Pseuds’ Corner: Philosophy 101 with Etienne Grech

Published: April 18, 2013 at 12:55am

Etienne Grech 1

Etienne Grech 2

Etienne Grech

30 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    What if there are two doctors in the room?

    Examine and discuss.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It had need every doctor was like Doctor Etienne !!! He saved many members of my family and has personal touch! Always ready to help and come near bed of sick! Shame on you Daphne etc. May God bless Doctor Etienne etc. and all who save Maltese and Gozitans etc.

    [Daphne – I think you may have touched on the real root of the problem, H. P.: shamanism. Your average Maltese still doesn’t get that medicine is science. We’re in magic shoelace territory here.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      How d’ye think fireworks are made? You mix the red powder and the blue powder in a mortar, add a few drops of holy water, and mix thoroughly while waving a magic shoelace for protection. Science was invented by the eevil english. We have our own ancient, small and proud ways may gotbless Malta etc.

      I never bought that Luger, or those cyanide capsules. Perhaps I should have. I think I’ll post my passport to Peppi Azzopardi first.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Incredible crap. But, what would one expect.

  4. maryanne says:

    He forgot to tell us if he gets paid for such an emergency. Dan kif lahaq tabib.

    • Futur mill-aghar says:

      I’m sure he’s not stupid. It’s the Roderick Spiteris and the Manuel Ciantars of this island, the ones who applaud whatever crap they’re fed that are the stupid ones. And there’s no shortage of them, it seems.

  5. La Redoute says:

    It looks like lots of people collapsed in private hospitals when Franco Mercieca was around, just like many people collapsed at Brown’s pharmacy when Godfrey Farrugia happened to be passing by.

    Etienne Grech is right. So many people are collapsing all over the place, doctors can’t cope so we need to draft in ministers and parliamentary secretaries to lend a hand.

  6. Kevin says:

    If you are the only doctor in the room and happen to be a Minister, you have a choice between two rules not one: following either the Ministerial code of ethics or the Hippocratic Oath.

    Therefore, some rules take precedence over others.

    • ACD says:

      I’m sorry, but this is bollocks. Anyone can perform first aid. You do NOT need to be a doctor and Ministers are not forbidden from performing it. In any case if you collapse you don’t need an ophthalmologist.

    • Kevin says:

      ACD, let me clarify please:

      What I intended with my comment was that the statement “there are no hard and fast rules” is idiotic and lacks logic.

      In reality there are at least two sets of rules, the hippocratic oath and the code of ethics (rather than only the ethical code of conduct).

      In cases of emergencies the hippocratic oath takes precedence. In all other cases, a Minister is bound by the ethical code and cannot (plus should not) practice. That is, your statement applies.

      Mercieca had a choice between running for office and continuing his practice given the ethical code of conduct. His choice was clearly framed within a formal set of rules. Now, he is stamping his feet because he cannot have his cake and eat it. He forgets the adage: One cannot serve God and Mammon.

      I believe that Muscat’s call for reforming the ethical code is a mask: he wants to give his friends permission to continue in private practice and carry out ministerial work. Essentially, he is saying ‘conflict of interest’ and ‘ethical practices’ are bullocks because they don’t earn us money and power.

      Hope that clarifies – I know my original post wasn’t at all clear. Sorry.

  7. kram says:

    Etienne, mhux ovvja li fil-prezenza ta kas ta emergenza intix ministru jew le ghandek id-dover li taghti l-ewwel ghajnuna!

    Anke jekk mintix tabib ghandek id-dover li tassisti.

    Il-kaz tal-ministru u s-segretarju parlamentari huwa li dawn kienu qieghed jahdmu fuq kazijiet li bl-Ingliz jghidulhom ‘elective’ u dan taf x’jfisser li int tabib.

    Imma dan saret il-mantra tal-Lejber, inbellghu ir-ross bil-labra, tahsbu li kulhadd bahnan.

  8. Min Jaf says:

    A natural for a role in an updated version of a spaghetti western – the guy in the pink hat.

  9. Tabatha White says:

    For the perverted logic of the snake-oil artist to infiltrate at every level, chaos and miscommunication are the necessary first steps. When one arm doesn’t know what the other is doing, when dust in the eyes becomes the daily pigeon feed, then muscles will be flexed where none will see and one will cover.

  10. Josette says:

    Wonder how people can continue using his services after seeing that last photo. If anything, I would question his judgement (and good taste).

    And his argument would be valid if a doctor who is a minister/parliamentary secretary helps in an emergency. That would be the very least he could do. But here we have a parliamentary secretary treating his position as a part time job.

  11. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Oh great, the maxim that rules are there to be broken.

    What an example of stability.

    What a bunch of amateurish clowns who bullshitted their way through a population of similar goons.

  12. Francis Saliba says:

    All doctors are under a legal obligation to give immediate emergency treatment.

    That is a very hard and fast rule that always binds doctors, even parliamentary secretaries.

    Emergency treatment MUST be given promptly without waiting for any unnecessary, unique, individualised waiver from the Hon. Prime Minister authorising a doctor to fulfil his medico-legal obligation so as not to fall foul of any inapplicable parliamentary code of ethics.

    • La Redoute says:

      Franco Mercieca isn’t dealing with emergency cases. Godfrey Farrugias wasn’t, either.

      • Francis Saliba says:

        That is precisely why Dr E Grech MP argument is foolish. Even in the different case of medical emergencies quoted by him there is no need for waivers because that emergency treatment is already sanctioned by law.

  13. Bubu says:

    Has nobody ever taught him how to smile (or how to think for that matter)?

  14. Catsrbest says:

    With doctors like these… Is he totally nude in the second picture trying to imitate the ‘Full Monty’? U kif jaqtaghlek l-aptit f’dak ir-ritratt.

  15. ciccio says:

    What picture is that? A shot from Miss Universe?

  16. Dez says:

    I’ve already had enough of these people! How I wish to slip into a coma, and come out of it in 2018.

  17. S.A says:

    This is the biggest circus in town packed with professional clowns.

  18. mattie says:

    I just love it when people make fools of themselves on Facebook.

  19. ron says:

    Under Labour, ignorance flourishes and the stupid are exalted.

    More is to follow.

  20. Gahan says:

    “Mr Mercieca initially sounded reluctant to discuss his decision but then said: “Two years ago, when I decided to accept Dr Muscat’s invitation to contest the general election, it was clear I was choosing politics over my profession; that I was choosing more responsibilities over money.”

    I was choosing more responsibilities over money.

    Who in his right senses would believe that, coming from a Gozitan?

  21. Johannes says:

    “There are no hard and fast rules in this world”.

    Yes there are Etienne, and they’re called laws. If every accused person argued the way you do, the whole legal system can be flushed down the drain.

    And please stop trying to be too clever by half. No one was referring to emergency situations where you’re the only doctor around. I despair.

  22. old-timer says:

    SA – not “professional” clowns but just clowns

  23. The phoenix says:

    A f**king twat. M’hemmx kliem iehor.

  24. JCS says:

    This guy used to spend hours on mirc chat. I remember him putting up his photos and sending them to people. I think he is a doctor. He stil seems very much the same. Now he discovered Facebook to bare it on there.

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