The President’s PR advisers embark on a damage control mission

Published: April 22, 2013 at 6:44pm

damage limitation

And as generally happens with these things, the tactics involve the use of children. Having been submitted to an onslaught of much-deserved criticism over the last couple of weeks, some damage control was in order.

And so we have ‘Mela Darba Fil-Kastell’, launched at a press conference that very appropriately involved the heavy presence of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Spiru says:

    Let’s hope it does not end up like Literacy Week organized by the Education Secretariat at the Curia last week.

    A group of teachers worked so hard and decorated Verdala Castle for the use of school children, only to be informed on the Monday of the event that they have to relocate.

    • Making amends? says:

      The President doesn’t really appreciate invasion of HIS territory. This current offer must really be a sacrifice.

      • Victor says:

        A sacrifice? Why did he offer the palace in the first place? Our children from church schools were disappointed.

  2. Helen says:

    Iss’ ghandna biex niftahru
    Bil-President tal-Mickey Mouse
    li jghid li ma jridx izjed
    jaqra d-diskors lil House.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    That princess has really bad posture. And that gown is a shambles.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    Is it true Mickey Mouse has a President of Malta wristwatch?

  5. caflanga says:

    Will John Bundy be singing at the Kastell?

  6. Higgins says:

    Nisperaw li n-nies li gew imwegghin bl-ispeech tieghu ma jiehduhomx ghal din l-okkazjoni li hija mmexxija minn Laburisti maghrufa. Sewwa qalu li l-Palazz tal-president sar qisu kazin tal Labour..

  7. pale blue my foot! says:

    Too late Mr President….you screwed up big time and nothing you do will erase this big unforgettable stain on your presidency.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      He, and everything he stands for, or has anything to do with, has ceased to exist to my thinking.

      Sorry Strina charities, I’ll be giving it a miss this year.

      • P Shaw says:

        Give the money directly to the charities like id-Dar tal-Providenza without any fanfare and ego trips

      • gil says:

        There are heaps of other charities.

      • VF says:

        The charities should not suffer because of the President’s misdeeds!! I shall be donating to my preferred charity directly instead of through Strina :)

  8. Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

    Verdala Castle turned into Disneyland?

    John Bundy was right: “Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse.”

  9. David says:

    I am sure this activity was planned well in advace of the opening of Parliament. The current president is the most active president we have had, and I am sure his popularity is soaring. He shall surley be remembered as the best president we had.

    He was criticised unjustly by some persons for reading the speech from the throne. The speech is written by the government and this speech essentially reporoduced the government’s electoral programme. The president has no executive power and must respect the government elected by the majority.

    Other presidents speeches from the throne were not much different. There were presidents from a party different from that of government who read speeches criticising the government or party they formed part of and in the speech repeated pre-electoral slogans. As the President stated “I read the speeches of 1987, 1998 and 2008. No one can say that they did not include political slogans. No one can say the speeches were not political” .

    [Daphne – You are profoundly wrong on all counts. And so is the president.]

    • Observer says:

      I well remember this excerpt from Sir Anthony Mamo’s speech following Labour’s election in 1971. “Hadd m’hu ser ibezzaghna bil-babaw”.

      Dak ukoll kien President li jaqra’ kull ma jtuh?

  10. il-Ginger says:

    He does look awfully awkward. Captured in that way, tapping the tips of his fingers, wondering what the fuck he’s doing with his life.

    Keeping in line with the gossip/E! entertainment theme your blog sometimes tunes to, you have failed to admit, despite your interest in, that Joseph’s attire has really improved this time around.

    I’m really digging that hat he has on in the photo. Michelle must have had such a blast glueing that thing on. And those purple robes do a really good job of hiding his unmanly figure.

    Michelle should really wear a longer skirt with those stockings. It makes her look like a tart, but they must do the job, because they look genuinely happy with each other for a change.

    Gaudy in gold, but where’s the other twin?

    Did I go too far?

    [Daphne – Attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-persuni ta’ Mickey u Minnie Mouse.]

  11. P Shaw says:

    The President knows what a boycott is.

    Alfred Sant (when ABela was deputy leader) boycotted l-Istrina because it was produced by Where’s Everybody, and Gorg ABela’s first decision was to finish Sant’s job and ban WE from l-Istrina.

  12. Toni says:

    Qed issemhu lil Bundy, x’sar minnhu ghax lanqas l-programm ma ghadu jaghmel fuq Cartoon Network.

  13. C C says:

    Do the President and his staff know the value of Verdala Palace? I always have the fear of the harm and damage that is being done by doing such events. Can’t there be tours and cultural open days like there used to be with other presidents?

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