All in good time? Guess they’re not going to send a member of the CID and another one from the homicide squad to Dalli’s door with an arrest warrant at night, like they did to me

Published: April 19, 2013 at 9:07am
John Dalli, camping with Muammar Gaddafi in 1987 (in white socks)

John Dalli, camping with Muammar Gaddafi in 1987 (in white socks)

The Commissioner of Police, legal procurator (or is it lawyer, now?) Peter Paul Zammit, was a guest on the show TVAM yesterday. Inevitably, he was asked about John Dalli.

He replied that the case is still open.

Well, of course it is.

Mela ghax issa l-power tieghu u ta’ Joseph jaghmel li jrid hu?

Tajba din, ukoll.

“I know that John Dalli is in Malta,” the Commissioner told his interviewers.

A hundred and one sarcastic observations could trip from my lips at this point, but I’ll be civil.

“I intend to speak to him. But in good time: these investigations need their time,” he said.

And then they dispatched two senior police officers, one from the Homicide Squad and the other from the Criminal Investigation Department, to my home at night, armed with an arrest warrant signed by a magistrate at the request of the Police Commmissioner, because I uploaded two videos that mocked the leader of the Opposition (What the Hack and that waddle round the monuments) on the eve of the general election.

And they have the brass neck to say that I am a member of an Evil Click.

56 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    What a filthy corrupt stinking shithole I live in.

    Do they want to arraign him or not? Have they changed their minds?

    What the Hack?

  2. Bob says:

    What has happened to Joseph Muscat? I have not heard of him in weeks except for that Under Vest story…

  3. canon says:

    Two weights two measures!

  4. freefalling says:

    No worries Daphne.

    The Evil Clique or better still the jealous and ignorant circle of friends were voted in on the 9th of March.

    We have already a clear picture of what is to happen and matters will only get worse with the passage of time as they have no idea on how to manage basic issue let alone a country.

  5. Frank Scicluna says:

    You have always been so particular about the English language Daphne so what do you mean by “What the Hack”?

    AND did you mean an “Evil Clique” instead of an “Evil Click” in your final sentence?

    Are you rattled by some chance?

    PLEASE let me have your thoughts BEFORE deleting this comment.

    [Daphne – Please keep up, Frank. You’re either bloody slow or not a dedicated reader of this blog. ‘What the hack’: . ‘Evil click’: the way people like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando pronounce ‘clique’. ‘He’s not in our click’. ‘We’re going out with the click.’ & c & c.]

    • gil says:

      Frank, it’s also worth noting that Daph publishes all comments, not just those that she likes. Socialists, for example, find freedom of speech hard to understand, hence why they assume and accept that their their comments will be censored.

  6. Edgar says:

    After 5 years or more attacking Gonzi PN there is no doubt that Dalli will get away scot free, more so with this new police commissioner.

  7. bornslippy says:

    i gues its ex-commissioner Rizzo you should be asking that question to!

  8. Another John says:

    Ghax waqt l-amministrazzjoni precedent tal-PN, il-PN kien imexxi il-gvern u il-PL kienu imexxu id-dipartimenti. Issa, il-PL imexxi kemm il-gvern kif ukol id-dipartimenti. Semplici.

  9. Yanika says:

    On a different, unrelated news, SDM, the PN leaning party contending the KSU elections at the University of Malta, got the majority of votes, electing all members to the council.

    Some faith was restored in the Maltese nation at last!

  10. old-timer says:

    They have no answers to your fool-proof remarks.

  11. Botom says:

    John Dalli will definably get preferential treatment. He was a permanent guest on One TV before the Dalligate saga criticising Lawrence Gonzi.

    To put it mildly, he gave a modest contribution to the PN’s defeat so now it’s payback time. Joseph Muscat will do everything possible to try to appease him.

    Of course they will not dispatch police officers to his home. Instead they will probably deliver a good bottle of champagne with a welcome note from Prime Minister Muscat.

  12. mandy says:

    Yes you are.

  13. EVC says:

    Mhux hekk ghandhom isiru l-affarijiet bil-mod u bil-kalma, dejjem ma min iridu.

    Heqq, l-ewwel jistudja l-kaz imbaghad jiehu passi. Dejjem hekk sar fi zmien il-Labour barra meta kien ikun hemm xi frame-up, iktar kienu jsiru l-affarijiet bil-mod u bil-galbu.

    Qed nghid hekk ghax verament ma nixtieq li jsir deni lil hadd.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Norman Lowell gave his support to Joseph Muscat because he is convinced Muscat will send all illegal immigrants back to North Africa, as per his credo, or Credo. His acolytes, especially the extremely prolific Stephen Farrugia, are just as deluded.

        Now that Labour has duly swept to power, the boats keep coming, and the policy hasn’t changed. Hence the hu go fik.

  14. Manuel says:

    This is a true ongoing scandal under this present administration. Of course Dalli returned to Malta because there was a change in government. Mhux ovvja, jew? Tghidx ma giex Malta biex jivvota fil-leadership tal-PNQ.

    The Police Commissioner should take immediate action and interrogate him. Dalli is definitely using the present situation to try and get out of the damage he caused to himself.

    No wonder the previous Police Commissioner was removed: he was waiting for Dalli to land in Malta and he would have been there to escort him from the airport to the Depot.

    Malta Taghna Lkoll u Debono is mum on this ongoing criminal act.

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    At least they came with an arrest warrant, Daphne. Probably because the blues were still in power and followed the book

    Last time the reds were in power, in 1996, three CID thugs jumped me, bundled me into an unmarked cruiser, took me to Floriana, interrogated all night by the then Police Commissioner, John Grech, thrown into the Floriana lockup, arraigned the next morning, no bail, then straight to prison until trial.

    No arrest warrant, no lawyer, no phone call, nothing.

    Can we expect similar treatment from the current administration?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      I apologize to John Grech, that would be George Grech, Police Commissioner.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      If they did, you’d be in for a tidy bit of compensation.

      By the way, what did they say your ‘crime’ was?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        They sure did. Compensation? No chance. Won’t live that long.

        Charged with bribing the Prime Minister, Sant. Punishment was to be 5 years in prison, then deported.

        Acquitted at trial.

        Will fight the reds to the death for the sake of my Maltese grand children. Such a scary, immoral, unethical bunch, sadly, now back in power. All downhill now.

  16. gianni says:

    SDM just rolled over Pulse in this year’s elections at university.

  17. Last Post says:

    You have a point (as usual). John Dalli can wait. The Minister for Justice and the police can wait too. So can Joseph Muscat and the whole Malta Taghna (l-Laburisti) Lkoll ‘movement’.

    Dalli was, after all, part of the proverbial furniture at SuperONE with his scathing criticism of the previous government and Dr Gonzi in particular.

    You, on the other hand, were a thorn in the side of and his ‘movement’. You didn’t have an investigatory file from an EU agency against you, and that takes time.

    On the home front such things can be hatched and dealt with with alacrity, especially on the eve (literally) of an election which all polls indicate you are going to win.

    The Police Commissioner, his Minister and the whole ‘movement’ can wait for John Dalli but they will not wait for you, a mere journalist – albeit a ballsy one at that – or for the people ‘in a position of trust’ who run the Administration.

    It’s in Labour’s DNA, as Mangion would have put it, to apply the “one weight, two measures” principle.


  18. Ix-Xifajk says:

    Forward looking Labour


    (Doi PRs)

  19. Gahan says:

    Instead of having the Broadcasting Authority serving the public we have the public patiently waiting for a service .

    Read the “Maltese” logic by laurent caruana :

    B. Storace
    Why can’t maintenance be carried out during the night ………..???

    Reply to B. Storace

    Pamela Hansen
    My thoughts exactly.

    jason cassar
    it started during the night !!

    laurent caruana
    Isek qed tghid kanna tinqasam matul il-gurnata u sewwieh bil-lejl. Bravu kif tirraguna B.Storace

    Laurent Caruana must be an expert in customer care! He left me without words!

    Mulej hudni ‘l-boghod minn hawn!!

  20. ray meilak says:

    A police investigation does not have time, the quicker the gathering of evidence the better the investigation and the results towards justice, is it possible that the Malta Police still need to be taught the First 48 Hours Rule ?

  21. Alf says:

    But, Daphne, you are not John Dalli (and God forbid that you were). And, above all, John Dalli has a medical certificate stating that he cannot undergo psychological and stressful times, which I do not think you had.

    The new Commissioner should tell what he told his interviewers on TV to the marines. Is his case less serious than what they claimed that yours was? Different weights and different measures depending on which side one butters his / her bread.

  22. kev says:

    You got it wrong all along. There is no evidence to charge Dalli in court. That was clear from Day 1, but you are too blind to discern the facts. I cannot blame Dalli for not trusting Gonzi and his goons with an investigation that aimed not at exposing the truth, but at pinning him to the wall.

    May I suggest you stick to hjata and tisjir, Daphne. Ghax ic-cucati li tghid m’ghadhom idahqu lil hadd.

    [Daphne – Hello Kevin. Nice picture of your wife in a red vest with two of her brothers at Jeffrey’s pad – why weren’t you there too? ]

    • maryanne says:

      From day 1, you say? Do you know something we don’t?

      “I cannot blame Dalli for not trusting Gonzi and his goons..” Whom do you trust, kev?

      • kev says:

        I trust my senses when I hear an amateur like Kessler deliver a press conference in the spirit of a water leakage investigator.

        I trust the anti-tobacco MEPs who are supporting John Dalli in his quest to expose Barroso and the tobacco lobby for what they are.

        I trust the various analyses and reports exposing the lies, inconsistencies and concoctions that have been the hallmark of this case, shrouded in secrecy.

        I would have a few good things to say about Lawrence Gonzi, but surely his conspiratorial ways against the person he had himself nominated in the first place betray many flaws in his character.

        [Daphne – It is just typical of you, kevin, to focus on the flaws in Lawrence Gonzi’s character in this big issue about the flaws in John Dalli’s character.]

      • maryanne says:

        @kev – If it is as you say and Dalli is so innocent, what happened to his eagerness to be tried in court so that he proves his innocence?

      • kev says:

        Not at all. Gonzi is largely irrelevant to me and I’m not even a Dalli fan.

        I will not delve into the minutiae of the Dalli case, certainly not here. Suffice to say, however, that unlike you I always read both sides. This case has ‘ensnarement’ if not ‘entrapment’ written all over it. And I repeat: it was clear from Day One – the day Kessler delivered his garbled message.

        [Daphne – All right, Kevin, let’s accept your view. Next step: ask yourself why the European Commission would have wanted to ensnare one of its commissioners. Because it wanted to get rid of him. Why would it have wanted to get rid of him? Perhaps because he moved from Malta to Brussels but didn’t change his behaviour? As I wrote when he was appointed: we exported our problem.]

      • kev says:

        Perhaps, Daphne, there is too much about Barroso you don’t know. But Barroso’s questionable action is no surprise to me, given the power of the tobacco industry.

        What amazes me is that people who believe to be rational and knowledgeable would believe that Dalli could have thought he could gain €60m for something he was not in a position to deliver. That’s NOT how it works, and Barroso knows this, hence his shiftiness all along. He reckoned that given Dalli’s fame he could bully him into resignation and silence.

        Let’s also not forget who gained by this. You see, while Barroso and OLAF played the violin, billions of euros were NOT lost as a result by those who conspired against Dalli.

        Gonzi, by the way, directed the local orchestra.

        [Daphne – Oh for heaven’s sake, Kevin. You can’t possibly be that naive. In your keenness to find yourself a conspiracy theory, you miss the most obvious explanation: that the EU Commission probably knew that Dalli was up to the same things he was probably up to (and I say ‘probably’ only for legal reasons) back in Malta. We exported our problem and they kicked him out. It’s not really about the 60 million, is it.]

      • kev says:

        ‘Naïve’ is what best describes your argument. If it’s not really about the 60m then how do they figure?

        It’s really about the tobacco industry being very unhappy with Dalli and finding convenience in his notoriety. That’s the bottom line.

        [Daphne – Notoriety doesn’t come out of nowhere, Kevin, and as a former police officer, you know that. Can you imagine doing the same thing with Tonio Borg? Why would they even want to or bother to try? That man was up to something in Brussels just as he was forever up to something in Malta, including trying to sell the government of Malta a power station made by a company which he served as a consultant, while EU Commissioner, and then working to strike a deal with the Opposition instead, a deal that involved going on the Labour Party’s television station repeatedly to run down the Maltese government – as EU Commissioner. How do you think the EU Commission felt about that? That alone was a resignation/removal matter of the highest order. The man is disgusting. He should never have been given that important position. There was a very significant risk that he would present a problem to the EU Commission and in fact, he did.]

      • kev says:

        Notoriety doesn’t come out of nowhere, true, but you miss the point. Every case has its own merits. In this case, that same notoriety is what attracted the tobacco company to mess around with Dalli through one of his former henchmen.

        Yours is a completely Europhile argument. It assumes that the EU Commission comprises of angels, if not demi-gods, who can do no wrong. But Dalli is small fry compared to these people. Dalli has made his millions and has got his contacts. He does not need a former stooge like Zammit to net him a cool 60m for pie in the sky.

        Grow up, Daphne. And take those blinders off your eyes.

        [Daphne – Kevin, my dear, if you are going to set about telling women to grow up, I strongly suggest you start at home.]

      • kev says:

        To hopefully conclude, your argument, simply put, is: Dalli was known to be fiddling around and this embarrassed Barroso to such an extent that he had to clutch at straws to get rid of Dalli. The 60m is irrelevant. The conjecture that Dalli was fiddling, along with his notoriety, is the basis of your argument.

        This is not what I saw. What I saw was an initially reluctant Dalli take the post of Commissioner very seriously, gradually building up on his knowledge and doing a fine job indeed (evidenced by various MEPs’ comments).

        But for the sake of your naïve argument: it was Gonzi who embarrassed the former Maoist commissioner, Barroso for nominating Dalli in the first place.

        Why did Gonzi propose Dalli? We all know the answer to that question.

        [Daphne – He shouldn’t have proposed him, and he shouldn’t have sent him. It was wrong on several counts and for several reasons. But I said that at the time so nothing new here. It seemed to me at the time to be the equivalent of getting rid of a housemaid you suspect of thieving by recommending her for a job in a friend’s house.]

    • La Redoute says:

      No evidence, eh? Then why didn’t the legal-procurator-turned-criminal-defence-lawyer-turned-police-commissioner say so rather than saying he will speak to John Dalli meta jasal il-waqt?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Hey Kevvy. So happy you’ve emerged from the lagoon. Still got your mermaid’s tail?

  23. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    I have a good idea how you must feel Daphne. The police turned up at my door without a search warrant. They spent four hours turning my house upside down and terrorized my wife and 11 year old daughter in the process.

    They did not find any evidence but took me to the depot despite the fact that I was suffering from a kidney stones attack and under the influence of strong pain killers.

    I was questioned for hours. I had to be taken to hospital for treatment while under arrest. I was kept overnight in a filthy rat infested cell in Msida police station.

    The following day I was again taken to the Police depot, questioned for long hours and had to spend many hours giving handwriting samples while under the influence of strong pain killers.

    On that day I was so ill that they had to bring a doctor to attend to me and give me stronger pain killers.

    I was finger printed and photographed, humiliated, had my human and civil rights breached and left without proper food for the time I was under arrest.
    The following day I was charged despite the lack of evidence and arraigned in court.
    After four years of court proceedings I was acquitted of all the charges that John Dalli brought against me. He did all this to my family and me to cover up his involvement in the Daewoo scandal.
    Of course I do agree with you that a deceitful plonker like John Dalli gets treated a lot better than you and I by the Malta Police.
    I made many allegations about John Dalli but he was never investigated. I do not make any allegations unless I have evidence to support them.

    The Labour Party has given John Dalli a platform to whinge and whine on many occasions. He has been getting the red carpet treatment for a long time.

    I am sure that you did not get treated that well either. Yes, that is the type of police force we have in Malta.

    Please do not edit this if you intend to publish it. It would be spoiled if you did.

  24. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    I have a good idea how you must feel Daphne. The police turned up at my door without a search warrant. They spent four hours turning my house upside down and terrorized my wife and 11 year old daughter in the process.

    They did not find any evidence but took me to the depot despite the fact that I was suffering from a kidney stones attack and under the influence of strong pain killers.

    I was questioned for hours. I had to be taken to hospital for treatment while under arrest. I was kept overnight in a filthy rat infested cell in Msida police station.

    The following day I was again taken to the Police depot, questioned for long hours and had to spend many hours giving handwriting samples while under the influence of strong pain killers.

    On that day I was so ill that they had to bring a doctor to attend to me and give me stronger pain killers.

    I was finger printed and photographed, humiliated, had my human and civil rights breached and left without proper food for the time I was under arrest.

    The following day I was charged despite the lack of evidence and arraigned in court.

    After four years of court proceedings I was acquitted of all the charges that John Dalli brought against me. He did all this to my family and me to cover up his involvement in the Daewoo scandal.

    Of course I do agree with you that a deceitful plonker like John Dalli gets treated a lot better than you and I by the Malta Police.

    I made many allegations about John Dalli but he was never investigated. I do not make any allegations unless I have evidence to support them.

    The Labour Party has given John Dalli a platform to whinge and whine on many occasions. He has been getting the red carpet treatment for a long time.

    I am sure that you did not get treated that well either. Yes, that is the type of police force we have in Malta.

    Please do not edit this if you intend to publish it. It would be spoiled if you did.

  25. Wilson says:

    Of course you are part of the clique. The same clique that doesn’t fall for everything that we are meant to swallow.

  26. pm says:

    Is-saga ta’ Franco Mercieca jaghti diversi certifikati lil Gvern ta’ Dr Lawrence Gonzi.

    1. Ma nafx kemm ghandu eta Franco Mercieca izda jidher zghir bizzejjed biex juri li studja l-Univesita fi zmien il-PN meta kien fil-Gvern, u beda jaghti l-istipendju lil-istudenti u mhux is-self li ried jaghti il-Gvern Laburista. B’hekk Franco studja minghajr xkiel.

    2. Dahal jahdem fl-isptar Mater Dei bla dubju minghajr ma l-gvern Nazzjonalista qadtx jara jekk hux laburist jew nazzjonalist.

    3. Franco Mercieca jghid li hu uniku fix-xoghol tieghu: certifikat iehor tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista li qabbad l-ahjar imhuh fl-isptar Mater Dei: ghal kullhadd, dawk li jistghu jhallsu kif ukoll ghal dawk li jifilhux ihallsu.

    4. Min qieghed jaqra jqabbel dan ta’ hawn ma kif mexa il-gvern laburista li ghandna bhalissa. Nehha lil Franco Mercieca mill-isptar, jigifieri skond l-istess partit, nizzel il-livell tal-kura. Mhux hekk biss. Min irid jinghata l-ahjar kura, dejjem skond Mercieca, irid ihallas ghaliha u jmur fi sptar privat. Jigifieri dejjem skond il-gvern socjalista ta’ Muscat, inkisret il-weghda li l-kura medika tibqa b’xejn.


  27. Higgins says:

    Let’s hope that Dr./Mr (?) Zammit will solve the mystery of the death of the 2 young men who lost their lives in the early hours of New Year’s Day 2012. After all the British solved the mystery of the remains of Richard 111 six hundred years after his death.

    • David says:

      I am sure the police had investigatd thoroughly the new year’s day murder. However the police must continue investigating all unsolved serious crimes.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Show me the money, David, show me the money.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Check AX Holdings annual report. Go to ‘miscellaneous expenses’. Ask a shareholder to demand an itemized breakdown.

    • David says:

      However the British police have not yest solved the Jack the ripper murders.

  28. Oh mah gawd says:

    “I know that John Dalli is in Malta,” the Commissioner told his interviewers.

    No shit, Sherlock! Jaqaw xtrajt it-Times u qrajt l-artiklu?

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