiccek imissu jihmar, Mintoff Yana, ghal hnizrijiet li saru fi zmien meta missierek kien Prim Ministru filwaqt li int kont tghix paxxuta fil-kumdita f’pajjiz il-boghod meta aktar minn nofsna konna nghixu f’biza liema bhalha.

  15. rcamilleri says:

    My God, x’inhi antipatika – economista, my foot. Xi wahda bhal missierha din.

  16. yor/malta says:

    No shame whatsoever .

  17. Rumplestiltskin says:

    If this wasn’t really scary, it would be hilarious. How can anyone even think of visiting a Mintoff on us again?

  18. SPARKS says:


  19. Dattard says:

    Someone needs to teach her to speak Maltese properly… and by the way, as if Yana Mintoff knows what poverty means.

    [Daphne – Actually she does, because she saw her mother forced to live it.]

  20. Dattard says:

    The people who ask her for jobs are those who expect to get them with minimal effort.

    Nobody ever offered me anything on a silver plate. I had to study, then get good work experience and recently when I changed jobs it took me months to find something I liked but I don’t blame the government for that.

    • Charles says:

      We should thank the government for that because we were given the opportunity. In her father’s days this was not possible.

  21. PWG says:

    Yana beware!

    A large percentage of the eight thousand jobs for the boys dished out by the Labour government prior to the 1987 general election went to diehards who deserted their jobs with the private enterprise to switch to cushy jobs with the government and its parastatal bodies.

  22. Angus Black says:

    My favourite character from the Wizard of Oz. Guess which.

  23. caroline says:

    Where was she when Malta was bullied under her father and his gang of cut-throats.

    When our property was taken away from us only to be given to his Laburisti, when our schools were closed down, when we had no choice if we wanted to buy basic commodities, when people were arrested and harrassed and oppressed and when there was no freedomn of speech.

    If there are so many people who are starving, why doesn’t she give them some of the millions she inheirted from her father.

  24. Joe says:

    U fl-aħħar ħarġet il-verita fl-aħħar sentanza fejn qalet “Malta taghna ukoll”.

    Diġa iddikjarawha li Malta tagħhom. Ara vera tixbħu lil missiera ja Mintoff Yana li hi.

  25. bystander says:

    Do you think she married a bloke with the surname Bland knowing that one day she would appear near the top of PL’s candidates on the ballot paper?

  26. anthony says:

    As pathetic a clown as her father.

    If she had had the decency to stay put in Malta in the seventies and eighties it would have been thousands of people every hour.

    The cretin.

    A case of a new political variant of Tay-Sachs disease.

  27. Anthony Briffa says:

    Apart from the rubbish she says, how can she keep ridiculing herself when trying to speak in Maltese? Ara vera ma tisthix minna nfisha.

  28. GABS says:

    Was this video shot in 1976 ?

  29. Amy Rex says:

    Ridiculous – sounds like someone who has been to a multitude of coaching sessions to try and sound Maltese and has come bottom of the class. Who the hell is taken in by this sort of rubbish?

  30. zizka says:

    Not fair.

  31. Paul Bonnici says:

    Some people are poor because your father was awarded lots of money by the government which it could hardly afford, this money could have been spent on the poor.

    Yana, your family took food from poor peoples’ mouths.

  32. LOL says:


    Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected, frequently humorous. Winston Churchill loved them. PL please take note.

    1. Where there’s a will, I want to be in it.

    2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on my list.

    3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    4. If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.

    5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

    6. War does not determine who is right – only who is left.

    7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

    8. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

    9. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

    10. In filling out an application, where it says, ‘In case of emergency, Notify:’ I put ‘DOCTOR’.

    11. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

    12. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

    13. I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not so sure.

    14. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.

    15. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

    16. You’re never too old to learn something stupid.

    17. I’m supposed to respect my elders, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to find one now.

    • philip camilleri says:

      You may add:

      a) common sense is the rarest thing;

      b) a committee is a group of people who keep minutes and waste hours;

      c) middle age is when hard work becomes a pleasure and when pleasure becomes hard work.

  33. zunzana says:

    Din ma tiftakarx x’qal missiera, “nixtieq li jien kapaci ingib ix-xoghol lejn Malta daqs kemm jien kapaci ingib il-flus!
    Dr. Lawrence Gonzi kien kapaci jgib sewwa flus u xoghol.

  34. Jozef says:

    If those eyes are the spirit of socialism. Stone cold.

  35. Ruben Pace says:

    Her accent is at least gentle, unlike most Maltese women who sound have quite harsh voices!

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