Spot the Bored Tenor competition

Published: April 24, 2013 at 12:53pm


Joseph Calleja sang in Paris for an audience that included our prime minister. But you’d think from this photograph that they’d been invited to listen to the other Joseph.

Meanwhile, the famous one is gazing longingly through the window somewhere at the back, like somebody wishing the priest would put a sock in it and get his sermon over with.

42 Comments Comment

  1. MojoMalti says:

    What happened to the white podium?

  2. ciccio says:

    Can’t spot the tenor, but can see a lot of bored faces in the orchestra.

  3. AE says:

    One Joseph who has brought a nation together proud that he is a son of Malta. The other who has once against instilled division on this tiny island of ours. No prizes at guessing who is who.

  4. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat can’t make a short speech without the podium. On this occasion he is using a musician’s tripod.

  5. vic says:

    After listening to the great Joseph: dalle stelle alle stalle.

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    Is that a portable podium I see before me?

  7. Alexander Ball says:

    Sacre Bleu.

    Who eez dis chubby Mussolini lookalike and what utter bollox eez he warbling about, mon dieu. Either sing or get off ze pot.

  8. il-Ginger says:

    I can spot at least 3 people who are considering offing themselves, but here is what you did not spot.

    Joseph’s 2 o’clock. Not the guy wondering whether he needs to buy a carton of milk on the way home, but two rows up, to the right.

    There he is, in all his splendour, showing us what he thinks of Joseph’s magnificent speech.

  9. Makjavel says:

    Can we know what he was barking about?

  10. Mario says:

    “Hbieb, Parigi taghna ilkoll.” Fqajtni Daphne bid-dahk. Wicc il-membri tal-orkestra qiesu qed jghidu “Dan minn iz-… hu?”

  11. COD says:

    Why there is an extra seat in the aisle? Was JM really invited or were they forced to move seats to accommodate him?

  12. Anon says:

    Spot the musician who’s picking his nose and the other one who’s biting his thumb in desperation.

  13. Joseph Muscat's Stand-up Performance says:

    “O la la. Which joke shall I crack today, the one about my undervest, or the one about the British blonde who swam half way through the channel, was scared by the remaining distance, and swam back?”

  14. bernie says:

    X’kien ezatt l-avveniment? Joseph Calleja jaghti kuncert li ghalih attenda l-Prim Ministru? Jew diskors tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat b’Joseph Calleja jimla’ l-pawsa b’intervent operistiku?

    Jidher li ghad-DOI kien aktar importanti l-intervent tal-Prim Ministru mill-fatt li Joseph Calleja rega’ ghamel unur lil pajjizna b’esebizzjoni ohra ta’ livell. Jekk l-ahbar ewlenija kienet is-safar tal-Prim Ministru ghal dan l-avveniment, allura l-ghazla tar-ritratt hi kompletament zbaljata u tinsulta lit-tenur Malti.

  15. Martin says:×348.png

    [Daphne – Very nice. One for the silver frame in the salott. Now FFW 10 years…And please, don’t be so easily impressed.]

  16. kev says:

    Everyone was amazed at the uncanny resemblance between our prim tenur and our prim minur.

    At one point they couldn’t tell between the two, and were it not for the final High C Joseph could have pulled off an aria without anyone noticing.

  17. jeremy says:

    Dawk kollha Maltin?

    kif qed jifmuh?

    Jew miraklu iehor?

    Niftakar fi Brussel bil-Malti kien jitkellem!

  18. Il widna says:

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

    Eddy Privitera
    T.O.M. Today, 15:28
    Marlene Prosit ! Ara kemm se tghir ghalik Daphne !!!!!!!!!!!!

    joseph green
    Today, 15:47
    Imma kif dejjem trid iddahhal il konfronti , Eddy.

    As usual Eddy, pathetic, so so pathetic.

  19. Harry Purdie says:

    Little Joey’s campaign strategy was to misinform, mislead and make up stuff. Got him the PM’s job, so why not continue?

  20. village says:

    A bored tenor and an equally bored orchestra.

  21. Victor says:

    And doesn’t everybody look so interested in what Muscat is saying?

    Take a closer look at the poor musicians.

  22. Calculator says:

    Poor Joseph (Calleja, of course)!

  23. ciccio says:

    “In comments to the press following the meeting, Hollande endorsed Malta’s economic and banking systems, saying that while they have established themselves as economic, touristic, and cultural havens, Malta is not a tax haven.”

    “This is because you have a statement from the leader of one of the largest countries and who are most involved in the leadership institutions of the European Union,” Muscat said.

    “He is saying that France does not see Malta as a place where those seeking to evade tax run to but as a legitimate place for legitimate investment,” Muscat said.

    Dear Dr. Muscat, your socialist European friend Monsieur Hollande can say whatever he likes.

    It is your duty to tell him that Malta is not a tax haven. It is your duty to tell him that we are a touristic, economic and cultural haven thanks to the Gonzi government.

    As it turns out, it is the French government appointed by Mr. Hollande which is a tax haven, because its Ministers have been hiding their fortunes to escape the French taxman.

    If Mr. Hollande is having trouble with his popularity at home because of the tax evasion by the Ministers appointed by him and because he is unable to deliver the “change” which he promised (like you did), he has no right to distract the French people by blaming the tax havens.

  24. Dorothy says:

    Joseph Muscat is reported as having given his speech in French.

    No wonder all the members of the orchestra are either sighing, yawning or just looking plain bored. As someone who learnt the language I’m really eager to listen to his pronounciation.

  25. billy goat says:

    What’s with that bloody pose again? He’s like standing at ease. That’s not the way to stand when addressing an audience. As the Maltese saying goes, “Bniedem bla grazzja”.

  26. MP says:

    Daphne, what is your opinion on having a Labour (alleged) fraud representing Malta in the European Parliament?

  27. Housewife says:

    L-aqwa li l-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta b’saqajh miftuhin berah.

  28. A. Charles says:

    Calleja must be yearning for the 5th September 2013 when he closes this year’s Proms at the Albert Hall where he will sing arias from Verdi as the lead artist.

  29. Gahan says:

    It looks like everyone is bored, the body language of the whole orchestra is telling.

  30. cikku l-poplu says:

    Yesterday Eddy Privitera said that you are jealous of Marlene Mizzi because she became an MEP.

    Today Marlene had given him the answer herself that there is nothing to get jealous for because she don’t even know what “Objective One”stands for.I think with her ignorance gave the answer he deserve.

    [Daphne – The trouble is that these people measure everyone by their own yardstick. They regard becoming an MEP as ‘wasalt u sirt nies’ and think that I need/want that kind of thing too. Their social ignorance is just incredible.]

  31. Wara ser jidhaqli xi wahda wara li kien fajjar sitt tiri kontra il-kugin tieghi. says:

    Joseph Calleja, the tenor of world wide fame, is probably wondering : ` what on earth am I doing here being forced to listen to that jerk Joseph Muscat who had ganged up with that horrid Franco Debono against my cousin Carm Mifsud Bonnici .

    Issa probabilment jidhaqli xi wahda wara li kien fajjar sitt tiri kontra il-kugin tieghi fil-Parlament.

    U mur l`hemm kif dejjaqtni u xebbajtni `.

  32. Mark says:

    Tafu li fuq it-Times Of Malta, hafna mill-kummenti li jirreferu ghal-Joseph Muscat bhala l-imperatur qeghdin jigu mibdula jew imhassra?

    It seems that PL does not like our dear leader being called our dear Emperor.

  33. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Is he making a speech with his hand in his pocket?

  34. Dorothy says:

    Is the prime minister just swelling up or what? He needs to pay attention to his diet and to his stress levels.×348.jpg

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