Are these Farrugias going to be the cabaret for the next five years?
April 7, 2013 at 10:08pm
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Yesterday, he thought that he solved the problem. Today, we know that he hasn’t.
Does that mean that he had NO plan?
Kollox ‘under control’ x’cuc hu Joe Cassar, issa ghandna li Jeffrey sorry Godfrey u ‘l Marlene! X’hin qal li m’hemmx kju, in-nies fehmet li jistghu jibdew imorru jinqdew l-emergenza.
Tajba din: qalulom biex ma jdahhlux mobiles maghhom waqt il-laqgha. Mela mhux jafdaw lin-nies taghhom issa?
Godfrey dahal fil-bir tas-skieken(tac-civil) diga. Dalwaqt jispicca zugraga.
Ghandu l-Chris Fearne u nofs tuzzana ohra jippretendu li jghidu huma kif ghandha titmexxa l-isptar.
Is-sens komun jghidlek li meta jigi xi hadd jiehu l-prosit ta’ xoghol li jkun ghamel haddiehor li ma giex rikonoxxut, allura dawn ta’ l-ahhar jibdew jigu jaqghu u jqumu mill-problemi tax-xoghol u jiehdu l-attitudni ta’ “Issa jigi l-Ministru u gbintu u jsolvuhom huma l-problemi. Mhux hekk qal fuq it-televixin? Mela hallih jghassad”.
Lil Dr Michael Gonzi ,(hu Lawrence) kieku qatt rajtu jindahal fuq kif ghandu jitmexxa x-xoghol.U Farrugia ghadu bil-kemm rifes l-ghatba u diga qed jiftahar ghax m’hemmx kjuwijiet, haga li kwazi hija impossibbli ghas-servizz eccelenti li jtuk il-Mater Dei.Is-sodod ghal-emergenza zdiedu ghax inbnew kmamar apposta fi zmien Joe Cassar. Jekk jonqos il-livell tas-servizz , in-nies tibda tmur ghand il-privat.
Mhux ghax nixtieq id-deni , imma nistennew sa meta tidhol ix-xitwa u naraw jekk ikunx hemm kjuwijiet.
Is there a ministry for health and a ministry for emergencies?
The Farrugias seem to be an accident waiting to happen.
Luckily, Marlene has already had to leave through the emergency exit.
I’m definitely booking my tickets early for the Christmas Panto this year.
From the first words of your sentence, I thought Godfrey introduced some type of ticketing system for the Emergency Department.
Yes people were asked to hand in their mobile phones before being allowed to speak to the minister.
I guess people who were experts in using unauthorized hidden recordings are now paranoid that it will be done to them.
Spot on!
The silly asses didn’t even think that there’d be some who carry a spare phone, did they?
Believe it or not, I have six.
Hasbu l-Mulej ghandikun dan. Isolvi l-problema ta l-emergenza billi jmur sa l-isptar. U billi ghamel ufficcju hemm. Dilettanti, foloz.
He should set up his bedroom there, not only his office. Should be useful in case of an emergency.
L-ghannejja will now be composing songs to praise the Farrugias’ miracles at the Emergency Department of Mater Dei.
Ah, yes, cabaret, also known as burlesque. A musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of ‘serious works or people’.
This guy and his partner have become the caricature ‘brunt of the month’.
Who’s next?
And how can one explain this?
It seems Farrugia has never worked in the emergency department. Those of us who have know that on Easter Sunday and Christmas day the number of persons visiting A&E is relatively lower than usual.
The reasons for overcrowding at A&E are many, and impossible to solve in a couple of weeks – his statements on One TV show that (1) he is a rookie politician (2) he still does not understand what the real problems are (or he thinks everyone else is stupid).
The Farrugias including their driver seem they haven’t read protocol. When sitting on the rear of the vehicle according to protocol, the Minister sits on the left-hand side and his spouse/partner on the right-hand side of the vehicle and not the other way round….. Unbelievable. Tajt ma solviex il-problema ghax mar il-Ministru f’emergenza.
The Health Minister’s driver is Marlene Farrugia’s cousin.
@ Mark – U din x’marret taghmel mieghu ?
The Film Commission should start promoting Malta for the next blockbuster hospital TV series. Emergency 36,000 or Accident 39 would be suitable titles for such series.
Godfrey Farrugia may be a very well-respected GP but as minister he has proved himself to be rather naive, so far.
I think since Dr Farrugia has joined the Labour ranks he has lost all type of reason.
He should know that the waiting time over the Easter weekend was short because the weather had warmed up and resulting in less acutely ill especially elderly.
He should know, from his previous GP work, that when the temperature drops you have a big wave of admissions because of hypthermia, especially the elderly.
Hekk, hu go fik, JPO
Five years of ministri playing doctors and nurses minn fuq darhna.