No wonder Anglu Farrugia zipped it after that interview in The Sunday Times

Published: April 13, 2013 at 7:18pm

Anglu Farrugia_Joseph Muscat

Farrugia explained that in order to fulfil his duties in the best possible way, he had severed all ties with the Labour Party and gave up his legal profession.

“In recent months I had a lot of time for reflection and I realised that I would be happier to give my all to the role, with complete loyalty and dedication to the highest of institutions.”

– Anglu Farrugia, quoted by Malta Today

So he was promised the position of Speaker of the House way ahead of the general election. Nice.

49 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Caruana says:

    This government is so fired up with contradictions.

    On one side of the spectrum we got a health ministry that was still practising it-tabib tad-dar a few weeks ago. While here we got a speaker who states that he won’t be doing any other legal work.

    Does this shows that Joseph doesn’t care how the selected few carry on their work? Or that he uses a variable measure depending on whom’s beef he’s measuring?

    • Dorothy says:

      You’re right. This doesn’t tally at all with when Anglu said he was stabbed in the back 6 times pre-election.

      I don’t think he had been offered the position of speaker pre-election. Anglu’s far too stupid to have reacted the way he did.

  2. Grezz says:

    Next one … Jason Micallef. What’s he up to? He’s still blowing One’s trumpet online.

  3. Min Weber says:


    He left the profession because he was always a hopeless lawyer.

    Never had the ability to zero in.

    If he were a camera, he would produce only blurred photos.

    • David says:

      You can ask the colleagues of Dr Farrugia. Dr Farrugia was an established and respected lawyer.

      [Daphne – Oh, indeed, David, indeed.]

  4. xdcc says:

    On another subject, well done to DLH and NTM.

    If you want to remain credible when taking a stand, stay away from NGOs with hidden agendas. No prizes for guessing to whom I refer.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Well done? You must be joking.

      The change in direction being carried out by Joseph Muscat was promised in the electoral programme so I don’t know what the NGOs expect – they should have forcefully spoken up BEFORE the elections, not now.

      Nature Trust, in particular, is in no position to complain as its President enthusiastically praised the PL electoral programme, saying that the society was overjoyed (ferħanin ħafna) with the PL’s promises.

      On the contrary, the proposals in the PN’s electoral programme meant that a PN government would be “an accomplice to illegalities”. He actually used this phrase.

      It is too much to expect the Nature Trust President to resign from his post as it is also his job and, to quote Minister Coleiro Preca, he has a family to feed. It is obvious, however, that the NGO can never be credible while he remains in charge.

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    Silence of the elephants! If only we could have a Clarice Starling.

  6. george grech says:

    Kemm hu injorant – kixiflu sormu lil Joseph

  7. TinaB says:

    Of course he was.

    That’s why all of a sudden he went quiet, before the elections – and his mother suddenly stopped venting her anger on Facebook, and elsewhere, too.

  8. tracy says:

    Mela tajjeb, Anglu halla kollox warajh sahansitra lanqas mhu jipprattika il-professjoni tieghu biex jistudja bir-reqqa l-Erskine May, filwaqt li shabu l-ministri ghadhom jipprattikaw il-professjoni taghhom.

    Joseph Muscat kien qal li kull hmistax kull ministru kellu jaghti rendikont ta’ xogholu……tghid x’inhu jghidilhom fuq il-ksur tal-kodici ta’ l-etika ? Mid-dehra z-zieda li inghataw il-ministri ma kienitx bizzejjed biex ghadhom jaghmlu x-xoghol li kellhom qabel. Kulhadd ghal pajjizu jahdem.

  9. Cod says:

    meta indunaw li ha jikxef il-borma bl-intervista fit-Times, ghalqulu halqu bil-weghda li jpoguh speaker.

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    We should all be relieved and pleased. House decorum will now reign.

  11. Neil Dent says:

    How thick, Maddunna!

  12. Angus Black says:

    It was all a grand act.

    Now I wait with bated breath what Jason Micallef’s new endeavour will be.

    Will he be hired back at One TV?

    Will he be offered some government job? After all some of his former underlings have been so rewarded, why not him too?

    With Labour, anything is possible.

  13. WhoamI? says:

    This is no surprise.

  14. bob-a-job says:

    That shouldn’t stop reporters hounding him for the names of contractors he said had taken over his Party.

    Malta unfortunately seems to lack real investigative journalists.

    I’m not expecting a Pulitzer Prize winner but we DO need a number of journalists, prepared to work without hidden agendas and willing to hold those in power accountable.

    Investigative journalism is, after all, critical for the upholding of a true and just democracy.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Hey bob! There’s only one on the rock..You’re commenting on her blog at the moment.

    • math says:

      Let’s wait for the Whistleblower Act, shall we?

    • gil says:

      Hence why we are here. Sorry, completely unnecessary sucking up.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      It’s not easy to find such dedicated individuals harbouring a secret death-wish on the rock.

      One notices a dearth of ‘ investigative journalists ‘ in banana republics and communist/ex-communist states and, indeed, one has to have a one-way disregard for life and limb to ‘ investigate ‘ too deeply on this paradise island.

    • Manuel says:

      Well, Joe Mifsud was very famous for his “investigative journalism” when the PN was in government and also, and especially, during the 22-month of Sant’s government. he even published a book about the then ticketing-machines. Now he has a golden opportunity.

  15. ciccio says:

    More specifically this explains also why Joseph Muscat did not consult with the Leader of the Opposition about the position of Speaker, and why Muscat did not choose to appoint a Speaker from the benches of government.

    The obvious conclusion drawn by many is that he was offered that position and he had to shut up.

    But do we know if he asked for it instead as the price to keep his mouth shut?

  16. Grace says:

    This is new and transparent Labour. A real con-act.

  17. aidan says:

    You had enough time to reflect and meditate in the Malvinas.

  18. nev says:

    The person on your right is the same person who according to the person on your left metaphorically shot at in cold blood the same person on your left. But as they say time is a great healer.

  19. Gahan says:

    So he had a whole three months to study Erskine May.

  20. Min Weber says:

    The House’s rules, the Standing Orders need an overhaul, Farrugia added as he hinted at changes in the time allocation for MPs, which should move towards the European Parliament model which only allows deputies to address the Parliament for three minutes.


    Welcome the dictatorship.

  21. AE says:

    I just read your column the The Malta Independent. Am I understanding correctly that Robert Abela is legal advisor to the Developer’s Association and MEPA?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  22. Zunzana says:

    Every man has his price. Notwithstanding that one is stabbed in the back, everyone’s opinion and support can be bought. It seem that Angelo’s mother whining and moaning have not been in vain.

  23. RF says:

    The President has spoken:

    Joseph should take the hint and make a public apology to the President for embarrassing him and insulting the PN with his immature and crass behaviour.

  24. Carmelo Micallef says:

    “You let go of mine and I’ll let go of yours.”

  25. Darkwolf says:

    This idiot doesn’t even know how to lie effectively.

  26. ciccio says:

    Oh look, the Finance Minister is already suffering from “anger” after only 3 weeks in government.

    What’s this, a sign of exhaustion by the Professor of Mintoffianomics?

    Love this opening paragraph:

    “Finance Minister Edward Scicluna protested to Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem president of the Eurogroup, after he compared Malta and Luxembourg to Cyprus.”

    I have to say, I admire him, because now he is saying that Malta is no Cyprus.

    But isn’t that very, very strange? Just a couple of years ago, his Leader, Joseph Muscat, wanted us to be LIKE Cyprus.

    “Between 1999 and 2003, the Maltese GDP was 80 per cent that of the EU average, but it had now deteriorated to 77 per cent.

    In contrast, Cyrpus, a competitor country with many characteristics like Malta, had seen its GDP vis-a-vis the EU averagerise from 89 per cent before EU membership, to 98 per cent now.

    The average income of the the Maltese workers compared to the EU average had also deteriorated, while that in Cyprus had gone up.

    The employment rate in Malta remained the lowest in the EU, and had fallen back further this year with the labour force contracting by 571.

    At the same time, inflation here had again started growing faster than in the eurozone. Apart from the water, electricity and gas bills, which saw the Maltese paying 18 per cent more than in, say, Cyrpus, Malta was also seeing its food prices rising much faster than in mainland Europe.

    The fact that in Malta, energy bills were much higher than those in Cyprus showed that the Maltese were not paying more because of the high price of oil, but because of the high price of incompetence, Dr Muscat said.”

    • maryanne says:

      It’s not a sign of exhaustion. It is an answer to Tonio Fenech’s strong reprimand.

      Do you remember when Scicluna came back to boast that he was so pleased to be sitting near the German Finance Minister. U Tonio tah hasla bil-pulit fuq Net TV.

  27. Randon says:

    I cannot understand what Joe Mizzi is up to in oil exploration.

    For the past 2 days One TV keeps blurting as a headline the ‘news’ that MOG will drill a well in the early quarter of 2014.

    This ‘good’ news is being portrayed as an achievement of Joe Mizzi since his appointment as minister for oil exploration. Nonesense!

    The company responsible for the drilling is actually Genel Energy that aquired 75% of the share of Area 4 from MOG. It is recorded in the Genel Energy website from BEFORE last month’s general elections that the company intends to drill a well either late this year or early next year.

    If anything, Joe Mizzi’s appointment as minister seems to have delayed the well to next year! Who is he trying to fool?

  28. rjc says:

    Wonder though what has zipped Marisa Micallef (Leyson).

    Would she be on some list of ‘favourites’ for some post?

  29. Edgar says:

    A survey on MT results that De Marco is the most popular with PN voters. Very obvious that the PL prefer De Marco as they don’t want Busuttil to be leader as Simon would definitely be the better leader

    • maryanne says:

      Even MaltaToday, through Raphael Vassallo and Saviour Balzan are rooting for Mario de Marco. He is the best option, they say.

      Qalbhom tahraqhom ghal PN.

  30. ciccio says:

    It is heartening to see that circus operators are seeing a bright future in Malta.

    Maybe the Joseph Muscat Cabinet & Co can submit an application. J DalliBA and Silvio tal-Imqaret can lend them a hand.

    The Economist (and that’s the weekly publication, not Joseph Muscat, because he is not an economist) was right: Send in the Clowns.

  31. gege says:

    Qrati tal-poplu update:

    ‘ readers want ARMS CEO to resign’


  32. trapezoid says:

    On another subject I refer to the statement made by James Debono in his Maltatoday blog:

    “Leo Brincat’s decision to appoint a committee to investigate the Sant Antnin permit EIA is also welcome, considering the damning contents of a MEPA audit office report unofficially released before the 2008 election.”

    The mistake being committed by James Debono is that he is taking the draft audit office report to be gospel truth.

    It is likely that the report was drafted by the then-investigating officer of MEPA audit office, Carmel Cacopardo. Just months later, Cacopardo published the draft report with the specific intent of gaining political advantage in the general elections of 2008. This clearly suggests that Cacopardo was biased when he drafted the report and that he had every interest to depict the government of the day in a bad light.

    So if an investigation is to be carried out on the Sant Antnin plant, the investigation should also look into the audit office’s draft report, as a minimum, to determine whether or not that report can be relied upon.

  33. Mister says:

    More dots to join, in the power station saga?

    Anthony Valvo heads new Arms Ltd board.

    and Mr Valvo is the Treasurer of the Maltese Chinese Chamber of Commerce

    It’s getting better by the day. The puzzle gets more elaborate.

  34. Moi says:

    Dan mhux dak il-membru l-gdid tal-MEPA Board?

  35. H. Prynne says:

    Maduro in Venezuela calls the Opposition divisive and has asked those who had not voted for him to “work together” for the country.
    Remind you of someone?

    Chavez is dead, long live Chavez…

  36. judy says:

    Were are you dearest? I am lost without your words :-)

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