Oh for crying out loud – milk the power-cow a little more, will you?

Published: April 30, 2013 at 9:30pm

Yana and Toni

In response to a question put to her in parliament by Nationalist MP Marthese Portelli, the Minister of Social Policy, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, has been forced to divulge information which that bunch of freeloading bums probably hoped to keep concealed.

The Labour Party’s deputy leader Toni Abela, who was taped speaking of his involvement in a cover-up of alleged drug-dealing at the Hal Safi Labour Party club, has been engaged by the Minister for Social Policy to provide legal services to her ministry. His contract “will be drawn up in the coming days”.

Now if that appalling level of friends-of-friends-nies-tal-partit bumming is not enough to make you sick after all that Labour said and did, brace yourself for the next one.

Dom Mintoff’s multi-millionaire daughter (she and her sister are his heirs, and even before he died they were selling off tracts of land to developers for several million euros), the failed electoral candidate Yana Bland, has been engaged by the Minister of Social Policy as a “consultant on poverty”. Her contract, too, will be “drawn up in the coming days”.

Mamma mia. This lot’s approach to government is pretty close to the stampede at Lidl when the cheap barbecues come in.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    One step closer to ineptocracy

  2. carlos says:

    Fadal izjed min jerda flus il-poplu.

    • Observer says:

      Fadal izjed – hafna izjed. Bil-mod il-mod qed johorguhomna.

      Kollha tal-istess pezza, tibzax, xbin.

      U jerdghu tafux – fl-ahhar jibdew igergru ghax sabu l-hofra. Imbaghad daqshekk “ahleb Guz”, izda “ngerrmu l-ghadam”.

      Jew diga’ nsejthom dawk il-famuzi frazijiet tal-Perit salvatur.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    They are like predatory ants, streaming out excitedly from underground and swarming over every crumb of ‘food’ they find.

  4. Ghost Buster says:

    Malta taghna llkoll, hemm xi bicca ghalija?

  5. Giraffa says:

    Il-hnizrijiet li ghamel il-Partit Laburista fl-ewwel hamsin jum huma tal-misthija. Vera kaz ta Malta Taghhom kollha.

  6. ciccio says:

    Well, who is better qualified than this MintoffYana to advise on how to turn persons into rich millionaires?

  7. CIS says:

    Employed Labour leaning with jobs, get assigned here and there with good contracts 24K yearly for part-time and the unemployed Labourites get nothing. How’s that for Malta taghna lkoll?

  8. anthony says:

    Poor Malta Taghna (not ilkoll).

    Reminds me of Magritte’s Le Viol.

  9. Allo Allo says:

    New Labour gives a new meaning to ‘Ahleb Guz’

  10. Frans Cassar says:

    To think what a ‘vote for change’ can do…

  11. Village says:

    Tal-Labour xalata shiha bi flus il-poplu. Hsiebhom wiehed biss, kif ser jahtu kemm jifilhu. Majjalata papali gejja.

    • ciccio says:

      And this is being done while they are still thinking like an opposition. Imagine what they will be doing when they start thinking like a government.

  12. vichy says:


    Ha jdumu jivvintaw posts ghal hbieb tal-hbieb?

  13. mark says:

    Ara fliema stat gabuh dan il-pajjiz dawk li riedu il-bidla. Misshom jisthu dawn in-nies. Ghalkemm nahseb illi veru qed jisthu ghax mill-elezzjoni ‘l hawn, kull ‘Nazzjonalist’ li kellimt, Alla jbierek, hadd ma qalli li ivvota PL.

  14. canon says:

    Tghidli qalbi li dalwaqt nispiccaw bil-bailout qabel L-lItalja.

  15. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    I see Muscat has been in power for two months and he has already stopped listening to the people. He has completely ignored their decision to put her aside by not voting for her and has brought her in through the window.

    • gil says:

      Yes but she is the daughter of a world hero. Malta ta l-eroj kollha.

      Sorry Daph I can’t think of anything to say anymore.

      They are going in the direction I thought they would go.

      Bailout within two years.

  16. Gahan says:

    I think Nikita Alamango’s directorship at Water Services Corporation sums it all up.

    It is also worth mentioning Ms Sladden’s unceremonious removal from ETC to put the Haz-Zebbug Mayor and “independent” RTK commentator, Alfred Grixti.

    They’re like a hungry crowd stampeding to a buffet table, some of them forget to pick up the utensils while others start eating directly from the dishes.

  17. jaqq says:

    What about ex MPs such as, Gavin Gulia, Anthony Zammit, Noel Farrugia…….aren’t they going to be ‘thanked’?

  18. VF says:

    I recall Muscat saying that Toni Abela will be providing his consultancy sevices FREE OF CHARGE.

    Now he’s the Minister’s (for Social Policy) legal advisor, I would really love to see all these engagement contracts put on the table.

  19. canon says:

    Joe Grima is doing his best to get his iced bun although I doubt whether the sugar in the bun does him any good.

    But there he sat in a good position, not to be missed by Joseph Muscat during the PL conference. You could read it on his face saying that he is waiting for his bun.

  20. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Emperor Joseph knows the Maltese electorate well. He knows jolly well that all this rubbish will be forgotten come the next election.

    • Observer says:

      We may soon hear a little voice, coming out from a crowd of spectators, with “But, mummy, the emperor has no clothes”

    • gil says:

      You’re wrong.

      The Maltese won’t forget it. It’s worse than that. They find it normal, they expect it and fully embrace it.

      Corruption, nepotism and clientelism is inherently Maltese.

  21. Kevin says:

    The following post was taken from today’s Times report on the change in MCA’s chief:


    Antonio Ghio questions the legality of his ‘requested’ resignation. I do not know whether Mr Ghio is right. However, he has the right to challenge this request.

    Yet the Labour elves spew sick comments :

    “Today, 09:37
    who wants to resign from a cushy job. But 36k spoke, and resign you must. people did after all voted you out, and not a party.”

    I find this kind of thinking scary.

  22. maryanne says:

    It is scary all right but it is ignorance of all things political and institutional by the majority of the electorate.

    Just look at how they are criticising the PN for not accepting the consultancy role in the economic committee. The Emperor knows he can twist things to his advantage exactly like Mintoff used to do.

    And then they want ‘the people’ to decide on the changes in the constitution.

  23. J. Borg says:

    Appointing Mintoff’s daughter as consultant on poverty has to be the ultimate insult to the poor. I mean, is Joseph Muscat doing this on purpose, or is it an uncontrolled stampede with all of them totally clueless?

  24. J. Borg says:

    This is the way Laburisti see things. Disturbing? Not to them! What fufa forget to mention is min qed igawdi — all those in the ranks of the Labour Party, regardless of competence, experience, relevance, etc..

    Posted by: fufa— 30/04/2013 18:38:57

    Tal-PN iridu jifmuha darba ghal dejjem. Meta GonziPN kien jiggverna kienu l-ftit (il-klikka)li gawdew u meximxu kemm felhu. Issa bl-ghajta ta Malta taghna lkoll qed igawdu hafna iktar nies. Issa x’fija hazin din. Minn ivvota PL dan hu li stenna, xejn inqas u xejn izjed. Issa l-PN ghandha d-dmir li tikkritika lil min ma jaghmilx xoghlu sew.

    (cut and pasted from http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/Political-appointments-dominate-Parliamentary-sitting-20130430)

  25. Alexander Ball says:

    You didn’t vote for Yana?

    Tough horse-shit, you’re getting her anyway.

  26. taxxu says:

    maaa kemm huma cute….keeping everything in d femily

  27. Fejn hu Dr. Bezzina, dak li tant hu delettant tac-crieki fic-crieki? M ghadux jara crieki issa f bahar ta nepotizmu?

  28. Joseph Borg says:

    I am sure Mrs Mintoff Bland is the right person for the job. She has first hand experience therefore she is expert of how to be a millionaire and live in poverty (and live in misery or better still ‘to live ta qammiel)

  29. AE says:

    Labour really do have a sense of humour don’t they – a millionaire as a consultant on poverty, and being paid for it too.

    How about readdressing the balance and giving back some of the millions her father funnelled away whilst he was supposed to be on a modest salary as servant of the State.

  30. Dawn in-nies irridu jgibu f’buthom dawk il-liri u issa euros li kieku hadu minn fuq il-kaxxa ta’ Malta Taghna Lkoll.

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