Lydia Abela (nee Zerafa) consolidates her territory
April 30, 2013 at 2:04pm
Lydia Abela nee Zerafa, a Labour Party senior official who is married to the president’s son, Robert, isn’t content with leaving marble plaques at Verdala Palace to mark the baptism of her dynastic child at the palace chapel, while her husband and her father-in-law publicly, and with just the sort of poor manners you would expect, insult the man, Lawrence Gonzi, who made that possible.
She has installed one of her sisters, Darlene Zerafa, in the presidential office as private secretary to her father-in-law the president and controller of the Malta Community Chest Fund.
Now she has had another of her sisters, a teacher called Alison Zerafa, appointed to the board of directors of Transport Malta.
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Separate issue:
The comment below was posted by one of your ‘admirers’ on the TMI website today below the story of the hapless parker.
James Alexander Tyrrell says:”I have never understood why people especially women seem to have such problems carrying out this simple procedure.”
Given his general opinion on women, it comes to no surprise that he dislikes you. He is literally intimidated by you.
Our friend James seems to be happy as contrary to what he used to say that is he will criticize any government should there be the need. He seems to have gone into hibernation since the PL were elected.
Dr Gonzi made two huge mistakes during the last legislature: (1) mishandling the divorce issue which had repurcussions beyond the referendum, and (2) the appointment of Gorg Abela as president, which not only gave credibility to the Labour Party, making it acceptable, but also to a wolf disguised as a sheep, apart from the repurcussions within the PN that this appointment caused.
The appointment of George Abela as President was definitely a mistake.
Not only because Dr. Abela had never been a “person of the State”, but especially because Dr. Abela had contested the leadership of the MLP against Joseph Muscat, and lost.
He should therefore have been left within the MLP to create internal divisions within that party. Joseph Muscat would never have been able to lead that party, and he would have had to deal with his own Frankie, Jaffrey and Jasmint.
That merits another marble plaque at Verdala Palace, surely.
Don’t think you need university or higher degrees in education to get a well paid job ( for doing hardly anything ) as long as you know or are related to the right people.
I get the willies whenever a new appointment is announced.
So much for all those evil cliques and oligarchies they went on about.
Not to mention the continued repetition of ‘willingness to work with everyone’ irrespective of party loyalties.
I don’t know why they bother going on about this, when anyone with half a brain can see how hollow the whole thing is and Labourites don’t expect Joseph to behave any differently (and defending his words with JPO and the other one, of all people).
Obviously, Labour’s ‘tagħna lkoll’ took a leaf out of the book of the pigs in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.
Kulhadd jahtaf kemm jiflah, li ma jmurx jispicca kollox u ma jkunux hatfu bizzejjed – u dan ghadhom anqas xahrejn ma ghaddew minn meta hadnu ir-riedni tal-pajjiz f’idejhom.
U iva, mhux imbilli jsiru l-appointments, issa naraw kemm ha johrog gid.
Minn dak jinteressani. Ghadni qed nistenna, iktar flus fil-but, rohs fid-dawl u ilma, il-Bill Boards f’mohhi ghadhom.
S’issa, donnu ma nbidel xejn.
All in the family. And these are the same people who had the cheek to call the Nationalists arrogant and full of nepotism. Shame on them all.
So the President has now joined the MALTA TAGHNA BISS brigade.
Malta Taghna Biss.
It’s always been like that with the Maltese socialists/labour. Their envy knows no bounds.
They accuse the P.N. of corruption and arrogance but all they want is to show the P.N. what being corrupt and arrogant really means.
In the seventies corruption was institutionalised and become part and parcel of labour governance.
They grumbled about queues at hospital but happily joined queues to get a TV set or a telephone. Now we have queues at ministers’ doors to get favours. And the ministers like it.
They thrive on the adulation of the ignorant who think the ministers “love” them – when all they want is to show how powerful and magnanimous they are. This is still happening in this century – even after years of free secondary and tertiary education introduced by the P.N.
This shows that what really matters is the values that the family instils in its members, the value of a person’s worth, self esteem and working to reach your goals without having to beg for what is rightly yours.
And the most valuable of all the – ability to reason and think things out for yourself and not kowtowing to anyone in authority but respecting that authority without abandoning your judgement..
And now, former(?) Sisley sales girl and Herrera groupie extraordinaire Doreen Sciberras apparently has a job at the Manoel Theatre too.
I think the controller needs to control herself first.
Seeing how ‘adminstrative mistakes’ caused tension and landed her as mayor.
Pretty much a clan these Zerafa. Party first, party later.
Day after day it is becoming more of a klikka klikkun and less of a moviment.
Perhaps they meant that a huge klikka is a moviment.
Could be.
Taghna lkoll u min jiflah ihawwel, jghid il Malta.
U ihawlu qeghdin , u x’kull zokk.
Ma nafx jekk min ivvota Labour li kien ivvota lil PN qabel mhux iddispjacut li qieghjed jara dawn l-affarijiet fil- gvern .
Jekk iddispjacuti tahseb li ser jammettu?
How many more appointments to go? At this rate all PL supporters are going to be on government payroll, that is paid paid by the taxpayers.
Heard the latest about Yana Mintoff? A consultant for the ministry of social solidarity on poverty. Now this really takes the biscuit.
This is one of the few appointments to the ‘moviment’ that I agree with.
Who else to advise on poverty if not Yana Mintoff ?
From rags to riches.
From living in a hovel at Il-Bastjun to a fortune of hundreds of millions of euros in the space of sixty-odd years.
All in the name of Socialism and Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
And Yana Mintoff consultant on poverty. Her contract is still being drawn up. Honoraria to be forwarded to her favourite charity?
It will probably be the same charity that her late unlamented father channelled all his millions to.
I hope someone’s a) keeping count and b) recording names, so that PN can get the billboard ready in good time: “Dawn gawdew miljuni fuq dahrek. U int x’hadt?”
The entire Abela family seem to be led by the nose by Lydia Zerafa, including the president.
Mother Yana of Bormla:
On a different topic. Yana Mintoff has been appointed as a consultant on the policy on poverty within the Ministry for Social Solidarity. I thought that her father had eradicated poverty. Pathetic.
One sibling to go….
Gonzi’s appointment of Gorg Abela was well-intentioned. But Abela showed his true colours as soon as he took up office by surrounding himself with Labourites even sacking the volunteers who helped previous presidents on the Community Chest Fund.
How can a country with a population less then Sheffield’s, an area of just 100sq miles, with no natural resources, possibly afford all this?
There will come a time when this will no longer be possible, and then the repercussions will be very hard on the whole of Malta.
It has already happened in other countries around us, and if anybody thinks that we (Maltese) are some chosen race, with special genes, superior to everbody else, then we are doomed to crash, and crash we will.
The sums just do not add up.
U biex inkunu veru qisna tal-grocer…il-boyfriend ta Alison Zerafa huwa d-driver tal-President.
U r-ragel ta’ ohtu Victoria huwa ic-chief of staff tieghu.
All in the the family ghal ta’ Herrera.
The Maltese do not deserve anything better.