The Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform has spoken to Malta Today
Debono also recalled reporting to Castille that he suspected his mobile had been tampered with. “I remember people telling me they receivied SMSs from me when in reality I would have never sent the SMS,” he said.
“I harbor no negative feelings against Gonzi and I wish him well and a speedy recovery. I am now looking forward to reconciliation and I am ready to forgive him for all the pain I was forced to go through.”
In the interview Lawrence Gonzi said he was losing sight in his right eye.
In an SMS he sent to Gonzi on 10 March Debono told him, “despite all the harm you caused me I forgive you”.
Right, so we are expected to believe that Franco Debono’s phone, which is forever glued to his hand, ear or both, was somehow tampered with long-distance to spontaneously send messages, vicious or otherwise, to the then prime minister.
I suspect Debono genuinely believes he didn’t send those thousands of messages to Lawrence Gonzi (he sent hundreds to other people, too). I think the man probably has severe psychotic episodes preceded by very visible physical agitation.
Let’s face it, when he voted against Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici in parliament last June, he was clearly heard to say ‘Ha hu go fik. Dak talli mort taqlaghli t-trouble ma’…’. But confronted with this just a few hours later by one of the newspapers, he said that he did not remember saying anything.
So now Law Reform and Constitutional change are in the hands of somebody who badly needs to see a psychiatrist.
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Does Muscat intend Debono to lead the camp in favour of the reforms during the referendum?
Or better, does he think Franco can be gently pushed aside?
Something to watch.
Dan m’hemmx fejqan ghalieh
Dan hu u l-familja tieghu biss ibatu. Haddiehor jiehu go fih u ma jimpurtax.
His phone was never tampered with. Franco does not care about messages he sent to Dr Gonzi. He is only paving the way for a ‘just in case’ scenario if embarrassing or compromising messages are made public.
A psychotic case study. Experts can actually write papers on this guy’s state of mind. Amazing. His mobile has been tampered with. Miskin.
Do you think that Lawrence Gonzi has any doubt who sent him those messages?
Yeah, that’s right, get the poor bastard treated and spoil the fun for the rest of us.
What a barefaced liar he is.
No Minister wanted him as Parliamentary Secretary except the good Dr. Gonzi who has already earned his place in Heaven, at least for the patience of having to endure for years and years at Castille.
So we all know who needs forgiveness and surely it is not Dr Gonzi for the tolerance he showed towards this sick egomaniac. Kien it-tronku (mhux salib) li ghazel li jgorr Dr Gonzi.
He needs a good kick in the arse.
Go and f*** yourself, Frankie, together with your friend, the vindictive little twerp, JPO.
Skond il-medja tal-lum dan il-kummissarju tal-pulizija kien jhobb isawwat meta jarresta mid-dehra.
Nisperaw li tigi jccarata din l-ahbar jekk hi vera.
What an intriguing hypothesis.
If it were true that strong emotion occasions this man to experience some kind of psychotic break and loss of memory it would explain a lot of things, not least his extreme bitterness towards Dr. Gonzi.
Ho! ho! It’s a grand thing to be mad! to be peeped at like a wild lion through the iron bars–to gnash one’s teeth and howl, through the long still night, to the merry ring of a heavy chain and to roll and twine among the straw, transported
with such brave music. Hurrah for the madhouse! Oh, it’s
a rare place!
I knew I was mad, but they did not even suspect it. How I used to hug myself with delight, when I thought of the fine trick I was playing them after their old pointing and leering, when I was not mad, but only dreading that I might one day become so! And how I used to laugh for joy, when I was alone, and thought how well I kept my secret, and
how quickly my kind friends would have fallen from me, if they had known the truth. I could have screamed with ecstasy when I dined alone with some fine roaring fellow, to think how pale he would have turned, and how fast he would have run, if he had known that the dear friend who sat close to him, sharpening a bright, glittering knife, was a madman with all the power, and half the will, to plunge it in his heart. Oh, it was a merry life!
‘Riches became mine, wealth poured in upon me, and I rioted in pleasures enhanced a thousandfold to me by the consciousness of my well-kept secret. I inherited an estate. The law–the eagle- eyed law itself–had been deceived, and had handed over disputed thousands to a madman’s hands. Where was the wit of the sharp- sighted men of sound mind? Where the dexterity of the lawyers, eager to discover a flaw? The madman’s cunning had overreached
them all.
Taken from A MADMAN’S MANUSCRIPT found in The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
Ghandu l-mowbajl jaghmel il-megiks, kemm hu fortunat.
“Right, so we are expected to believe that Franco Debono’s phone, which is forever glued to his hand, ear or both, was somehow tampered with long-distance to spontaneously send messages, vicious or otherwise, to the then prime minister”
Remember that his phone rings even when it’s switched off. It could have been sending messages automatically. You never know, it could be some kind of cyber protest by the poor mobile phone.
He even received messages when his mobile was switched off on Bondi +
The thousand messages came as no surprise. From day one the realisation was that this man wanted too much too soon. What a crackpot!
It looks like Daphne’s predictions, as they often are, regarding Joseph’s grand plans for a Second Republic were right on the button.
Judging by the noises being made by the government and the president of the republic (who has lately been acting increasingly like a Labour Party spokesman), it seems that we are heading towards a referendum regarding changes to the constitution or the introduction of a new one.
Changing the constitution requires three quarters of the house of representatives voting in favour. The house of representatives represents the people. When three quarters of parliament votes in favour, it means that three quarters of the people voted in favour.
If the choice is decided directly by the people, the rules shouldn’t be distorted. The constitution should only be changed if three quarters of the electorate vote in favour.
Assuming that the Opposition opposes a constitution written by a madman, it would be perfectly right in voting against it in Parliament if less than 75% of the population votes in favour.
The EU and divorce issues only required a simple majority in Parliament to pass which is why a simple majority in a referendum was adequate. Now that three quarters are needed in Parliament, three quarters should also be required from any referendum regarding the issue.
There’s nothing wrong with holding a referendum regarding constitutional change but a referendum should not be used to bend the rules.
I think this point should be explained clearly and hammered home from early on.
Three quarters of the House of Representatives is equivalent to three quarters of the electorate.
The 75% rule is not a frivolity. It exists to make sure that there is VERY BROAD consensus regarding the issue and to make sure that minorities’ rights are not trampled upon.
To me, it is very clear and logical that any vote on the constitution requires a 75% vote in favour regardless of whether it is voted on by our representatives or directly by us but If this is not clarified and agreed upon beforehand, we are going to end up with a very bad case of deja vu in which both the ‘yes camp’ and the ‘no camp’ will celebrate victory. The former will celebrate because they have over 50% of the vote and the latter because they have less than 75% of it.
Ironically enough, the no camp will be right this time around.
Not to be pedantic, but Article 66 of the Constitution says “two thirds” which, incidentally, roughly translates to 66%.
Since there are currently 69 members in the House (excluding the Speaker), 2/3 is equal to 46 members.
I don’t want to seem unkind but I guess Franco’s sending all those emails to Gonzi was because of his severe OCD. Now, maybe because he is relatively young, he is managing to take the stress but eventually it will break him unless he doesn’t take the necessary treatment.
Franco Debono used to send hundreds of text messages to the Prime Minister, moaning that he should be given a Cabinet post.
He used to phone the Prime Minister whenever he felt the need to talk to him irrespective whether the time was appropriate.
One time I remember he phoned the Office of the Prime Minister and insisted on being put through to Dr Gonzi even though he knew he was in a meeting with US Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton.
Another time he turned up at the Office of the Prime Minister wearing a pair of shorts when the Prime Minister was in a meeting with Libyan Prime Minister Jabril.
It was Franco who caused so much pain to the former Prime Minster who had to keep up with his temper tantrums and insults throughout the legislature.
This could well be a case of abuse. Malta Today is cynically taking advantage of Debono’s psychosis and exploiting his mental weakness to further its own agenda.
Rather than campaigning for a referendum, the President of the Republic should see to it that this man relinquishes his position on the Constitution convention or whatever it is and that a suitable person is found for the job.
Instead, Frankie Tabone should be appointed as coordinator of the Cockstitution of Hal-Ghaxaq.
I have nothing but very deep respect and admiration for Dr. Gonzi. However I seriously believe that his reticence on what Franco Debono used to say to him via sms and his not divulging the contents of the messages (if they still exist) is seriously misguided and quite unfair for the people.
We, the people, have a right to know who has been chosen to reform our constitution. And Dr. Gonzi, as depositary of this information, has a duty to inform us.
The madness of the messaging alone is sufficient evidence of Debono’s state of mind. The content is mere detail.
Of course he remembers. He’s just trying the lawyerly last resort: “Jiena? Ma tarax!”
It’s impressive how he tries to turn the whole issue around on a dime and paint himself as the victim forgiving his tormentor.
Daphne, you conclude that Debono “badly needs to see a psychiatrist.”
I genuinely believe that, given his delusional behaviour and denial, he is beyond treatment. Somebody needs to intervene before he harms himself or somebody else.
[Daphne – ‘Before he harms himself or somebody else.’ He has done both already. How can you not have noticed?]
Daphne can i have your e-mail please
[Daphne –]
Didn’t Muscat promise that his ministers would hold a press conference every month?
What about the declaration of assets by the ministers and parliamentary secretaries? Did they get a waiver by Emperor Joseph on that too?
From the independent today:
Wasn’t Labour completely against covering the temples and poked fun at the Government about these tents for years? but now its “committed to honour its pledge of preserving and promoting historical and cultural heritage.”
U halluna.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
The PN should avoid anything which involves Franco Debono.
It is imperative that they do this from now on.
Nice one, little Joey. A deranged idiot forging a new constitiution for the nation.
Franco jmissu jisthi jinqeda bil-haiku biex ikompli juri l-mibeghda u hdura li ghandu ghal Lawrence Gonzi.
Dal-lejl bghattlu kumment fuq il-blog tieghu biex infakkru kemm id Alla hija twila u tista’ tilhaq lil kulhadd f’kull hin u mument.
Ghedtlu li mhux sew li juza l-haiku biex imbaghad, bhala moderatur, ihalli dawk il-kummenti kollha – hafna minnhom miktba minnu stess ghax juntuzaw l-istess kliem u argumenti fihom – mimlija hdura anki dwar il-problema li Gonzi zviluppatlu f’ghajnu.
Bhala moderatur il-kumment tieghi malajr tajru mill-blog, naturalment ghax ma kienx idoqq ghal widnejh.
Kif jista’ qatt il-PN jasal biex idahhal lura fi hdanu persuna li valuri baxxi bhal dan. Kif qatt jista’ l-PN jiehu sehem f’tahditiet dwar tibdil kostituzzjonali sakemm persuna b’tant valuri baxxi jibqa’ jmexxi l-kumitat imwaqqaf mill-Gvern. Le, le u le.
Il-PN ma ghandu qatt u qatt ikollu x’jaqsam aktar ma’ persuna li hlief hsara ma jaghmilx. Bniedem tal-misthija fejn diga’ qed ihallas ghall-hsara li ghamel u ghadu qed jaghmel.
Rubashev’s lament:
“We have thrown overboard all conventions, our sole guiding principle is that of consequent logic; we are sailing without ethical ballast.”
Franco was the first in line for the thirty pieces.
Carm symbolizes ethics. Franco is the direct opposite.
Labour’s first statement in fact, was their attack on ethics. A pity, if not a tragedy, that so many went down that same path.
A reflection on all the mindsets involved in the operation.
Not for nothing that the attack on Carm came first: ethics.
And the attack on RCC second: Intelligence and insight.
Anything is possible with a mobile phone that remains active when it is switched off as observed in a live TV broadcast.
Debono has also denied showing his form IIC report to Fenech Adami, calling the suggestion a “gidba fahxijja”, which more or less confirms that that is exactly what he’d done.
Dr. Gonzi was way too patient with those men. He suffered them in silence. And then Franco Debono says that he suffered.
Dr Gonzi should publish the important SMSs not that we don’t know to what extent F would have tried to destroy anything that was Gonzi being it his privacy, family moments and joy or important meetings.
What a sad killjoy.
What goes round comes around.
‘I am ready to forgive him’ Who forgives who? Irid ikollu wiccu ta’ karkur biex ilissen biss dan il-kliem. Fran warrab mix-xena u isthi jekk taf.
Cell phone “tampered with ?” Looks like an episode of ‘Person of Interest’. Dr Gonzi should make public all the SMSs
Franco, it’s you who should ask for forgiveness of those who you conned into voting for you.