Can these jacks-in-the-boxes settle down?

Published: April 30, 2013 at 9:01am

The Times reports this morning that Labour MP Marlene Farrugia, who’s been popping about ever since somebody got the bright idea of making her co-health minister with her boyfriend Godfrey of the same surname, will be standing for election to the European Parliament next year.

This means that, if she is successful, she will have to give up the seat in the Maltese parliament which she has just been given by the electorate.

Fellow Labour MP Joe Sammut will be doing the same.

Honestly, how do these people work out that it’s all right to behave like this? You win your constituents’ trust and their vote, persuade them that you are the best person to represent them in the Maltese parliament, then after a year you b**ger off and say, “Look here, I can’t be arsed to do this anymore. I’ve found a better-paying seat with many perks, in another parliament.”

17 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    The ex-shadow for energy and the ex-shadow for transport.

    The fifth district with only one minister eh? To think the PN used to have three on cabinet.

    Bit of a deja vu this.

    Obviously Muscat will pack them off to Brussels to save face.

    Ma tarax.

  2. Last Post says:

    Daw’ in-nies veru ma jafux jisthu!

    Ghandna tmexxija u rapprezentanti eletti (u mhumiex) denji ta’ pajjiz tat-tielet dinja.

    Din l-imgieba flimkien mal-hatriet oxxeni li saru u qed isiru ma jistghux hlief iwasslu, naqra naqra (ftakru fis-snin ta’ Mintoff) ghal tensjoni socjali u r-rovina ta’ dak li nbena fil-25 sena li ghaddew.

    Fil-kaz ta’ Mintoff il-poplu dam 10 snin biex induna bl-ingann. Jekk tghallimna xi haga minn dak in-nhar ‘l hawn, kemm se jdum il-poplu biex jinduna bl-INGANN ta’ din id-darba?

    • lo squalo says:

      Kellu l-itwal kampanja elettorali biex jinduna bl-ingann il-poplu Malti. Kienet cara daqs il-kristal x’kien gej aktar ‘il quddiem. Issa il-poplu jiehu dak li ried, hasra li jrid ibghati maghhom kulhadd. Il-froga kull ma jmur dejjem tikber.

  3. Liberal says:

    Ah, but perhaps they contested the national elections only to test the waters, to see whether they are electable for the more financially rewarding European Parliament elections.

    The other Malta.

  4. just me says:

    In all honesty, I am not surprised at anything that has happened since the elections. The writings were on the wall before the elections for those who wanted to see.

    And this is only the beginning. The worst is yet to come. With such incompetent idiots running the country, I predict we will be facing really huge problems within two years. Malta, unfortunately will have become another Cyprus.

    And the sad thing is that all of it could have been prevented, had the PN won the elections. The best for Malta was yet to come with PN still in government and Dr. Gonzi as prime minister.

  5. mark says:

    Skont kliema minn wara l-elezzjoni ‘l hawn, nahseb illi Dr. Marlene Farrugia diga spiccat bil-banda ma’ Joseph Muscat.

    • ciccio says:

      I told you so. Her ‘resignation’ from her ‘voluntary post’ must have been the result of a phone call from Castille by Mr. What The Heck himself.

  6. Wilson says:

    These people really think that those who preceded them were there just for financial gain and status. They should change their name to the Amateur Labour Party. They must be the poorest of the European socialist club.

  7. Toni says:

    L-onor ministru miskin ha jkollu part-time partner issa ……

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    Obviously they have the national interest at heart.

  9. Helen says:

    Ara kemm se jibki izjed Godfrey jekk tmurlu Brussell, miskin.

  10. WhoamI? says:

    Issa habba l-parlament Ewropew ha jitlef il-mahbuba ukoll, mhux ga tilef il-pazjenti minhabba l-parlament Malti. Ha jerga jibki xi bikja.

  11. carmel says:

    Ninnota li certi difensuri tal-Malta Labour Party irtiraw mix-xena politika ghax m’ghadhomx jiktbu l-kummenti taghhom. Probabbli indunaw li Joseph Muscat u shabu dahku bihom. Povra Malta Art Twelidi.

  12. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    She has obviously realised that she has no future in Maltese politics and is looking elsewhere for the power. Ajma how transparent these people are and how completely lacking in grace.

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