You see? I was right. Told you so. Franco is a Laburist.
I’ve spent the last couple of years telling you that Franco Debono’s is a Laburist, and not just an old Laburist, but a whole-hog Mintoffjan.
He was outraged. Ma tarax! “Jien Nazzjonalist minn guf ommi! Jien Nazzjonalist minn qabel twelidt! Mhux bhal dik, gejja minn familja Stricklandjana!”
The old one-upmanship.
The sad jerk, who besides his psychological problems also has an IQ that is considerably lower than he would like to believe it is, could not understand that our political thinking and behaviour are defined not by the names we give them but by what they actually are.
And Franco’s thinking and behaviour have always been – ever since I began to observe them – patently and blatantly Labour. They go beyond that, really: they are Mintoffian.
He uses Mintoffian tactics of brinkmanship, he has no respect for democracy, he has contempt for those who elected him, he is loud, gross, rude and vulgar, and the peasant in him wins out.
He is chased by the demons of what he considers to be his under-privileged background, while others had so many more privileges and advantages than he did. So Mintoffian – those were the demons, the demons of revenge on society, that drove Dom Mintoff.
I had argued, much to Franco’s fury, that the only reason he thinks he is a Nationalist is because he was raised by parents who voted Nationalist, but in reality his politics and his attitude are 100% Labour and he is much more comfortable with that party and totally at odds with the more liberal, democratic and dignified Nationalist Party.
Now he has gone on Super One tonight to say that he’ll be voting Labour. Welcome home, Franco. You have finally found your natural place – in Joseph Muscat’s nest.
Have a nice time comparing Form IIC reports.
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What does Franco have to say about this? It is certainly much more impressive than his form 2 result.
Fejn huma il-mijjiet li ghajjat bihom? Ghax ma hrigt ghall-elezzjoni, kummidjant, ha turina kemm int bravu u naraw kemm kellek appogg?
il hadd li gej tkun taf
Joseph’s skip must be overflowing and stinkier than ever
Should we really change direction? Have a look at this.
Malta is part of the first world and leading I should say.
This table should be the PN’s next billboard.
Malta is first on this list among EU countries and third worldwide. Cyprus is forty-ninth.
Recently EU unemployment rate statistics posted on this blog showing Malta placed third among EU countries.
Surely this ought to be enough to win an election particularly when coupled with all the other benefits produced by this government.
What do PN do? They publish face painting posters. What utter crap!
Publish the hard facts. Publish the graphs. Publish the statistics in this last week. Produce posters to reflect how well Malta is faring.
The truth is so favourable for PN, it’s almost unbelievable.
Give us a fighting chance to congratulate Labour on their loss next week, because, let’s face it Labour’s defeat this time round will be no mean feat.
But that’s it really, we had a legislature where government was repeatedly accused of a dogged determination to carry out the work.
The results are almost unbelievable because everyone was distracted by a bunch of idiots taking centre stage.
“Publish the hard facts. Publish the graphs. Publish the statistics in this last week. Produce posters to reflect how well Malta is faring.
The truth is so favourable for PN, it’s almost unbelievable. ”
I agree with you completely.
Minn vot fil-parlament ghall-vot wiehed bhal kulhadd.
Qabza ta’ kwalita’ ghall-pajjizna.
vera nies hziena intkom kif tistaw tahdem maghkom
tahseb li franco biss sar kontra gonzi kemm sejjer zball hadd iehor tkun taf kemm nazzojnalisti marru il boghod mill pn
Franco is clinging to the siggu tas-Super One.
He had to say something of the sort to get the invitation.
X’mizerja ta’ bniedem rahli.
Franco Debono will find more clients in the Labour Party.
Does his Smartphone still ring when switched off?
Give something smart to a dumb ass and it will ring if he wants it to.
Definitely so, especially if Jose Herrera becomes Minister of Justice. Somebody needs to be handed over his criminal clients.
Who the f*ck cares what Franco Debono does with his vote. He can stick it up his ass.
He will definitely be at home with Labour.
We will be getting several similar titles in the coming weeks.
Daphne is right.
Joseph Muscat’s smugness at this news must be immense.
The old schoolboy rival who used to try so hard to show that he is above bullying is finally, and very publicly, handing over his lunch money to his browbeater.
My hunch- Muscat will reward Franco with something, perhaps a consultant to Justice Minister Jose Herrera.
It’s going to be a Malta Taghhom Biss like in the Golden years except that now it will be very subtle.
Can you imagine all these switchers plus the diehard Labour people occupying the most important posts? Add some fine auditing and we will live happily ever after under Labour.
They will also spend the next five years consolidating their position so that their power will not cover only a span of five years.
Franco hsiebu fih innifsu biss, u kif se jtajjar lil dak u ‘l-iehor.
Dak hadem kontra shabu kollha l-kandidati biex jitla’ deputat.
Wara li tela’ deputat ippretenda li jsir ministru ghax tajjar ministru u segretarju parlamentari.
Kif Gonzi ma tahx wicc beda jattakkah, u iggieled ma kull min ipprova ifhemu.Ghiduli ma’ min ma kellux xi jghid fil-partit?
Joseph lil Franco se jhallih jilghaqu naqr’ ohra wara li jitla’ fil-gvern , umbghad jaghmlu ambaxxatur tal-Italja, jew dak il-post ihallieh ghal-Tonio Portughese , u jlahhaq lil Franco avukat generali.
L-irragunar bhalissa huwa li l-ghadu tal-ghadu tieghi huwa habibi.
Waqt li kont qed inqalleb it-televixin , rajt lil JPO fuq il-ONE ma’ Norman Hamilton, dan hu l-istess bniedem li tal-Labour kixfulu l-ghawwar tieghu kollu bil-kuntratt tad-disco tal-Mistra u li kieku kien baqa’ jum iehor ghal-elezzjoni kien itellef lil-Partit Nazzjonalista l-elezzjoni.Min jaf x’kien ghaddej minn mohh Norman?
Il-Labour spicca b’Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici ,Alfred Sant u Anglu Farrugia barra u Jeffrey, Cyrus u Franco gewwa!
Jekk dal-partit mhux il-landa taz-zibel tal-politika Maltija mela ma nafx.
L-istess bhal Joseph gie jitmejjel minn kollox basta jilhaq leader, issa qed jigi jitmejjel minn kulhadd basta jilhaq prim ministru.
Do we need him?
Our country was left like a zoo, this of 50/50 nationalist or socialist need to end. Shame on you all.
Ehm. Not sure how to put this, but…what was that all about again?
How do people’s political/social values change overnight?
Hawwadni ha nifmhek.
This comes as no surprise. He’s already voted with Labour in parliament – against the will of the Nationalists who elected him – the traitor. He can do what he likes with his vote now.
I personally would like to see Franco sit in parliament on the Labour side. That way we’ll be assured of a toppled government in a few months. Do you really believe that Franco and Joseph can co-exist for more than a few months?
Oh, so that was the scoop that was going around much earlier about Franco having something up his sleeve.
Hope Franco feels finally at peace now that he’in too. As for myself, this will definitely keep me decided on keeping out, as it’s all the more defining which sort of people are going on board the PL’s ship.
He’s certainly come out of the closet.
Franco is nothing but a spoilt brat in a man’s body. I can’t for the life of me understand why the pn never exposed him publicly for the bitter neurotic failure that he really is.
Gonzi should be re-elected purely for having had to put up with this self-serving nutbag, and having done so with impeccable dignity at that. Just imagine how lejber would have dealt with that kind of situation.
I still remember the angry mobs at Cospicua berating the “trajditur”, egged on by their mexxej – and this had been practically their lord and saviour up until the day before.
If it had been anyone other than Mintoff who had had the temerity to give Sant the finger I have no doubt whatsoever that he would have been hung drawn and quartered forthwith, his head stuck on the battlements as a warning.
Fl-ahhar iz-zejt tela’ f’wicc l-ilma.
Remember when end of last May this super idiot voted WITH the PL in the motion against Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici?
Now whoever can use his brains adequately (minus, of course any PL voter) can easily put two and two together and see what his true intentions were. Malta taghna lkoll….indeed.
Oh! Franco’s voting Labour is he. I see. Next?
Mhux diga ghamilt hekk meta kont MP? Hsibtna injoranti bhalek?
Ma kellekx ghalfejn terga tghidilna. Ghalekk inti irrilevanti.
Franco, vote for Joseph, who beat you at school and beat you in life. But we of the 5th district are OUT not in and we’re going to vote for the future of our families.